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Crewroom in Philly

That's good . .but of course, all companies have their share of slobs when it comes to breakrooms. I have worked with people in the past that are very anal about keeping their desks clean--but when it comes to breakrooms, they dont' seem to care. They feel "oh, we have janitors, that's their job" . .that's the same attitude some passengers have towards FA's.

Let me just state that the breakroom between F2 and F4 in F-terminal was used by Express for years until we took over running their bagroom, as well as running their connecting bags off of their flights over to A-West, B & C. The employees take care of it to the best of their ability, but it was already in real bad shape when we got there.
Let me just state that the breakroom between F2 and F4 in F-terminal was used by Express for years until we took over running their bagroom, as well as running their connecting bags off of their flights over to A-West, B & C. The employees take care of it to the best of their ability, but it was already in real bad shape when we got there.
Yeah, you guys take good care of it, but it is in bad shape.
phl crewroom is nasty but terminal f one is worse, smells like slut rock from downstairs. and no one has shoes on they just sleep there and sweat and smell bad then fly that way. vomit

The new crewroom under B12 will NOT have a sleeping room. It is also my understanding that it will be locked at night. Sorry to all those folks that "live" there, but you are being evicted!!!! 😀 Get a crash pad like everyone else.
The new crewroom under B12 will NOT have a sleeping room. It is also my understanding that it will be locked at night. Sorry to all those folks that "live" there, but you are being evicted!!!! 😀 Get a crash pad like everyone else.

well they'll probably wander over to F and tuck into bed with the Expressies and thier air matresses. seriously its ghetto but unless the airport closes some desperate souls will sleep there... philly doesnt shut down at night. dca does and people still slept there even though you couldnt go in or out security and cops wander the premises. phl i think has sexurity open all night.

so new crewroom at b12 is it just further down? same size?is there a crewroom in awest? nice to see crews getting something new
The new crewroom under B12 will NOT have a sleeping room. It is also my understanding that it will be locked at night. Sorry to all those folks that "live" there, but you are being evicted!!!! 😀 Get a crash pad like everyone else.

That is insane.

So, now crewmembers will sleep upstairs, in the passenger lounges.

Yeah, that will work real well........
Are you referring to the crew room right next to the US Airways Club in F?

I've been on my way to the Club and had that door open and it Smells. BIG TIME! Sorta like Feet.

Are crew allowed to smoke in there?


Someone earlier stated that the crew lounge was used by the polyglot airline known as Express. This may or may not be used by Mesa/wholly owned/Air Wisconsin/et.al.

The reason it was not kept clean was there was no "ownership" of that space, the occupiers knowing they could be working another airport the next week. Other airlines have different rules for smoking, trash and what constitutes "clean". It is one good example of why "outsourcing" really does not work over time as one cedes control over pretty much everything in order to outsource. You can put anything you like in a contract, but enforcing it with a single source contractor can be very expensive.

Time and again, when crewmembers complain about conditions in PHL, I ask if they "volunteered" during the bag debacle of Dec 2004. If so, I have offered to provide soap and scrubbing implements so that they can volunteer to clean up. I have yet to hear anyone taking me up on it, though it usually stops the complaining.

Sigh, I guess if they thought someone impotant were looking, they would jump right at it.
Since when did US Airways and the PHL airport go into the motel business?

Why given current security concerns should anyone even crew be allowed to stay overnight inside an airport? I'm confused?

They didn't. But, it will simply transfer the problem (that of crews arriving too late to get a hotel and having to work first thing in the morning) from a "hidden" area crewroom to right in front of the passengers.

Bob, I am not talking about those who "live" in the crewroom. I am talking about those who find themselves on the short end of the stick. They get in at 2 AM and must be bright and shiny at 8 AM. To go to a hotel, if they can find a room, involves getting a van (at 2:30 in the morning) checking into a hotel, getting up in the morning early enough to checkout, get a van in time for checkin for their trip, leaving about 3+40 sleep time. Versus simply laying down in a quiet area for 5+30 hours sleep. Don't forget, many crewmembers make as much as $30 per flight hour. One hotel, if one can get a good rate, will charge $55 per night. Likely that late they will charge $110, or about 10% of your monthly salary.

and, why would you be confused about crewmembers and security? You certainly did not connnect the dots on that one, did you? I mean, if you are worried about a security problem with a crewmember, I suggest you have major problems of your own.

Personally, I'd be extremely concerned with a crewmember getting insufficient rest, whether passenger or company.
Hopefully when the new crew room opens up there will be a quiet room. There should be some rules with it..as far as cleanliness. The quiet room now is not too bad..but..the couches and chairs and blankets are old and not clean. Its nice to know there may be an elevator. Lugging those bags up and down really stinks. I have put my bags in the small bagroom...but...there are some flight crew who are nosey and theives. I have had stuff stolen more than once. so, i very rarely put anything in there. Sad that you cant even trust some coworkers.
Hopefully when the new crew room opens up there will be a quiet room.

According to PHL base manager..NO quiet room as people abused the last one. That room was not intended to be an overnight hotel. Just like the old "passing" system.......there are abusers that ruin it for everyone.
According to PHL base manager..NO quiet room as people abused the last one. That room was not intended to be an overnight hotel. Just like the old "passing" system.......there are abusers that ruin it for everyone.
Kinda sucks for people that commute that did not abuse it. Some of us actually are so broke that we can not afford a hotel that we are only gonna need for 5 hours. It is easier to just crash in the crew room for a few hours. So, there wont even be a lounge area where crew can take a nap during the day if they have a 3 hour sit?
the reason it smells like smoke outside F us airways club is because the express carriers crews smoke in a stairwell right there. they are not supposed to but its like high school they just do. thats in every airport but that one just happends to be really close to passenger areas. people do live in that crew room and keep air matresses there. in b its not so bad its just people who's flight came in late and they cant get home and have no money for a hotel.... desperate measurees come with barely enough pay to eat.
Kinda sucks for people that commute that did not abuse it. Some of us actually are so broke that we can not afford a hotel that we are only gonna need for 5 hours. It is easier to just crash in the crew room for a few hours. So, there wont even be a lounge area where crew can take a nap during the day if they have a 3 hour sit?

Probably like the one in CLT crewroom on C. People sleep in there during the day WITH the lights on. I don't believe the CLT f/as abuse it. Anyone know different?

in b its not so bad its just people who's flight came in late and they cant get home and have no money for a hotel.... desperate measurees come with barely enough pay to eat.

No, that is not correct. People do "live" in there. I know a few personally (not friends) that stay in there for days on end. They wonder around the airport all day waiting to be called and then sleep at night. They shower in the rampers shower area..wherever that may be?????!!!!
As far as affording it....I have a rough time too, but I do what I have to do. Sleeping in the crew room should not be tolerated. MGMT should remove ALL mattresses, sleeping bags, blankets and pillows.
Well that explains the foul oder from it. As to the economics of being a flight attendent, from what I can see, hear, watch & learn all I can say or ask is "Why on God's earth do you stay?"

The income isn't terrific even after 25 years. The grind it can and does place on your body and in many case spirit hardly seem worth it. It's certainly not the glamor job portrayed in the movies. Heck you can make more as a cocktail waitress/waiter!

All I will say in closing is that I've gotten a much fuller appreciation for what it means to be a Flight Attendent. When I first started flying I thought, Hmmm maybe when I'm 55 I could "Slow Down" and be a flight attendent. HA! Let's just say that ship has sailed never to be seen again!

flight attendAnt.

Keep up the good work folks I know it ain't easy.

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