I'm asking you to stop this insane "battle-cry"...it's going to hurt you in the end...hurt the piloting profession as a whole.....and set us all back about 50 years at the table.
I'll go with a notion of my own as well sir = I'd ask of those earnestly putting faith in this "Army" out there to directly ask of them, without buying into this "We can't tell you anything...just trust us and keep sending your money" BS that seems said "Army's" mantra, the following questions:
1) Without any further BS; Just when can I expect this great triumph for Nic to ever happen? How many years?.....seriously?...if ever?
2) How are we going to gain any dominion at all, ever, over the evil-easties if they're the only ones even discussing the Union actions and voting on them?
3) Where's all that devastating legal action that was promised to us for our money?...and was promised to start up soon...ummm....how many times now?
4) Where's all this "All Out Warfare" with the east people actually and honestly taking us?
5) What's to keep the east from doing whatever they want, so long as all that we're actually doing is nothing more than just pizzing them off?
Of course..I wouldn't dare suggest that any of the hopelessly Faithful Followers out there actually stop and think, for even a moment. That's been covered by a Leo-gram that specifically directs that no discussions be engaged, for reasons of avoiding any "distraction" = "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain..The Great and Powerfull Le-OZ has spoken!!" Sheesh!..a whole lotta' tough talk for an organization that actually does....apparently..well...NOTHING.
Just the fact that anyone would ever post anything at all that seeks to silence discussion should serve as an enormous red flag to all, but I wouldn't want anyone to become "distracted" from Le-Oz's great purposes
😉 Leo-La-La = " nor will we publicly respond to open-ended questions found in that forum. The choice not to engage certain individuals via a message board is both by design and a conscientious decision, because it will do nothing to solve the problems we currently face as a pilot group, and only causes needless distraction." Ummm..SURE...if you say so, Oh Great and Powerful Wizard