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US Flag

southwind said:
Live in peace.......as long as it's by your rules and belief's!
You imagine wiping your considerable rear on the rainbow flag, as opposed to imagining people living life in peace.
Ms Tree said:
That's why it is called research and a little bit of common sense would not hurt.  
Civilians cannot submit bills,  they are submitted/sponsored by members of Congress.  There is no HR number referenced.  Going to the House web site and looking at the calendar as well as the legislation page does not show the bill.  This 'bill' is not being talked about on any other major web site...... this does not even smell right so you look a little deeper to discover it is fake.  Took all of 10 min to figure it out.
Knot wanted to believe it was true so he ran with it even though it reeks of BS.  He wanted it to be real so badly he doubled down with the Washington post link.  Guess Knot was not the only one to get duped.
Seems you bought into similar things in the past........
Ms Tree said:

So you really did not/do not know that the article you posted is fake? Priceless.
Pssssttttt.  It's the same article linked to the same source .... look at the bottom of the page from either link.
Seems you bought into similar things in the past........
Ms Tree said:

It's not whether or not. It is fictitious. Look it up. People have done far far worse to gays. They have been tortured, beaten, and denied equal rights. I seriously doubt their flag would even raise an eyebrow.

You are willing to allow this pastor to desecrate the US flag with out so much as a peep and you want to take other people to task. someone could drive a truck through that double standard.
where do you get that he's desecrating  the flag? All I see is improper use of the of the flag under rules for flying the flag.
I still think it's just your way of taking a shot at Christianity.
As far as that douche crapping on the  flag sure he has a right to but as far as I'm concerned some gung ho marine has a right to knock him on his ass and rub his face in it too.
I asked a few vets what they thought about the US flag being flown below another flag. Not a single one approved, several made comments not suitable to post here. So I'm going with desecration.

Merriam defines it as

:to treat disrespectfully, irreverently, or outrageously <the kind of shore development … that has desecrated so many waterfronts —

I'd say flying it second is definitely showing disrespect. .... unless of course someone agrees with the POV then it's protest.
Nice one Glenn!
And dont forget his Unemployment Checks too!
700UW said:
Nice one Glenn!
And dont forget his Unemployment Checks too!
Are you talking about the unemployment check he helped fund by paying taxes when he worked?
southwind said:
Are you talking about the unemployment check he helped fund by paying taxes when he worked?
No they are talking about the unemployment checks that he got...just like other unemployed people that are considered leeches of society and takers.  You know....guys like this 
You really need to research before your post, another incorrect and foolish post by you.

The employer pays the unemployment tax, not the employee.

And they let you fix things that goes on planes is simply unbelievable.
700UW said:
Nice one Glenn!
And dont forget his Unemployment Checks too!
and 700UW's Obamacare.
Unemployment checks are paid by the employer as a form of insurance you imbecile. They are NOT government money. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
and 700UW's Obamacare.
Unemployment checks are paid by the employer as a form of insurance you imbecile. They are NOT government money. 
Glad to see your ignorance in all your glory once again and your insults.
Employers pay a tax to the State for Unemployment Insurance, the State then issues checks to those unemployment.
Go back to school because you dont know jack.
700UW said:
Glad to see your ignorance in all your glory once again and your insults.
Employers pay a tax to the State for Unemployment Insurance, the State then issues checks to those unemployment.
Go back to school because you dont know jack.
[SIZE=small]What is Unemployment Insurance?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=small]Unemployment insurance is a program of social insurance meant to ease the economic burden of unemployment by providing a temporary source of income for individuals who are unemployed through no fault of their own.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=small]Unemployment is an insurance paid by your employer in the form of Unemployment Taxes.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=small]They can call it a tax. However it is more of a fee paid by the employer to carry an insurance policy. It is money collected from a specific group and used for a specific purpose. It is not part of the general tax fund.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=small]When it is paid they may call it a tax but when you file a claim in essence you are filing a claim against your employer to collect on an insurance policy.[/SIZE]

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