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Two-minute video explains the possible false flag attack target of the aircraft carrier USS Enterpr

Being as I can't remember when the last flat top was scrapped in the 'Burgh, I figured you would know...

Wasn't aware there is a facility there.

In the Puget Sound area you have Bremerton Naval Station and one in Everett which is home to the Lincoln. The one in Bremerton has been around for a long time. During the war ships that sustained heavy damage, to heavy for repair at Pearl, were often repaired at Bremerton.
Maybe Bremerton shipyard?

The carrier, minus planes, ammunition and a propulsion system, heads to Puget Sound, the long way.
"It will be towed around (Cape) Horn to Puget Sound, Washington," Maus said.
The Enterprise, like America's other nuclear carriers, is too big to fit through the Panama Canal, so it must round the southern-most point of South America to get to Washington State.
"It'll be a very lengthy tow," he said.
Once it reaches the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, the long and difficult task of removing the eight reactors from the Enterprise's hold begins.


The USS America ended up being used as a target vessel to see where improvments could be made to future carriers. All footage along with results of the sink-ex is classified.

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