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Two-minute video explains the possible false flag attack target of the aircraft carrier USS Enterpr

Dropping a CVN on the bottom of the gulf is much easier to clean up than a gazillion slugs all over a country.

And by no means would this matter be depleted...it would be very active.

You are the one who whined or supported the nuke whine regarding the false flag attack.....so now you change the narrative to suit your agenda? :lol:

Bingo! Cleaning up depleted uranium slugs that you have no idea as to their location is a much harder task than finding a sunken ship that you do know the location of. The whole idea of the US Navy having Israel sink it's oldest carrier so they don't have to dispose of it's reactors is idiocy.

I loved how the video tired to make the connection to Pearl Harbor. Implying of course that FDR put the fleet in harms way becasue he knew Japan was going to attack Peral. Tells me that the person who made the video failed history in high school.

Saying that the fleet there was a collection of obsolete ships is not entirely true. The battleships there were, the newset being almost twenty years old. But then the newest battelships in the world were obsolete, the worlds navies had just not figured it out yet. As for for the rest of the fleet at Pearl Harbor that morning most of the destroyers were under five years of age. Same goes for the cruisers there that morning.
I'll take my previous comment about good production values back. It's more of a case of semi-clever editing.

Anyway I'll cut to the chase. This video caters to simpltons who can't seem to be unable to think for themselves. That's what kills me about the Infowars fans. They will go on and on about how the rest of us are sheep who will believe anything we are told. Yet they seem to believe anything on Infowars or what idiotic videos like the one on this thread say.

Not an Inforwars fan either.

Video's like the one shown are a lot like conspiracy theories in general. They take a plausible scenario and attach it to a leap of faith and expect people to believe it.

In this case the supposition is that we will use a strategy similar to the events in the Gulf of Tonkin in order to provoke a war on our terms. Could they be right? Yeah but so could the "Truthers" & "Birthers". The question is who is willing to take that leap of faith?
A lot of things are plausible. Whether or not they are logical is another story. That's where you average conspiracy theory falls apart, it fails the logic test. Or more simply occums razor.

Are there actual conspiracies, of course there are. As we have seen throught history they invariably fail and are discovered. Why, it's rather simple. People can't keep their mouth shut.
Interesting article about Iran.

This video caters to simpltons who seem to be unable to think for themselves.
Only a sophisticated person like you knows that major world events are never staged and that the government and news media doesn't lie about them

Like the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the JFK assassination.
Interesting video about Iran.


OK and why should this be of interest to Ron Paul supporters in specific. I've known this since before 1979? To me (at least) it's old news and directly addresses why we shouldn't engage in an interventionist Foreign Policy? CIA calls the end result "Blowback" or the Law of unintended Consequences.

We are where we are with Iran because of our actions a half century ago.
Only a sophisticated person like you knows that major world events are never staged and that the government and news media doesn't lie about them

Like the JFK assassination and the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

You're really not that sophisticated. The fact that you linked that video and infowars tells everyone that you are incapable of coming up with an original thought.
OK and why should this be of interest to Ron Paul supporters in specific.
It's not. It should be of interest to everyone. I didn't produce either video. i don't agree with everything in either video.

Does does the fact that you don't agree with everything negate the basic messages of either?

Check my profile to see what I think of Infowars.
Ron Paul, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (in the Reagan Administration) Paul Craig Roberts are frequent guests on Alex Jones radio program at www.infowars.com.

I don't think they share your opinion.
It's not. It should be of interest to everyone. I didn't produce either video. i don't agree with everything in either video.

Does does the fact that you don't agree with everything negate the basic messages of either?

Ron Paul, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (in the Reagan Administration) Paul Craig Roberts are frequent guests on Alex Jones radio program at www.infowars.com.

I don't think they share your opinion.

You think I give a crap about some attention whore congressman who is so desperate for it he talks to a charlaton who sells snake oil to fools? Same goes for the other two.

Why are you all of a sudden trying to draw attention away from the video at the begining of this thread? Is it becasue you have no facts to support it?
You think I give a crap about some attention whore congressman who is so desperate for it he talks to a charlaton who sells snake oil to fools? Same goes for the other two.

Right or wrong Ron Paul has a "fan base" that are avid Infowars/Alex Jones listeners and like any good politician running for President you want to reach out to and expand your base. I don't think Alex Jones is a snake oil salesman, I do think he has an agenda that causes him to overlook what in many cases is brutally obvious to any human with the capacity to fog a mirror.

If I were Ron Paul I wouldn't get near the guy as it's to damned easy to get labeled as a kook and his views are different enough he doesn't IMO need the grief of being associated with Alex Jones. Hell for all I know Jones may be right, but I doubt it.

Why are you all of a sudden trying to draw attention away from the video at the begining of this thread? Is it becasue you have no facts to support it?

Asked and Answered! Move on!
Right or wrong Ron Paul has a "fan base" that are avid Infowars/Alex Jones listeners and like any good politician running for President you want to reach out to and expand your base. I don't think Alex Jones is a snake oil salesman, I do think he has an agenda that causes him to overlook what in many cases is brutally obvious to any human with the capacity to fog a mirror.

Which shows the moral cowardice of Ron Paul, just like any other politician. And if you think Alex Jones is not a snake oil saleman then you are obviously not paying attention.
Which shows the moral cowardice of Ron Paul, just like any other politician. And if you think Alex Jones is not a snake oil saleman then you are obviously not paying attention.

OK, I'll accept the last part of the statement regarding Alex Jones. I've long dismissed him out of hand. When I do Google Searches and his stuff comes up I almost ALWAYS choose to seek another source due to his credibility factor or lack thereof.

Don't know that Ron Paul is a coward as he does what most do but to a lesser degree. Maybe he goes there out of a sense of loyalty to Jones and his supporters. Alex Jones IIRC helped get Paul's views a wider audience. You seem to think I blindly follow Ron Paul and I am probably guilty for giving that impression. I just happen to think he's the best of a bad lot. The Cream of the Crap if you will.

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