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Been there,
I subscribe to JG's theory that your just a troll. What's the insinuation about having an all Airbus fleet? Sounds like: A) You can't fly an Airbus (lack of skill or opportunity) or B) You were turned down in a JetBlue interview.

You try to hide your frustrations and make this an argument about national pride. If you are this upset about a flag, try writing letters to JBU management and leave the rank and file here alone. [:bigsmile:]
Roy, don't be so touchy. I don't like the Blue smilies, surely you don't require them to get the gist of others' posts?
Been There (where?), the link above does not list JB as ab authorized flag carrier.
Roy, it's as valid to slam a company for not buying American as it is to think the same of someone who buys a foreign car. Actually more valid, since Boeing builds better planes.
You've got lots of angst in your life. Glad this forum is here to let you blow off some steam. You postal workers are a strange breed.
What's your point? Is it unpatriotic to use Airbus products? Just like to hear your point of view.
Oh yeah, I got the jab about Boeing building a better product. HaHaHa[:bigsmile:]
Interesting about boards. I meant to say I do not like the blue smilies myself and therefore don't use them. Use them away, partner.
I guarantee that I make twice any of your pawltry salaries. You are the ones who can't answer a simple question. All you have done here is give reasons as to why it's not necessary. I know it's not a requirement. And Jeff G., your reference to the flag as a "friggin decal" is uncalled for. Congratulations, you have answered the question as to why JetBlue doesn't fly the American Flag on its aircraft: IT'S JUST A FRIGGIN DECAL". BRAVO, JEFF G. Ask those who lost loved ones on 9/11. Ask those who gave their all looking for survivors on 9/11. Ask those people if they think of the flag as a "Friggin Decal." Ask those who are in harm's way defending that "Friggin Decal". You JetBlewers are living in a tiny little bubble of blue fantasy. You are like the munchkins in the Wizard of Oz with Jeff G. the plump, elfish Mayor of Oz. But your only advice to those who don't see the world through "blew" colored spectacles is to follow the Blue Brick Road....Follow the Blue Brick Road. Follow the Blue Brick Road. You're all living in the Land Of OZ and make believe. You have the most inexperienced workforce in the industry. Try not to pat yourselves on the backs too much, you'll throw your arm out of whack. We'll see how much your little world of blew means to you several years down the road when you're making the same chicken feed you scrape up now. But every thing will always be "true blew with you, eh Jeff G. You probably scrape the gum of the bottoms of tray tables and carpeting.
I'm not upset at all. Always open to new ideas. Will ease up on the smilies. Didn't know ya were paranoid about them.
Been There... you have issues.

Don't know about you, but I've honorably served in this nation's military. So have many of the people I fly with (you know, the "most inexperienced in the industry"? Those people). There's no doubt of my and their allegiance. Further, don't confuse the legal requirements of applying a sticker to an airplane with flying the Flag. They are not equivalent. You don't have to wear your patriotism on your sleeve or flaunt your flagwaving like a cheap political ad in order to be loyal to your country. I would hope you'd see the difference. So spare me the turgid propaganda speech about how none of us must care about grieving families just because there's no flag on the airplanes. Anyway, JetBlue was just recently approved for flag status, so I wouldn't be surprised if they started showing up soon, provided the routes require it.

FWIW, one of the aircraft is named Red, White and Blue. I suppose that could apply to the French flag, but most rational individuals can figure out that it doesn't.
On 9/4/2002 11:09:22 PM

Roy, it's as valid to slam a company for not buying American as it is to think the same of someone who buys a foreign car. Actually more valid, since Boeing builds better planes.

The ol' "Buy American" slogan has little validity, whether it be cars or planes. What you're really saying is "Buy products of the multi-national corporation headquartered in the United States, rather than the multi-national corporation headquartered overseas". Would be curious to know what the "domestic parts content" percentage is on the average Boeing aircraft vs. the typical 'bus. I'll bet it's not all that different.
FYI, I own two ostensibly "American" vehicles. One (Chevrolet) was assembled in Canada, while the other (Pontiac) came out of a plant down Mexico way...
Jeff G.

I served in the military also, my dear boy. Let me remind you that it was you who started the name calling. I am well aware of protocol with flag display. I've seen people with homemade flags and child-colored flags taped to their car windows. Here we are a year later, and those "friggin decals" as you viciously referred to, are still there in those car windows faded by a year of patriotism and remembrance. I think, now more than anytime in history, that "friggin decal" means a wee bit more than a peel and stick symbol.
Been There:

Here's a suggestion for your question/concern. You can write directly to the CEO of jetBlue via their website and allow him to answer your question personally. If that doesn't satisfy you, then you can go to Kinko's and have them make a poster on a stick. With that you can proceed over to JFK/Terminal 6 and exercise your right to challenge jetBlue's position on putting US flags on their airplanes. If your position is valid and popular among those who hear your message, then maybe you can have a petition signed and delivered to Kew Gardens. That is your right as an American. I'll be looking for you to see if your "concern" about jetBlue's patriotism is carried through with real action on your part. Good luck.[😉]
On 9/5/2002 7:22:52 AM

Jeff G.

I served in the military also, my dear boy. Let me remind you that it was you who started the name calling. I am well aware of protocol with flag display. I've seen people with homemade flags and child-colored flags taped to their car windows. Here we are a year later, and those "friggin decals" as you viciously referred to, are still there in those car windows faded by a year of patriotism and remembrance. I think, now more than anytime in history, that "friggin decal" means a wee bit more than a peel and stick symbol.

[🙁] OK that's it. Please read for comprehension for once. I was not referring to all displays of the Flag as "friggin decals!" I was attempting to draw a strong distinction between a mere legal requirement and true patriotism, because of your insistence that the Flag's display on aircraft is somehow a litmus test of JetBlue's stance on America. It was not and is not. The flag on an aircraft is a legal display similar in intent and function to a sticker on a license plate. It does not belong in the same category as a homemade child's drawing or car window flag, which are spontaneous heartfelt displays of patriotism. Even you should see the difference, but your continued baiting is extremely annoying. My "name calling" appears to be have been dead on, since you have more than fulfilled the description. You are indeed an offensive, flaming troll and that will be my last word on you or this subject. If you have further comprehension problems, those are your own affair.
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