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US Flag

Posting a fictitious article from a Onion wana-be?
Dog Wonder said:
Do you think he knows the difference?

There is nothing to indicate that he knows it is fictitious like a "lol" or smiley face so I'm going to go with no, he does not. Of course now he will say he knew all along and was just trying to see if someone would fall for the bait...... I think he fell for it.
Ms Tree said:
Posting a fictitious article from a Onion wana-be?
Whether or not the article is fictitious , I can imagine the backlash from the lbgt and Libtard media if someone sh!t on the rainbow flag, like the upstanding gentlemen's doing to the American flag, in an earlier post!
southwind said:
Whether or not the article is fictitious , I can imagine the backlash from the lbgt and Libtard media if someone sh!t on the rainbow flag, like the upstanding gentlemen's doing to the American flag, in an earlier post!

It's not whether or not. It is fictitious. Look it up. People have done far far worse to gays. They have been tortured, beaten, and denied equal rights. I seriously doubt their flag would even raise an eyebrow.

You are willing to allow this pastor to desecrate the US flag with out so much as a peep and you want to take other people to task. someone could drive a truck through that double standard.
Anyone reading the Onion can tell it's satire. Just the name gives reason to pause.

Not quite the same with National Report. Unless you actually browse the site, you wouldn't necessarily know it's fake.
eolesen said:
Anyone reading the Onion can tell it's satire. Just the name gives reason to pause.

Not quite the same with National Report. Unless you actually browse the site, you wouldn't necessarily know it's fake.
That's why it is called research and a little bit of common sense would not hurt.  
Civilians cannot submit bills,  they are submitted/sponsored by members of Congress.  There is no HR number referenced.  Going to the House web site and looking at the calendar as well as the legislation page does not show the bill.  This 'bill' is not being talked about on any other major web site...... this does not even smell right so you look a little deeper to discover it is fake.  Took all of 10 min to figure it out.
Knot wanted to believe it was true so he ran with it even though it reeks of BS.  He wanted it to be real so badly he doubled down with the Washington post link.  Guess Knot was not the only one to get duped.
Ms Tree said:

There is nothing to indicate that he knows it is fictitious like a "lol" or smiley face so I'm going to go with no, he does not. Of course now he will say he knew all along and was just trying to see if someone would fall for the bait...... I think he fell for it.
Seems you bought into similar things in the past........

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