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Us Airways Warns It May Close

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9lives+1 said:
I use to be alot like you. I once was laying in the gutter and
looking down on people. As far as Cav's credibility goes try walking
in his shoes for a while. The only person you need to be criticizing is
the man in the mirror. People some times change in their life and
become part of the solution rather than part of the problem. I have
witnessed the same things and have been part of some of them.
The difference between me and some others? I now try to be accountable.
Do I expect what the company gives me?NO. Do I deserve what I get?
moving on.

I don’t care what people think say or feel. I go for truth and with that on my side I know I will never go wrong. I can name names and departments and give you managers names and even addresses. I know more than you could possible imagine and I have been quiet on 98% of it. The little I did say was just that, a little. 700UW talks about creditability. Well I don’t see his posts because they are ignored, but he of all people makes that laughable. He has been several different screen names on here because of his screaming at people and name calling. His true colors still shine thru while he grinds his teeth trying to pretend to be something he truly isn’t. I have seen some of his personal emails and they are not honorable to say the least. He is a typical union almighty man and his posts prove it.

I “was†with management for concessions back when because I believe in giving anyone a fair shake at their word, and then they went overboard wanting the world, so I changed my stance along with MANY other once loyal mismanagement backers, want me to name them?

I don’t see things with slanted twisted distorted glasses, I see them for what they are. Management is wrong and so are the unions, they both are at fault and together this place has fallen. Calling management everything but human is not even rational when the unions especially the one I KNOW intimately is anything but blameless for U woes. I could but won’t divulge all kinds of goodies, but for what purpose. I am beyond that, believe what you want my words won’t change anyone’s thinking and just make unhappy and miserable people even more so.

I know what’s right and what’s wrong. Piney’s comment about his union experience mirrors my own, criticized for doing my job too fast. I worked hard all my life and there is a saying at U for that. They called it, “ruining you†because when you leave U then you will “really†have to work again. U spoils your work ethic, it really does! It not U but the unions and their mentality.

Ask yourself this question: If I was going to start a business, how many of my union co-workers would I hire with the thought in mind that ever penny they earn is out of “your pocketâ€. There are some very good workers at U, very good, but there are also the ones who do more to get out of work and do very well at accomplishing that task.

When U was rolling in the dough this was sustainable, the union mentality, but now that things are like the rest of the world, it’s simply impossible. You can’t have people standing around making close to $30 an hour day in and day out doing next to nothing and expect this to continue into infinity.

Once again, no hard feelings and to the ones who hate me for stating FACTS, God Bless you because I sure can’t.

Hey 700UW I don’t hate you, I just feel sorry for you knowing your personal situation and what losing U will do to you and your loved ones, best of luck, and I mean it!

daybeforecommuter said:
I guess you people want this job, as to why I'm not sure. Pilots and mechanics, completely understand. Everyone else, unless your over 55 and have not planned in life, you must be there because of laziness. Or just plain stupidity. Its a sinking ship. You can save it...maybe...but you must be alright with the consequences of keeping it afloat. Otherwise, Bail.
Used to Commute Day Before, now I have a real life. Please come join me.

What an insulting post to those people that "do" enjoy their job, work hard, and take care of the passengers of this airline. Who are you to judge another's career decision?
PITbull said:

Stating facts??? yea, your ideology IS NOT FACTS, my friend.

You finally did it...won favor with your pal Piney Bob,you got him asking for your blessings...(shaking head)...

You made it to the other side...his. Don't deny it, you'll look like a worse fool.

Good Job. :down:

First you are no friend considering you know me personally and I never hear from you unless it's rebuke time. When I step out of your line of thinking you feel compelled to slap me around.

That is what you are best at, for proof, look at all your posts and see all the screaming you did at everyone who doesn't see the world the way you do.

What I stated is FACT and if you don't believe it, I don't really give a ****.

I don't bother you and I would appreciate it if you reciprocate being we will never agree on anything, and never could in real life.

In your world, at least half of the world is crazy, because they don’t think like you.
ah, I knew someone would take the bait....I'm in a position to say this because it was my decision to be at that company until recently. I stayed 10 years longer than I should have and the madness of 11sept should have been another wake-up call. "But I can't leave, I have too much time in" Close the west coast. "But what if United buys us" "I cant' take the VSIP because I won't get unemployment"...blah, blah,blah. And I'm the one doing the blah, blahing. Its a broken record we all keep (kept) replaying in our head....what if, but, maybe...
I'm not saying that there aren't fantastic, hardworking folks still at U. I know because so many of them are my friends. But the bickering and fighting and debating is only usefull if you care. And thats what i'm trying to get my mind around. The world will turn, the sun will rise and those planes will probably fly with out you.
So, you say, "Why are you still here haunting this board"? It's kind of a train wreck kind of thing. I have no more personal vested interest but it is sad and intriguing all at once.
Cheers, DBC
cavalier said:
First you are no friend considering you know me personally and I never hear from you unless it's rebuke time. When I step out of your line of thinking you feel compelled to slap me around.


LOL...I just love that!
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