usfliboi said:
Pit bull I think youre way off here. The market is dictating! If you think otherwise, go back to buisness 101 !
Ahhh, the market - let's think about that a bit.
First, the market is not a force of nature, like gravity.
Second, it is not like a calculus formula, where you plug in the variables, crank the handle, and voila, predictable results!
It IS a good theory. In a neutral environment, the economic choices people freely make determines costs.
Alas, there is no neutrality. Companies spend major dinero (without any by-your-leave from the owners) in the political and legal process to gain advantage, or hamstring an opponent.
Amazingly, a lot of free-marketeers that avail themselves of the political process go simply rabid when joe citizen tries to get into the game.
Let citizens form together as, say as a RiverWatch group, to keep local waters clean enough to swim and fish in. Watch corporations file SLAPP lawsuits to stop the group ( I guess Bush's tort reform doesn't reform corporate lawyers :angry: ).
Watch the Ken Lays of the world enrich themselves at shareholder expense. Watch the owners, like CALPERS, try to make management and the board accountable. Watch management and the board ignore CALPER's vote of no confidence, saying they will take the results "under advisement."
Watch Haliburton, AS WE SPEAK, trade with Iran (which is illegal) thru a sham subsidiary. Accountability, anyone?
While a free market is a nice idea, as it is currently described, it does not do justice to accountability. Free marketeers say the market will eventually correct a bad deal, and in the meanwhile caveat emptor. The problem is, while we're waiting for 'eventually' to arrive, people can (with apologies to Keynes) die, environment can be irrepairably damaged, and life savings can vanish.
Moreover, for the ideal free market to work, transactions must be transparent. It is plain to see from the Enron's and Arthur Andersen's of the world that the year of jubilee is not yet upon us.
In the real world, corporations are playing with some sharp elbows to maximize, at any and all costs, profits.
Having read about the 1930's, I have no desire to experience them, and am rooting for joe citizen to throw an elbow or two for himself.