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Us Airways Warns It May Close

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It's funny that the original proposal from management to the CWA said the agents HAD TO TAKE a 35% pay cut. Now it HAS TO BE 23%. It seems things are looking up for the CWA (Ha Ha Ha!!!). Which is it and where do they come up with these numbers?


Laying off employees before the holidays is nothing new for US management. A couple of years ago there was a huge layoff, in Res, right before Christmas. Management could care less what day or holiday it is.


Why do you care so much about this company now? Don't you see that management cares nothing about the employees or their passengers? Why so loyal to a company that really cares NOTHING about you? Many employees have stuck with US for so many years through thick and thin. They have been extremely loyal and given their all to keep US afloat. For what? For all of their effort and loyalty they continue to get slapped in the face by management. They have received absolutely nothing in return. If you think management is doing all that they are to save jobs you are living in a dream world. They are just trying to recoup as much as they can for themselves and to hell with the employees and passengers! How can any employee care about this company any longer! The situation will only get worse! It will never get better!
EyeInTheSky said:
Cav, no offense, but why did you take the job with US Airways? If you knew in your heart that taking a job where the hardest requirement was "just staying awake" didn't you realize the parade was going to end at some point? And, why throw stones now? Afterall, you clearly benefitted from union protection and a US Air paycheck.

I am not throwing stones I am simply stating "FACT", just like you LOVE to hate the captain for the same thing, then hate me because I don't care what people think of me, I really don't.

The union brought me a good wage but the benefits, so-so as I can do better on the outside as far as benefits.

I could write a book and had no idea what working at U actually meant not knowing IAM membership was mandatory. I have worked at other union environments, yes, but nothing like what I encountered at U. It meant following a "strict code" set in stone by the union, {IAM}. For example: When break time came which was supposed to be 12 minutes, if you were on probation then you "BETTERâ€￾ take that break and after 12 minutes you and you alone would go back to work, because you alone were on probation. After probation that 12 minute break turned into close to an half hour, and that held up until recently when management finally put the hammer down. Management even went over board, over reacting and now IMO it's a hostile work environment. But in years past if you went back to work in the allotted 12 minute time frame, you were ridiculed for being a management kiss a-z-z. So most folks went along with it rather than be an outcast and they took extended breaks with the rest of the "old school" of employees who were there since BC times.

They did this and way more and got away with it all the time, but let the company do one little small infraction of the "contract' then by God a grievance was filed. If they called overtime out of sequence by mistake, and remember, a union member called the overtime list and NOT management, then a grievance was filed and everyone got a piece of the money it won. I could go on and on here. There was a thing called a “paid restâ€￾ where they paid you to go home and sleep, this was done by manipulation of the overtime list. There was a thing called "riding the train" where certain individuals would receive a paid rest weekly if not more with the help of the other member who helped make it happen. If a someone’s birthday was up coming then everyone would turn down overtime so he would be called and receive triple time. If a lead was absent then everyone would turn down the lead position for that shift so the low and very new man would get the very top rate, didn't matter he was clueless on how to do the job, the money only mattered.

Casting stones you say, you want me to continue? I am not casting anything and remarks like that make you no different then the offenders. I like the captain make true statements that go against the worn out old tired union mentality that is slowly but surely taking away above average paying jobs because the union membership feels they "deserve it" while it's really killing the industry the unions are in.

Did I benefit from the unions, yes in wages yes I did, in health and peace of mind, NO WAY IN HELL.

I did everything I was told one should do trying to please the union and the company without stepping on the others toes, it's a tight wire to walk when you're in the IAM, which was my second stint with them, first in the 70's and there was problems back then too, to the point I left that place.

Like one poster said on here: You are better off relying on your own resources because the union mentality, “at U anywayâ€￾ is a scary thing to see and live like I did for too many years.

Just imagine a room full of 700UW’s and you get a very clear and very scary mental picture.

Am I nuts? Then so are 87% of the rest of the working population who prefer that unions stay where they are, away from them
USA320Pilot said:
ALPA's advisors continue to bat 1000% and the RC4 and other union leaders are batting zero, while the proposals keep getting worse for each union, except the TWU Dispatch.

Maybe it's time to recall every union rep and file DFR lawsuits, where there would be personal liability in the hundreds of millions of dollars against their personal estates and future earnings.



Mr USA320Pilot,

DELETED. The RC4 are batting 100% by correctly representing the majority of their constituency, not the squeeky wheel minority, such as yourself. Obviously if the majority of the council where you ran supported your views, you sir would be sitting on the MEC. You are not. Your union is a democracy, not an autocracy. Again, have a modicum of dignity and turn in your ALPA pin.


What you posted is lies, getting a paid rest is legal under the contract and management violates the contract they must be held accountable and if someone takes to long for a break, that is managements fault for not managing.

So take your anti-union bias and leave if you don't like it. We all know I proved you have no credibility.

as your buddies have stated...

have a modicum of dignity and turn in your ALPA pin. How in the world can you live with yourself.............

it's ok...it will soon be over.

oh and yes........

Respectfully, Respectfully, Respectfully..
Justaramper said:
How can one day be @ 800 million and the next day @ 950 million..? It seems there is NO plan, but to take money & break contracts.

I love it... the fourth post in the thread gets it right!

Management needs more money from labor, just a few weeks from, well needing more money from labor. Why does management need this money? Because they continue to mismanage the airline. Had ALPA given in the last time, would management be back for more? You bet... ALPA giving in only slows the bleeding, it does not fix the airline.

"Personnel costs" for the second quarter of 2004 at mainline were $564mil.... Annualized, that means $2,256mil... Now the company wants concessions of $950mil, or 42% of the total personnel costs... It won't be long before they ask you to work for free.
cavalier said:
Casting stones you say, you want me to continue? I am not casting anything and remarks like that make you no different then the offenders. I like the captain make true statements that go against the worn out old tired union mentality that is slowly but surely taking away above average paying jobs because the union membership feels they "deserve it" while it's really killing the industry the unions are in.

Did I benefit from the unions, yes in wages yes I did, in health and peace of mind, NO WAY IN HELL.

I did everything I was told one should do trying to please the union and the company without stepping on the others toes, it's a tight wire to walk when you're in the IAM, which was my second stint with them, first in the 70's and there was problems back then too, to the point I left that place.

Like one poster said on here: You are better off relying on your own resources because the union mentality, “at U anywayâ€￾ is a scary thing to see and live like I did for too many years.

Just imagine a room full of 700UW’s and you get a very clear and very scary mental picture.

Am I nuts? Then so are 87% of the rest of the working population who prefer that unions stay where they are, away from them

Cav, I hear ya, but I don't agree with ya. There's plenty of blame to go around for the state of US Airways. Point is, the unions have ponied up a lot of money to help the company turn around, and the company has nothing to show for the cost cutting other than a few RJs. Now, be that as it may, you can bash the unions all your want, just like I bash management. However, I find it ironic that there are people who have benefitted from union contracts greatly then go on and say how bad the whole union system is. Point is, you knew it was a union job when you took it. If people have a biased against unions they shouldn't take a job with union representation. In theory, if you have a union established on the property it should be a warning sign since it usually means the employees have been taken advantage of and thus required a system of checks and balances to keep the company in line with the worker bees. So, here we have the ulitimate battle between unions and company; all would like to see the company survive, however, the costs may be too great for some. You can blame union inefficiencies and I can blame mis-management of the assets. I am sure when the US Airways obituary runs in the paper it will read this: Why Couldn't They All Just Get Along.
700UW said:

What you posted is lies, getting a paid rest is legal under the contract and management violates the contract they must be held accountable and if someone takes to long for a break, that is managements fault for not managing.

So take your anti-union bias and leave if you don't like it. We all know I proved you have no credibility.
Once again, 700 has PROVED someone else wrong!!! 700, You ALWAYS spend much of your energy trying to prove others' wrong!! Why don't you expend your vast knowledge on trying to open up your own business, running your own company??? You know EVERTHING!!!! Other peoples' opinion be damned!!! I told you, I'm watching you!!!! GOOD DAY!!!!

Stating facts??? yea, your ideology IS NOT FACTS, my friend.

You finally did it...won favor with your pal Piney Bob,you got him asking for your blessings...(shaking head)...

You made it to the other side...his. Don't deny it, you'll look like a worse fool.

Good Job. :down:

I use to be alot like you. I once was laying in the gutter and
looking down on people. As far as Cav's credibility goes try walking
in his shoes for a while. The only person you need to be criticizing is
the man in the mirror. People some times change in their life and
become part of the solution rather than part of the problem. I have
witnessed the same things and have been part of some of them.
The difference between me and some others? I now try to be accountable.
Do I expect what the company gives me?NO. Do I deserve what I get?
moving on.
Management told the unions that if the airline entered bankruptcy the cuts would be deeper, which was echoed by ALPA’s advisors. Why?

Bankruptcy costs a lot of money to pay consultants and there is “booking shockâ€￾. Passengers are concerned about booking on a bankrupt airline, especially one with much labor strife, therefore, the “goodwillâ€￾ revenue is less.

Every employee knew there would be deeper cuts if there were not deals prior to the filing to pay for the increased expenses and reduced revenue.

If you do not like the deeper cuts then complain to your Reps, who were warned this would occur, especially ALPA's RC4.

By the way, the RC4 could be in for a big surprise at the upcoming ALPA MEC meeting.


Be surprised???

YOU maybe surprised that a "recall" of your MEC President just may occur before you can say "boo"!
I love the comment by 700 that if an employee enjoys too long of a break it is managements fault for letting it happen. How about just a little personal responsibility folks. I dont give a crap about how this company has treated you "in the past". You choose to be there today. I'm starting to think that replacement workers wouldn't be such a bad idea. And to tell you the truth, there are more lazy ass flight attendants out there than "I'm gonna bust my butt to give these people the service they deserve in spite of whats going on at this frigging company" types. I constantly got this from other F/a's when I was working at U...."you know,you're really good with passengers".....all the time I was going behind my co-workers backs to clean up potential problems. Slammed overheads, ignored requests, just general frigging nastiness. And here is me..."I will get that for you"...he's having a bad day...blah, blah, blah.
I guess you people want this job, as to why I'm not sure. Pilots and mechanics, completely understand. Everyone else, unless your over 55 and have not planned in life, you must be there because of laziness. Or just plain stupidity. Its a sinking ship. You can save it...maybe...but you must be alright with the consequences of keeping it afloat. Otherwise, Bail.
Used to Commute Day Before, now I have a real life. Please come join me.
No sir...we are not stupid enough to think we can save the airline...only this inept managment-without-a-plan think so.
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