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Us Airways To Seek Injunction If Unions Walk

Rico said:
As usual, your grasp on the obvious is lacking. Let me spell it out for you.

What ou will probably see if your union does not comply(vis a vi APA situation)...
Injuction Granted = Union must comply
Union does not comply fully = union held in contempt
Contempt = Massive muti-million dollar Fine levied against Union
Fine = massive assesment to Membership to pay for Fine

How do you like dem apples...?
Not a nickel of that money EVER changed hands, so tell me again, who won? :shock:
Dog Wonder said:
Quit picking on Rico, he finally made FO and he is mighty smart.

Well that explains a heck of a lot. Is he flying second seat to USA320Pilot? 😛
As point of fact, the courts directed that AMR management pay the APA $21 million for a recent codeshare contract violation.
Jennyann said:
I know you're right Bobcat......Not once since the paycut have I seen anyone from the AFA in any crew rooms getting the facts and info out there!! :angry:
Its amazing just how many F/As dont have any facts or knowledge about the situation!
That is not true. I get e-lines all the time. There doesn't have to be people in the crew rooms to stay informed. The union 888 number and afausairways website and e-lines tell you the latest. 😉