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US Airways is still committed to seeking merger partner

EastUs said:
When you UAL "heroes" with all your tremendous "resolve" torpedoed DOH for ALPA merger policy..you weren't just crybaby junior punks without thoughts for anyone but yourselves? it wasn't you being "malcontents"...it was an issue of presumabably heroic "resolve"? In another post..you directly stated that UAL's glorious hiring standards were far above those of US...I can only assume that included your proud post-lawsuit period when USA today showed the classic "Barbie-the-"pilot" front page with some bimbo with 420 total single engine hours being added to your illustrious list? Horror stories were told to me about trying to instruct/check out panel people on the 727 that couldn't decently speak english. Don't try BS on that one..I've friends within UAL's training dept lol.

#1- When ALPA merger policy was changed it was a democratic process. (Kind of like they way you claim to the West pilots that the East is in the majority and there's nothing they can do about it. Kinda like that. Get it?) Anyway, I don't know who it was precipitated by. You claim UAL, but I have yet to see proof of that. However it started, the executive council decided that times have changed and the policy needed updating to reflect the will of the majority of members. Nobody forced the issue.

#2- Again your lack of reading comprehension has led you to make unfounded comments. I did not claim that UAL's hiring standards was above USAir's. I was quoting one of your East guys who made a similar disparaging comment about the West, and pointed out that in 2000, when someone else made that same comment about USAir, you guys took offense. I was pointing to the hypocrisy of your fellow East pilot. Here it is again so you can review:

They used to work for a real airline. One that used to pay the best and hire the best. Guess you guys never knew what that was at AWA. What's even worse, your qualifications are so sub par you wouldn't even get an interview.


That very same comment was directed toward the USAir (East) guys in 2000 when you were arguing DOH with the UAL pilots and salivating over our 777 and 747 flying. UAL hiring board would have never given many of you a second glance. Back then the comment enraged the US pilots.

Amazing how the shoe is now on the other foot.

Nothing but a bunch of Hypocrites. :down:

The rest of your rant is barely comprehensible and dotted with discriminatory garbage. So I won't even venture a response. You sure do sound like an emotional person though. Perhaps you should take advantage of some of that Employee Assistance before your next fligh. 🙄
??? Apologize for what? I haven't seen anything on the boards since the award warranting an apology from anybody (except that diabolical comment by Pacific Blue).

I just want to say that there is zero gloating on the West. Having digested the award for a week, it seems that the East pilots are paying the price for their MC and MEC pissing off Nicolau. I do think at a minimum there should be some sort of fence which reserves for the East the greatest benefit they bring, attrition. But that's not what was decided and now we have an even more fractured pilot group. This isn't good for anyone. Perhaps when the East MEC stops chasing legal fictions and gets back on the right track, maybe we can start a dialoge that will repair our domestic relationship. The bottom line is that both groups were and still are better off married than before. We need to make it work.

Like you say AQUA, we are better off married that before. However, a simple applolgy from an eastie to a westie about his rhetoric and anger is snubed by you. The only offense you took was from Pacific Blue. True understanding of feelings and frustration can only be achieved by being able to see both sides of the picture. If you can only look at what's in front of you, but you can't see what is around the picture, then you are sorely under informed.

Whether the award stands, or fences go up, or other legal action is taken by the union still means people will still be affected. Whether it's east or west or both. We can always posture to make a stand. We can always rant and rave about our problems. Yet they still exist, and for the short term aren't going away.

It is hard for me to want to work out a problem if the other side won't put out a handshake.

Just my opinion...
"#2- Again your lack of reading comprehension has led you to make unfounded comments. I did not claim that UAL's hiring standards was above USAir's."


QUOTE(767jetz @ May 10 2007, 10:56 AM)

"That very same comment was directed toward the USAir (East) guys in 2000 when you were arguing DOH with the UAL pilots and salivating over our 777 and 747 flying. UAL hiring board would have never given many of you a second glance."

Perhaps you're among the number of UAL hires suffering from a deficiency in english speaking/comprehension?

"The rest of your rant is barely comprehensible and dotted with discriminatory garbage."

Actually...you, yourself can reference the aforementioned USA Today front page hailing the young lady with a mere 420 single engine hours...I didn't make that up..nor the fact that UAL actually hired people without sufficient english skills to get through training. Nice try with the "discriminatory garbage" bit....but pardon me if I don't fearfully flee from implications of being "politically incorrect".

As for your assertion of ignorance as to which group (UAL vs US) insisted upon abrogating DOH....perhaps even you can process the essential math = UAL had thousands that would have been junior to US pilots with DOH....I wonder who torpedoed DOH at Alpa? Nice job there.
Like you say AQUA, we are better off married that before. .......... If you can only look at what's in front of you, but you can't see what is around the picture, then you are sorely under informed."

"We can always rant and rave about our problems. Yet they still exist, and for the short term aren't going away."

"It is hard for me to want to work out a problem if the other side won't put out a handshake."

Well put sir. We must seek out some, even a tiny parcel, of common ground to avoid this corporate clusterF dying a slow death.

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