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Us Airways Seeking Relief From Union Contracts

What's that saying from Monty Python - "I'm not dead yet."

Of course if they're dead, why are you sitting around on your tail typing on an internet message board when you could be 30 days ahead of your coworkers in getting a new job. Hello. McFly.

5 years after this carrier does fold, folks like you, [edited by mod] will still be arguing.
I don't know...maybe because my situation enables me the flexibility to wait until that day comes...whenever it is? No competitive worries from other shipwreck victims either.

Why are you sitting around on your tail responding? If in your unflappable smugness you will not be affected one way or the other, why such rhetoric?

BTW, I don't have a tail...though I'm not too sure about the well-heeled kibbitzers.
"Why are you sitting around on your tail responding? If in your unflappable smugness you will be affected one way or the other, why such rhetoric?"

So a difference of opinion is rhetoric? That's very interesting.
Alright, fair enough. A difference of opinion is not rhetoric. ( though it cuts both ways )

Since when is posting an opinion indicative of feckless sloth? "Sitting on your tail....." Seems 2K plus posts versus 220-something would place the honor of sitting on the former rather than the latter.
ITRADE said:
Of course if they're dead, why are you sitting around on your tail typing on an internet message board when you could be 30 days ahead of your coworkers in getting a new job. Hello. McFly.


We aren't worried about being 30 days ahead of our coworkers, oh wise one. This is not a competion amongst coworkers. Most will ride this dead horse into the ground, and then we will step off, brush ourselves off, and move on. I paid into unemployment for over 20 years and I think I'm ready to take 6 months of withdrawals. Is that clear the real MCFLY!!
For those who are interested from a "locked thread"....

10Q Amended Report ending June 30 2004

June 30,

December 31, 2003


Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents

Short-term investments


Restricted cash


Receivables, net


Total Assets: $1.47 billion cash and cash equivilents

As reported to the AFA MEC by AFA legal directly off the report.

Thought I would calculate this from this "tree hugging" democrat... as I was just called in a PM..among some other choice words :up:
to much time to quit said:
I paid into unemployment for over 20 years and I think I'm ready to take 6 months of withdrawals. Is that clear the real MCFLY!!

No, you didn't. Unemployment Insurance is funded by a payroll tax on employers, not a payroll deduction on workers.
ITRADE said:
What's that saying from Monty Python - "I'm not dead yet."

Of course if they're dead, why are you sitting around on your tail typing on an internet message board when you could be 30 days ahead of your coworkers in getting a new job. Hello. McFly.

5 years after this carrier does fold, folks like you, [edited by mod] will still be arguing.
Slacker, they are all slackers, that's the problem....

Note: From "Back to the Future" and not meant to offend the sensitive U employees who all feel picked on for some reason....

Note: Note; Last comment was sarcastic, so we are clear and I don't receive life threatening PM's.

Note..note and yet another note…maybe I should just disappear since U not longer makes a difference in my life…hmmm good idea, bye bye-----
jimntx said:
No, you didn't. Unemployment Insurance is funded by a payroll tax on employers, not a payroll deduction on workers.

Whatever!! Without employees their wouldn't be employers, so whats the point. I haven't collected a day of unemployment benefits my entire life( 41 years) so what I'm saying when my number expires at Usairways my next check for 6 months is just a computer click away, although it will be much smaller. 🙁

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