If employees walk and airline goes under, union assessment is moot. Would that be a McIntosh or a Golden Delicious?
Yeah, whatever, one thing I learned about unions is, that they are real good about collecting what is owed to them from the membership. US Airways or no US Airways, if a national union is stuck with a multi-million dollar fine, they sure are not going to get it payed off by doing bake sales...
They can't force people to come to work. Your comparison to the APA/American Airlines situation is not the same. AA pilots had a contract in place and an alleged "sickout" occurred
Yeah, whatever, the supposed "sickout" came to screeching halt after the fine was imposed. How is that example any different in terms of regaining status quo...?
It is not about having a contract "in place", TThe fact remains that certified unions representing the abrogated work groups
will still exist, and IF US Airways can get an injuction, it will be based on the premise that those unions have to start from scratch and begin negotiations for a NEW CBA, thus negating the ability to strike for now.
Yes, an injuction cannot force an individual to work, but it
can halt any strike dead in it's tracks, at which point if you do not show up to work, you are not on strike, you just plain quit.
It is your option to quit at anytime, but unlike a strike, there is no return. And unlike a strike, anyone that wants to work can still do so, and your position can be replaced without malice.
It is not a pretty thought, but what exactly did you expect if the Company is able to first abrogate the remaining contracts, and then obtain an injuction...?
Not meant to be mean, just hate to see people kid themselves.