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Will US Airways Seek a New Target?

Really? Could've fooled me. I thought there was a merger still PENDING between HP/US. Maybe he could use some of that "zeal" on the US employee's contracts, and US/HP operations.

Only problem is he thinks everything, including employee contracts, are just fine.
Abe & Pilot,

I have never made a prediction, which is why you and a few others are so wrong. I simply indicated that discussions were happening and virtually always said something like, "will a deal happen? Maybe, maybe not."

Abe, how is that a prediction?

By the way, can you tell me what "Project Minnow" was?

Click here for a hint.

By the way, if I do make a comment and preface by a phrase like "in my opinion" or "I believe". If I am wrong, I always admit it, which virtually nobody can do because they have to admit they're wrong. How come you left that point out?


Except for you, every Delta employee has been down right mean to US Airways employees since the propsoed meger announcement and your management team struck "below the belt". I personally do not like those actions and any dislike between the two companies that has developed is directly due to Delta, its management team, and its employees.

For example, in your second quote you inidcated:

"Parker once told me mergers were inevitable and that he wanted to be atop the power curve."



You cut and pasted a quote from an article that had comments were made by a very respected airline consultant Darryl Jenkins, and tried to infer those comments were made by me. Like other Delta employee efforts that is flat out misrepresentation designed to discredit others because you do not like their comments.

How do you US Airways people to react when Delta people misrepresent information or flat out lie?

Again, that quote was not made by me an quit trying to discredit others by blatantly misrepresenting information because it shows your true character.


True character is shown when the times come for a pilot to stand and fight for a profession that was built upon the backs of the pilots who came before him. Pilots who stood against Cord, Lorenzo and the rest of the ilk.

320 and his character was shown during that time. It is still being shown in his posts to this day.

There is nothing he and his GAG would not do to keep their "jobs". The proud men who built ALPA spin in their graves.

Abe & Pilot,

I have never made a prediction, which is why you and a few others are so wrong. I simply indicated that discussions were happening and virtually always said something like, "will a deal happen? Maybe, maybe not."

Abe, how is that a prediction?

By the way, can you tell me what "Project Minnow" was?

Click here for a hint.

By the way, if I do make a comment and preface by a phrase like "in my opinion" or "I believe". If I am wrong, I always admit it, which virtually nobody can do because they have to admit they're wrong. How come you left that point out?


Except for you, every Delta employee has been down right mean to US Airways employees since the propsoed meger announcement and your management team struck "below the belt". I personally do not like those actions and any dislike between the two companies that has developed is directly due to Delta, its management team, and its employees.

For example, in your second quote you inidcated:

"Parker once told me mergers were inevitable and that he wanted to be atop the power curve."



You cut and pasted a quote from an article that had comments were made by a very respected airline consultant Darryl Jenkins, and tried to infer those comments were made by me. Like other Delta employee efforts that is flat out misrepresentation designed to discredit others because you do not like their comments.

How do you US Airways people to react when Delta people misrepresent information or flat out lie?

Again, that quote was not made by me an quit trying to discredit others by blatantly misrepresenting information because it shows your true character.



While you may not attack people personally, you certainly tried to do your part to scare DAL employees into submission. Remember this nice little post,


I have a very stong feeling I will be working for Doug Parker and you might be too, but there still is the problem of Delta being broken up or framented, which Delta ALPA may greatly contribute to actually happening.

For more important information on today's merger news click here.

Best regards,


Basically telling DAL employees to convert now or risk total meltdown, yet had no proof of your "fragmentation" theory. Your hands have been soiled too.

Except for you, every Delta employee has been down right mean to US Airways employees since the propsoed meger announcement and your management team struck "below the belt". I personally do not like those actions and any dislike between the two companies that has developed is directly due to Delta, its management team, and its employees.

For example, in your second quote you inidcated:

"Parker once told me mergers were inevitable and that he wanted to be atop the power curve."



You cut and pasted a quote from an article that had comments were made by a very respected airline consultant Darryl Jenkins, and tried to infer those comments were made by me. Like other Delta employee efforts that is flat out misrepresentation designed to discredit others because you do not like their comments.

How do you US Airways people to react when Delta people misrepresent information or flat out lie?

Again, that quote was not made by me an quit trying to discredit others by blatantly misrepresenting information because it shows your true character.



Actually, that was unintentional. I was highlighting the fact that Parker was power hungry and that he doesn't really care for any employees' interests. I assumed people who had read the original quote would realize that Mr Jenkins stated that-not you. I really don't care what you think about Parker-I do take an interest when an aviation "expert" calls Parker out for what he really is-a "deal" maker, not a great leader.

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