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Us Airways To Seek Injunction If Unions Walk

so if everyone defies the courts and walks anyway....wheres ally county going to house some 5000 inmates any way???
double duh
delldude said:
so if everyone defies the courts and walks anyway....wheres ally county going to house some 5000 inmates any way???
double duh
SSB Building
And yet another hollow fear grenade by Mr. Rich-bucks Bronner. These guys don't have the slightest idea of how to lead people . . . . they only know how to whip them.

I suppose the police are going to go to everyone's door with their jackboots on and cart them off to the work camps.


Lakefield and Bronner don't think that labor has the guts to tell 'em to shove the airline up where the sun don't shine.
Well, the CWA just caved, the pilots caved, what makes you thing the AFA will not cave.

Its over, accept the cuts, hope for a leg to stand on in the future, but for now, the employees got whipped.
Dizel8 said:
Well, the CWA just caved, the pilots caved, what makes you thing the AFA will not cave.

Its over, accept the cuts, hope for a leg to stand on in the future, but for now, the employees got whipped.
t/a is not caving...it still must pass a vote.....there are ticklers in it to help it pass too....but don't count them before they hatch...
The CWA DID cave under pressure and fear which was a MAJOR disappointment to its members. It's all about dues and from what some are interpreting from the new tentative agreement, if ratified the union will be reimbursed by the company for all money spent on negotiations. Is this standard? Sounds like a kickback. I guess all will just have to wait and see. Surely this agreement will somehow pit the most senior agents against the rest of the agents. The old "sell your co-workers down the pike".

This is just rumor at this point but, from what some agents are saying the outsourcing would be for three years then the company would have to start bringing back furloughed agents who would have to come back at the bottom of the payscale. That is crazy. I would hope to think that in three years everyone would have moved on with their life and have a new career by that time. US maybe long gone by then.

There will be a lot to think about before voting and hopefully the union will be there this time to explain the contract and have all answers to any questions before anyone votes...not when it's too late.
delldude said:
so if everyone defies the courts and walks anyway....wheres ally county going to house some 5000 inmates any way???
double duh
As usual, your grasp on the obvious is lacking. Let me spell it out for you.

What ou will probably see if your union does not comply(vis a vi APA situation)...
Injuction Granted = Union must comply
Union does not comply fully = union held in contempt
Contempt = Massive muti-million dollar Fine levied against Union
Fine = massive assesment to Membership to pay for Fine

How do you like dem apples...?
Rico said:
As usual, your grasp on the obvious is lacking. Let me spell it out for you.

You will probably see...
Injuction Granted = Union must comply
Union does not comply fully = union held in contempt
Contempt = Massive muti-million dollar Fine levied against Union
Fine = massive assesment to Membership to pay for Fine

How do you like dem apples...?
forced to accept draconian rules???
mein comrade,do you sink zey can lock ze doors to keep us in??
union is a moot thing after abrogation there flying ace......
do you think i give a damn what fine will be levied against my non existent powerless useless union after abrogation?? :shock:
No, but you will once the bill arrives...

And, even if they work it our so your union does not directly pay, it might be held over your union for negotiating leverage later on to, force even larger givebacks.

Fact is, if it comes to that point, and ani injuction is placed upon your work group... Then your union may talk tough now, but their is no way that they want to follow the example of APA, and get themselves into legal and financial trouble.

Just my humble oipinion
Rico said:
No, but you will once the bill arrives...

And, even if they work it our so your union does not directly pay, it might be held over your union for negotiating leverage later on to, force even larger givebacks.

Fact is, if it comes to that point, and ani injuction is placed upon your work group... Then your union may talk tough now, but their is no way that they want to follow the example of APA, and get themselves into legal and financial trouble.

Just my humble oipinion
abrogate and union is gone too....so whats the point?
abrogate and you say use it for a bargaining chip?? when??
union is in big legal and financial trouble if we abrogate...expect lawsuits.....
its time to prepare to meet thy doom......
Rico said:
As usual, your grasp on the obvious is lacking. Let me spell it out for you.

What ou will probably see if your union does not comply(vis a vi APA situation)...
Injuction Granted = Union must comply
Union does not comply fully = union held in contempt
Contempt = Massive muti-million dollar Fine levied against Union
Fine = massive assesment to Membership to pay for Fine

How do you like dem apples...?

If employees walk and airline goes under, union assessment is moot. Would that be a McIntosh or a Golden Delicious?
Winglet said:
Lakefield and Bronner don't think that labor has the guts to tell 'em to shove the airline up where the sun don't shine.

Uhhhhh.... actually I think they're afraid that labor DOES have the cajones to tell them where to shove it, hence the injunction request.

If you think the "CAVING IN" of the CWA is intelligent then I'm so very sorry to say that you severely lack intelligence!