On 5/12/2003 7

18 PM USAirBoyA330 wrote:
If you are displaced to MDA you will continue to accrue your seniority at Mainline because your still a mainline F/A.
And yes, just as I said before...
As the VOL Furloughed F/A''s begin to return it will just push everyone else down and probably the new MDA F/A''s right back out on the street. It''s going to be a HUGE mess.
USAirboy......will you be a little more optomistic for people that are looking to optomism?
You DON''T know that. MDA is supposed grow like a wild weed once it gets started. All flight attendants WILL NOT go to MDA at that pay rate, nor do they want to move to PIT. HOPE TO GOD TAY NEVER COMES BACK...WE ARE TOO RUDE HERE! Flight attendant or not!
Also, with this new reserve system coming up, being told youWILL fly, many many many will quit. Many are only here to get guarantee and flight benefits. Do you think the mainline schedule is going to continue to shrink? It can''t. If there is another war affect, maybe. Just cause the company wants it too, it can''t.
Everone is getting completely down and that is understandable, but when their is something that has a bit of brightness to it, you knock it down. What is up with that?
You must be one of the "bitter" ones that I spoke of in another post.
Just let this thread be a positive place to read...if you want to be negative there are plenty of other threads to post in. If you can''t find on..start on