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US Airways Regional Jet Order

The thing that caught my eye is the fact that the 85 CRJs were to be delivered WITHIN TWO YEARS. That''s a pretty aggressive delivery schedule and indicates to me that PSA may not be the only airline to receive the CRJs.
On 5/12/2003 7:50:18 PM USAirBoyA330 wrote:

If you are displaced to MDA you will continue to accrue your seniority at Mainline because your still a mainline F/A.
And yes, just as I said before...
As the VOL Furloughed F/A''s begin to return it will just push everyone else down and probably the new MDA F/A''s right back out on the street. It''s going to be a HUGE mess.

USAirboy......will you be a little more optomistic for people that are looking to optomism?
You DON''T know that. MDA is supposed grow like a wild weed once it gets started. All flight attendants WILL NOT go to MDA at that pay rate, nor do they want to move to PIT. HOPE TO GOD TAY NEVER COMES BACK...WE ARE TOO RUDE HERE! Flight attendant or not!
Also, with this new reserve system coming up, being told youWILL fly, many many many will quit. Many are only here to get guarantee and flight benefits. Do you think the mainline schedule is going to continue to shrink? It can''t. If there is another war affect, maybe. Just cause the company wants it too, it can''t.
Everone is getting completely down and that is understandable, but when their is something that has a bit of brightness to it, you knock it down. What is up with that?
You must be one of the "bitter" ones that I spoke of in another post.

Just let this thread be a positive place to read...if you want to be negative there are plenty of other threads to post in. If you can''t find on..start on
On 5/13/2003 8:26:41 AM ITRADE wrote:

The thing that caught my eye is the fact that the 85 CRJs were to be delivered WITHIN TWO YEARS.  That''s a pretty aggressive delivery schedule and indicates to me that PSA may not be the only airline to receive the CRJs.


Itrade here is the delivery schedual for PSA.

Starting in Oct 03 we lose 2 D328''s and will continue to lose those planes at a rate of 2 per month.

Jets will be delivered as follows:

2 per month from Oct03 - Nov03
3 per month from Dec03 - Apr04
4 per month from May04 - Oct04
3 per month from Nov04 - Apr05

The CRJ 70 seaters are a mystery. Like I said earlier the negotiating committee of PSA has been approched with the topic. I belive the other two WO(PDT and ALG) MEC''s may have also been approched.

Here is what PSA will look like over the coming months if the schedual is adhered to.

Oct03 - 28props, 2jets
Nov03 - 26props, 4jets
Dec03 - 24props, 7jets
Jan04 - 22props, 10jets
Feb04 - 20props, 13jets
Mar04 - 18props, 16jets
Apr04 - 16props, 19jets
May04 - 14props, 23jets
Jun04 - 12props, 27jets
Jul04 - 10props, 31jets
Aug04 - 08props, 35jets
Sep04 - 06props, 39jets
Oct04 - 04props, 43jets
Nov04 - 02props, 46jets
Dec04 - 00props, 49jets
Jan05 - 52jets
Feb05 - 55jets
Mar05 - 58jets
Apr05 - 60jets
ClippedWings, I would really have to agree with you on this one. I can''t imagine that all involuntary furloughed flight attendants from mainline are going to accepted jobs at MDA. They would be taking a big pay cut. Most will do just as well on unemployment, and I believe most are just fed up. I personally, will GLADLY accept the job at MDA. I am not saying that I am happy with everything that has gone on with this company, but I love my job and look forward to flying again(P.S. wish the best for everyone). But I have a question for A330boy. Would you accept the job at MDA? If not, then you are going to be like most flight attendants (not willing to take the pay cuts......etc....etc). If so, then WHY? Your gonna get bumped back on an involuntary furlough anyway; Right????
On 5/13/2003 11:33:22 AM USAirBoyA330 wrote:

Unemployment!? Your kidding right? There will be no unemployment since USAir is offering you another Flight Attendant position within the same company........


USAirboy........You are wrong. If you get laid of from mainline, you DO NOT have to accept a job with MDA. In unemployment you DO NOT have to accept a job making much less than you were. In fact, it is my understanding that you don't even have to accept a job outside of the field that you worked in. This is all what was explained to me.

Again, there you go with nothing but negativity!!!​
How cute but....NO. What you fail to get is the whole picture here. I suggest you read the revised contract about MDA. Unemployment!? Your kidding right? There will be no unemployment since USAir is offering you another Flight Attendant position within the same company. Would I accept a MDA position? Well, I guess I would have too or go on furlough with NO unemployment or healthcare. It says you can pass MDA until no more JR people are left under you.
I am not trying to be doom and gloom but I fly with F/A''s all the time that have there heads in the sand. Some were clueless about getting furloughed. You should know what the possibilities are and be ready for them.
OK....everything will turn out great. Click your heels together ....
Just talked to a union president that agrees. The company will contest an unemployment claim IF you pass a F/A MDA position. No one said you couldn''t pass MDA....but don''t expect unemployment.
I am really tired of educationing Flight Attendants that have no clue. (Not saying you are one of them)
But some people prefer to just look at the good and are SHOCKED and DISMAYED when things don''t go all rosy.
Sorry if reality offended people.
Everyone raises interesting points. I like having this place to vent, as well. I hope we don't get into a "I'm totally right and you're totally wrong" match. Life at or waiting for US is hard enough without arguing. Most info on these boards is conjecture or rumor...Let's take it with a grain of salt, hope for the best and not take things personally. End of sermon.

Besides, the important question is, "How many cabin jumpseats will be on these birds?"...'cause I don't wanna live in Shittsburgh again!

I'm only kidding...sort of...good luck to everyone from all of us here in Philthadelphia!
Here is what PSA will look like over the coming months if the schedual is adhered to.

Oct03 - 28props, 2jets
Nov03 - 26props, 4jets
Dec03 - 24props, 7jets
Jan04 - 22props, 10jets
Feb04 - 20props, 13jets
Mar04 - 18props, 16jets
Apr04 - 16props, 19jets
May04 - 14props, 23jets
Jun04 - 12props, 27jets
Jul04 - 10props, 31jets
Aug04 - 08props, 35jets
Sep04 - 06props, 39jets
Oct04 - 04props, 43jets
Nov04 - 02props, 46jets
Dec04 - 00props, 49jets
Jan05 - 52jets
Feb05 - 55jets
Mar05 - 58jets
Apr05 - 60jets

Dang...looks like GROWTH to me.

A320 Driver

Meanwhile, mainline continues to park aircraft. Seven Narrow body ABs were returned to Bank One last month (could be six, one of them was waiting on an engine change before being returned).
USAirBoyA330 said:

How cute but....NO. What you fail to get is the whole picture here. I suggest you read the revised contract about MDA. Unemployment!? Your kidding right? There will be no unemployment since USAir is offering you another Flight Attendant position within the same company. Would I accept a MDA position? Well, I guess I would have too or go on furlough with NO unemployment or healthcare. It says you can pass MDA until no more JR people are left under you.
I am not trying to be doom and gloom but I fly with F/A''s all the time that have there heads in the sand. Some were clueless about getting furloughed. You should know what the possibilities are and be ready for them.

DCAflyer replies:

Sorry my friend, but you are the one who doesn''t have a clue. Well, you and a certain MEC president who I suspect I know the identity of. In most (if not all) states, you are not required to relocate long distance to accept new employment. You are not required to accept employment where you would make less money than you were. US Airways can contest it all they want, but that doesn''t mean squat. Your MEC President is not an expert on unemployment (or much less for that matter, but I digress).

On 5/13/2003 11:44:09 AM CLIPPEDWINGS wrote:

On 5/13/2003 11:33:22 AM USAirBoyA330 wrote:

Unemployment!? Your kidding right?  There will be no unemployment since USAir is offering you another Flight Attendant position within the same company........


USAirboy........You are wrong.  If you get laid of from mainline, you DO NOT have to accept a job with MDA.  In unemployment you DO NOT have to accept a job making much less than you were.  In fact, it is my understanding that you don''t even have to accept a job outside of the field that you worked in.  This is all what was explained to me.

  Again, there you go with nothing but negativity!!!​


It will be interesting to see how it plays out. However if all the 70 seaters go to MDA, and MDA remains a "Division" of mainline then you (Pilots and F/A''s) will have to accept the position or resign your position with the airline. At least as far as the pilot contract is concerned, we are obligated to fly whatever mainline decides to fly. If they decide to fly Piper Cubs then we will have to fly them or resign.

My understanding of it is that currently MDA IS MAINLINE! Just like Metrojet was. There will have to be payscales negotiated for the equipment but, I do not think that you will have a choice of taking it or not. It will be bid by seniority just like everything else.

There may not be a J4J issue either, If enough of the 70 seaters are brought on line (As they Claim in the article) and there is no more shrinking from the current number at mainline then the 70 seaters should get all the furloughed pilots back to mainline (i.e. MDA) and all 50 seaters will go to the W/O pilots.

I guess time will tell. Fire away with your thoughts.
On 5/13/2003 12:08:01 PM USAirBoyA330 wrote:

OK....everything will turn out great. Click your heels together ....
Just talked to a union president that agrees. The company will contest an unemployment claim IF you pass a F/A MDA position. No one said you couldn''t pass MDA....but don''t expect unemployment.

That''s funny! I spoke to one today too and apparently I was told something different. You are not educating anybody. If you are so tired of "educating dumb flight attendants stay off the boards or get ALL your facts right. I have seen NO facts from you just pizz poor opinions. I will get to the bottum of this unemployment thing.​

I wouldn''t be as worried about the F/A''s that will be bumped to MDA. MDA will be one of the only growing entities of the airline. As additional furloughs take place at mainline due to returning VF''s, there will be plenty of room for those that want to go to MDA. On top of that you will have normal attrition rates and hopefully they will continue to offer the VL''s as necessary.

The place I see a potential problem is when there are any recalls to mainline. Lets say you are at the top of the list to get recalled to ML and are working for MDA. You accept recall to ML and then 2 months later 300 VF''s come back and you are bumped back to MDA. That back and forth between ML and MDA would be more of an issue I would think.
On 5/13/2003 1:51:26 PM A320 Driver wrote:

Here is what PSA will look like over the coming months if the schedual is adhered to.

Oct03 - 28props, 2jets
Nov03 - 26props, 4jets
Dec03 - 24props, 7jets
Jan04 - 22props, 10jets
Feb04 - 20props, 13jets
Mar04 - 18props, 16jets
Apr04 - 16props, 19jets
May04 - 14props, 23jets
Jun04 - 12props, 27jets
Jul04 - 10props, 31jets
Aug04 - 08props, 35jets
Sep04 - 06props, 39jets
Oct04 - 04props, 43jets
Nov04 - 02props, 46jets
Dec04 - 00props, 49jets
Jan05 - 52jets
Feb05 - 55jets
Mar05 - 58jets
Apr05 - 60jets

Dang...looks like GROWTH to me.

A320 Driver

Meanwhile, mainline continues to park aircraft. Seven Narrow body ABs were returned to Bank One last month (could be six, one of them was waiting on an engine change before being returned).


Don''t even go there! Remember J4J''s being shoved up our asses? Surly you know what it is? You guys get half those planes while we may be able to keep those currently on OUR property working.

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