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US Airways Regional Jet Order

So am I reading correctly that we will have a dual class 70 seater flown as US AIRWAYS (operated by MidAtlantic Airways) and a dual class 75 seater flown as US AIRWAYS EXPRESS (operated by PSA Airlines)? That would be a little bizarre... or will all the "laRJ"s be flown under the US AIRWAYS name regardless of the operator?
"Correction to my second to last paragraph"

I just saw the delivery sch. and it does look like PSA will get the first 60 CRJs afterall. The PDT and ALG order will be announced at a later date.

It did sound like a good theory though, did''nt it?
Has anyone at PDT or ALG heard about any training for flight crews or MX, that would be postive sign of obtaining the CRJ''s / ERJ''s, or is it just, "Wish On A Falling Star" ??
On 5/12/2003 3:54:41 PM N786P wrote:

Has anyone at PDT or ALG heard about any training for flight crews or MX, that would be postive sign of obtaining the CRJ''s / ERJ''s, or is it just, "Wish On A Falling Star" ??

Not a thing. We''ve been "Wishing On A Falling Star" for almost ten years now.

Until the suit is filed against ALPA for conflict of interest, things won''t change and there will always be a preferred pilot group.

"He who pays more dues, gets better representation; and he who flies for free, will win."
The news release should read “US Airways employees place record Jet order with Bombardier and Embraerâ€￾. Since it was only possible due to their sacrifices (i.e. Pensions and Givebacks).
Quoted from another site:

"Going back to jet4jobs, 50/50 is the only fair way for all involved."

"No, it isn''t. J4J is the biggest load ever crammed down our collective throats. Everything unions are SUPPOSED to stand for, J4J violates. It creats a superclass of pilots who are allowed to take jobs from other ''lower class'' pilots..."
You would be better off cutting your losses at the U group and go work for someone else (SWA or JB)........
I think the press release may be in error when it talks about a CRJ 700 with 75 seats in a dual class config. Don't the all coach 700s only hold 70? That would be a tight squeeze!

A concern to furloughed mainline flight attendants who have been promised jobs at Mid-Atlantic, "Can we be bumped back to the street if VOLUNTARY furloughees returning to work force flight attendants senior to us into an INVOLUNTARY furlough?" While not official, the union rep I spoke with believes this will be the case. I understand everyone needs the same job protections but it would suck nonetheless to finally be called back to MDA, move to another base, fly for a year at American Eagle pay rates and then be told, "Sorry, 300 more mainline stews just got furloughed and 150 of them want to come fly here. Turn in your ID." I guess there's never any real security.

I know I'm jumping the gun here, but I also am anxious to find out...since Mid-Atlantic is going to be a "division" rather than a "subsidiary," will we continue to gain seniority on the mainline? i.e. I have 2.5 years at mainline--I go to Mid-Atlantic for 2.5 years--when I am called back to mainline, will I be at a 5 year rate of pay or back at my 2.5 year rate of pay? Originally the union told us (not very clearly, I might add) that we would not accrue seniority for pay purposes...but that was when MDA was slated to be a subsidiary. Guess I'll just be glad to be back at work if/when they call and if I don't get chucked out again a few months later.

Accentuate the positive! Damn! I always forget that!
On 5/12/2003 5:57:32 PM nyboilermaker wrote:

Quoted from another site:

"Going back to jet4jobs, 50/50 is the only fair way for all involved."

"No, it isn''t. J4J is the biggest load ever crammed down our collective throats. Everything unions are SUPPOSED to stand for, J4J violates. It creats a superclass of pilots who are allowed to take jobs from other ''lower class'' pilots..."

Since I was the one that wrote that comment, perhaps you could go back and read the whole thing instead of taking it out of context and making it sound like the writer(me) is a supporter of J4J''s. In the particular post, which is on this thread not another site, I''m talking about how 50/50 is the only fair way for the company to place 70 seaters at the WO''s under current agreements. Not how they want to do it, which is 100% of the seats to furloughed Mainline pilots.

I won''t get into the good and bad of J4J''s, its done and theres nothing that can be done about it. Had everyone done things differently with more communication and less greed there could have been a much better solution that would have benifited all of us. Too little Too late now, but we can make sure that the rules of it are followed.
If you are displaced to MDA you will continue to accrue your seniority at Mainline because your still a mainline F/A.
And yes, just as I said before...
As the VOL Furloughed F/A''s begin to return it will just push everyone else down and probably the new MDA F/A''s right back out on the street. It''s going to be a HUGE mess.
I am a little confused as to who will operate the CRJ-700''s,
its seams the CRJ-200 go to PSA and the EMB-170/175 to Mid-Atlantic. Also where are the 37-44 seaters that were susposed to be about 1/3 of the order ?
On 5/12/2003 6:05:40 PM jetstewus wrote:

I think the press release may be in error when it talks about a CRJ 700 with 75 seats in a dual class config. Don't the all coach 700s only hold 70? That would be a tight squeeze!
They are buying the CRJ-700 Series 705 aircraft. These actually have the -900s fuselage and there they are able to put in a 75 seat two class config. Sounds kinda like their CRJ-400/440 attempt to get orders for a 40-seat RJ using the same plane as a -100/200.

On 5/12/2003 9:26:54 PM LGA777 wrote:

I am a little confused as to who will operate the CRJ-700's,
its seams the CRJ-200 go to PSA and the EMB-170/175 to Mid-Atlantic. Also where are the 37-44 seaters that were susposed to be about 1/3 of the order ?

I believe the CRJ-700s are going to MDA as well, unless they will be flown by contract carriers for US Airways. We'll see....CRJ-200s are going to PSA, so maybe ALG or PDT will get the -700s. They'll need to make the decision quick, as they'll start coming in October.
There is also a considerable number of options to both manufacturers. 140 options for the ERJ-145 and nearly the same amount of options for additional CRJ''s.
Did''nt PDT,s pilots and F/A''s agree to the pay cuts way before PSA''s ? What a slap in the face.
On 5/13/2003 7:31:39 AM N786P wrote:

Did''nt PDT,s pilots and F/A''s agree to the pay cuts way before PSA''s ? What a slap in the face.

No. While PDT and ALG were trying to hold the line and not give in the PSA MEC voted yes to a contract that the pilots voted no to and also accepted J4J''s without a vote from the Pilot Group. PDT and ALG pretty much had no choice except to fall in line.

PDT and ALG did however have all their labor groups onboard with concessions while the PSA ramp and gate agents were the only outstanding group to not sign a concessionary contract by the time we emerged from B.K.

Just because no announcement has been made as of yet please do not turn this into a WO "free for all". The WO''s still need to work together to deal with this and many other issues that will arise. Now more than ever we need to be on the same page.

All the WO''s will get jets and still retain their employees. This order most likely went to PSA due to the fact that we have been able to succesfully change aircraft types here many times. Its like being the test monkey.

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