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US Airways Express Regional Jet Update

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US Airways Express Regional Jet (RJ) Update
RJ Definitions:
Small RJ - up to 44 seats and the CRJ 240/400 configured for 40 seats.
Medium RJ - 45 to 50 seats.
Large RJ - 51 to 70 seats. In addition, the EMB-170 and EMB-175 configured with no more than 76 seats are included.
Specific Express Airline Status
Midway Airlines - Has begun pilot training and has authorization for 18 Medium RJs with an option for 48 additional RJs. The company must begin revenue flights before December 31, 2002.
Mesa Airlines - Has obtained an agreement with US Airways to operate 70 additional RJs. 40 will be 50-seaters and 30 70-seat CRJ-700s. 20 50-seaters and 30 CRJ-700s must be in active service by December 31, 2004.
Participating Affiliate Carriers - US Airways can add 25 70-seat CRJ-700 aircraft at affiliate carriers, in addition to the Mesa authorization, provided that they are placed into revenue service no later than December 31, 2004.
Participating Wholly Owned Carrier - US Airways Express can add 25 70-seat CRJ-700 and 25 50-seat RJ aircraft with special J4J provisions.
Chautauqua Airlines - Can add to the US Airways Express network up to 12 “Medium RJsâ€￾ placed into revenue operation under the US Airways code by February 29, 2004 plus 12 “Medium RJsâ€￾ into service no later than February 28, 2005 .
US Airways MidAtlantic Airways (MDA) Mainline Division - MDA shall begin revenue flights on or before December 31, 2004 with no less than two Regional Jets (which shall be either “Medium RJsâ€￾ or “Large RJsâ€￾, or both) placed into revenue service. Presumably, MDA will operate the EMB-170 and EMB-175, which could be delivered to US Airways Group in September 2003.
The above agreements provide special provisions for an additional 166 RJs, plus 48 options, to be added to the US Airways Express network, with the majority of the small jets in revenue service by December 31, 2004.
