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Us Airways & Industry Analysis

Rico said:
I think the SWA operation in PIT will look exactly like the SWA operation in CLE since the two markets are about the same. Just another market for Southwest, and not some focal point like BWI or MCO.

Actually, BNA or RDU is probably closer to the mark. CLE has (had, to a certain extent) much higher fees than PIT, was terminally and runway contrained until very recently, and suffered from brain-dead management.

CO also has a hub in CLE (and has remained comitted to it), unlike US in PIT. CO is also strong enough to keep LUV in check; US is not.

I must add something here... It cracks me up.... after all of these years of flying to PIT/PHL etc, many of you do nothing but slam USAirways... <<THANK GOD we have a newcomer here!>>..<<let us be rid of the "demon"!>>....<< we have a newcomer, thank the LORD!!!>> <<Our savior!!>> Whatever happens in the next few months, I really hope that people will not praise the demise of USAirways; instead will be satisfied with the service it has had, and will continue to have, in PA for many years.....if I recall, it was not *always* traumatic to be with USAirways.... I wish all of the employees of USAirways and Southwest a Happy, Healthy 2005.... 🙂
A320pilot is an eternal optimist.He wants so bad for his job to remain that he has convinced himself that u will turn around and become a profitable carrier.I dont feel he is a bad person,and some of the replies have been harsh and uncalled for.
However,all of wall street and the flying public and deep down most employees know we only have a very short time left.
As the saying goes I was looking for a job when I found this one.I always have been able to find work and I have applying for jobs all along.
Best wishes to all!!!
Well your company is lying again.

They claim they want the same cost structure as SWA, well that means they would have to give all their mechanics a raise!!

How come you didnt respond to LGA's post?

While you were busy snipping quotes did you come across this one?

Delta's move could pummel US Airways (UAIRQ:OTC BB - commentary - research), which is struggling to emerge from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. "One possible outcome of Delta's more aggressive fare structure could be the demise of US Airways, which overlaps with approximately 60% of Delta's domestic revenue," wrote Merrill Lynch's Linenberg. "If that were to occur, it would be a positive for the industry."
Yup, another "report" on how everything is looking great at the ol' U and how every other airline is in deep doo-doo.

Once again I'll just pick out my favorite part:

USA320Pilot said:
USA320Pilot continues: Pittsburgh is a relatively high cost airport with abysmal revenue and O&D traffic. Yes the airport has great facilities, but very little local traffic.
I again wonder if USA320Pilot's grasp on the most basic principles of airline finances are still that poor, or if he just thinks everyone who reads his posts here is a drooling idiot.

Hmmm... Maybe the "abysmal revenue and O&D traffic" in PIT is because of price gouging by the carrier that has (had?) a fortress hub there? As a casual observer of the industry, I have a little hunch that when fares come down, O&D traffic will shoot up, along with the revenue associated with such a traffic increase.

How many Pittsburghers now drive to airports in Ohio for lower fares? They won't be needing to much longer. Ohioans will be driving to PIT.

Or is A320Pilot suggesting that there is simply "something in the water" in PIT that has created low O&D figures there (relatively speaking, for a region with that population), and why this is so is a great mystery, or that airline consumers in PIT are immune to the pricing pressures and sensitivities that are the reality in the rest of the world ...
USA320Pilot said:
AP Tech:

A total maintenance and FSA lock out is interesting, but I believe it's too big to be done at once.

I have a gut feeling there could be 3 IAM TA's tomorrow.

Let's all hope so.


There will only be one, mark my words.
Theyll be something one way or the other....... MArk My Words!

Lets make a wager, I say there will be one TA and to final offers thrown to the IAM this morning.

So what do you say?

A final offer is not a TA.

Guess you dont know where I have been for the past three months.
700, my point is there will be something willin or not. I agree, more than likely one ta, 2 non! Those 2 at 9:30 this morning, will be tossed out !
You are a troubled individual if you take glee in knowing 4,000 people or more will be out of a job.

I feel sorry for you.
No, I take glee that close to 30,000 others will be saved...... Please leave the drama home!
This company has 28,000 or so employees, take away 4,000 and you get 24,000 if it survives.

And I am glad to see you are just as good at math as you are in spelling and grammar.
usfliboi said:
No, I take glee that close to 30,000 others will be saved...... Please leave the drama home!
you and your posterboy usa320pilot should read the tea leaves and worry about bookings for the next 2 months.....you and your 30,000.
Thats whats wrong with the IAM, they have no idea of how to build solidarity. NO updates, no information, nothing! Is it any wonder why FSA's are ready to dump the IAM? What they agree to for FSA's will likely happen at UAL. Then UAL will be ready to dump the IAM also.

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