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Us Airways In Trouble Again

USA320Pilot said:
US Airways in trouble again - Airline has lost about $200 million since emerging from bankruptcy

Analyst: "The next 30 to 60 days are going to be critical"

ATLANTA (Journal-Constitution) - Only 10 months after emerging from bankruptcy, US Airways' future is in doubt once again.

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Why do you continue to just cut and past negative reports.
Mostly the same ole song and dance you are not telling us anything we don't know...You are becoming a nuisance
orwell said:
PITbull said:
Next time your short-sighted mind tells you that it is the laborer who shuts down a company, you need to find out who makes the laws THAT CONDONE  sending American jobs out of this country. Who makes the rules that outsourcing is OK. Who makes the laws that BK is OK and even fostered.

Labor has done more than any other interested party to save this particular company. THE REST IS UP TO MANAGEMENT ON WHAT TO DO WITH THOSE SACRIFICES ALREADY GIVEN. If THEY choose to take their money off the table and run, so be it.
Ok, what about the US laws that allow unions to practice legalized extortion?

What about the US laws that allow unions to collude on pricing (you know, that time-honored practice of jacking the industry up one corner at a time.)

Example - union members of various competing US carriers proudly honor picket lines, discuss common strategies to inflate salaries, etc. Yet competing carriers cannot so much as whisper to each other about strategies with respect to competing with the hordes of commodity carriers nor on ways of keeping costs down.

So, don't try to sell the idea that the government is entirely company-friendly. There are plenty of outrageous laws that allow extortionary union tactics.

What it all adds up to is that, for years, many airline workers viewed themselves as mercenaries, not employees. They sought to squeeze the most pay their threats could buy for themselves and their co-mercenaries - and to heck with other employee groups and the rest of the company.

What is happening today is, in part, a result of such mindsets.
Legalized Extortion ? , Collusion ?, Mercenaries?, :lol: I'm guessing when you use the term legalized extortion, you are refering to Collective Bargaining......Union Price Collusion??.. You have got to be kidding. Do you actually believe these companies don't scheme together (Behind closed Doors)?? Gee Whiz, No one has ever called me a Mercenary before. { It's kinda exciting } 😛h34r: You ever wonder WHY there are UNIONS in the first place ??? Do you think people enjoy paying dues ??? The COMPANY is the one that decides whether or not a union is voted in or not...The COMPANY knows how they SHOULD treat their employees, For the most part, they chose not to....
ITRADE said:
Well, if there can be robber barons, there can be extortion mercenaries.
Yeah. The only problem is that the robber barons have recieved 1 BILLION CONCESSION DOLLARS from the extortion mercenaries.
ITRADE said:
Well, if there can be robber barons, there can be extortion mercenaries.
True enough, but the mercs better tighten up, or find another line of work.

They're getting their asses handed to them.
[/QUOTE] True enough but the mercs better tighten up, or find another line of work.
because they're getting their asses handed to them

and they're not using a plate. . . .

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