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Us Airways- Rising

700UW said:
Let me rain on your parade:

Southwest gains, US Airways falls
Every airline, with the exception of US Airways Group Inc., reported passenger gains at Pittsburgh International Airport in June, and newcomer Southwest Airlines had the third-most riders, airport officials said Monday.

Southwest Gains, US Airways Falls

The only reason is that US is pulling out slowly. NW is not the golden child.
Light Years said:
Big deal, US Airways is still the biggest airline in Pittsburgh without really trying or caring. That says alot.
Thank God you got rid of that dancing girl. She almost drove me crazy. :shock:
SpinDoc said:
700UW said:
Let me rain on your parade:

Southwest gains, US Airways falls
Every airline, with the exception of US Airways Group Inc., reported passenger gains at Pittsburgh International Airport in June, and newcomer Southwest Airlines had the third-most riders, airport officials said Monday.

SpinDoc replies:

Well, DUHHHHH. If you continue to cut flights
as US has done in PIT, then your traffic
will decrease. The brain trust in CCY made
a serious error in gutting PIT. They traded
operational efficiency and relatively low
baggage problems for the crown jewel in
PHL. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
PHL has the O/D soooo who is stupid...nice airport nice tarmac and runways but you need O/D to make $$$ it's the cash cow of the system...even with all the issues...
I'm sure Omaha wouldn't have alot of delays either. Let's put one hub there and then another in Lincon.
phl/yyz said:
PHL has the O/D soooo who is stupid...nice airport nice tarmac and runways but you need O/D to make $$$ it's the cash cow of the system...even with all the issues...

All the O&D in the world can't overcome the
expenses that PHL puts into the system, ie.
operational delays, baggage delivery costs,
wasted fuel, diversions, cancellations due to
ATC, rude employees and lost goodwill,
........ need I go on Einstein?

Oh, and the wonderful O&D yeilds that US
has been banking on since de-hubbing PIT
have now become liabilities with WN setting
the same day business fares at $399 O/W.
Again, WHO is stupid? CCY, that's who.
ClueByFour said:
U had 600,000 or so enplanements on 200+ flights. LUV had 67k on 10 flights.

If LUV went to 80 or 90 flights, they would carry the same number of pax with half as many flights, and amost all the LUV traffic is O&D.

See also: BWI.

I wonder what the LUV PIT flights are doing to their CLE flights now that all those LUV-lovers don't drive to CLE anymore?
Raizin_Cain said:
Maybe we can fly for 3 years without paying our bills just you !

I think you will find that your days of being proud are just about over. Go into bankruptcy and dump what you don't need(that will include at least one third of your workforce)and cross your fingers that you will be one of the survivors. If you don't have the stomach for it get out now. Just for the record I don't like any of this for any carrier but this is the new reality. You could always throw yourself on the sword and fight this to the end. You will have your pride but you will not have a job. Your choice.
Raizin_Cain said:
Maybe we can fly for 3 years without paying our bills just you !

This is just proof that some DAL employees have been sticking needles in their US Airways voodoo dolls for the past three years. Didn't work; we're still here. I hate that for you. I suggest getting the biggest Gerald Grinstein doll available for those pins. And, once paycuts and benefit reductions start coming you could use them as accupuncture pins to numb the pain. Good luck, and I really mean it. This is not fun at all.
nycbusdriver said:
I wonder what the LUV PIT flights are doing to their CLE flights now that all those LUV-lovers don't drive to CLE anymore?

I suspect that they'll know in a year or so, once LUV rolls out some additional PIT service. It probably won't do their CLE operation any good.

CAK has to be really irked. Airtran has a nice little operation at CAK, although I don't think LUV will tear into the CAK-NE (LGA/BOS) traffic unless LUV starts PIT-(PVD/MHT).

As for the poster who indicated that PHL was/is a cash-cow--that's probably not true domestically anymore (thanks to LUV) and things like the regularly scheduled baggage and runway capacity meltdowns have to have a huge cost (PAWOBs, hotels for misconnects, etc).

Gate in PHL to baggage retrieval in PIT today--almost 3.75 hours. Crown Jewel, baby.
Take the big planes that would have flown through PIT and put them through PHL on a rolling basis and shut down F terminal. Use gates on A B and C efficiently, and reject leases on F. If PHL has the O and D, fill up big planes efficiently, send the 170s and 190s into A B and C. And have limited props and RJs at F.
Light Years said:
Big deal, US Airways is still the biggest airline in Pittsburgh without really trying or caring. That says alot.
U will always have the allure of "Hometown" airline and your "loyal" customers. Something Southwest can never touch.

With that being said, I see WN running a mid size operation out of PIT in the future. Around 45 to 55 flights with alot more non-stops. PIT growth though depends on the "Wright Amendment" issues. The faster this issue is resolved will determine the speed in which PIT gets extra flights. WN will make money, having number one status in the market doesn't really matter.

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