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USA320Pilot said:
Just one more point...it's time to stop "shooting the messenger" and focusing on the problems at hand.
Perhaps we should try to stop shooting the readers, too.

You're wrong.

Furthermore, I'm tired of debating the issues with the United employees. The issue is that United cannot emerge from bankruptcy until some big issues are fixed or termianted, thus the company cannot obtain the loan guarantee.

Can it be done? Yes, but it appears it's going to take more cost cuts, more employee concessions, and an equity investor.

I'm not trying to be argumentative, but the information I have posted is the latest news on the pending business partner consolidation. Could it change, sure, but that's the plan.



USFlyer said: "Perhaps we should try to stop shooting the readers, too."

USA320Pilot responds: You're right. Sometime I just get a little tired of the naysayers.



Tired of debating? Of course you are not tire of debating, because you will not debate. You will only fire salvos of innuendo and when challenged you do not repsond or use the "your wrong" response.

Last week I posted reply to your MIA, retirement and other issues facing UAL. To the FACTS you ignored them and started a new thread with a hacked up headline spun to fill your fantasy.

Bring facts not innuendo and do not shirk a good debate.

Good luck to the rest of the US Airways employees.
DELETED Or that you are the first or last to post published news early or late? Or that you think you are Usairways all knowing pilot savior. If the later is the case why is Usairways on the verge of demise? Why have you not been hired as a consultant for Usairways or have you LOL? Why are you not on the board of directors or the CEO or the president instead of a mere pilot, if you know so much? Please what is it with you whats in the closet that could explain your constant need of attention and your need to put your nose in others business and try to control their thinking? Please explain.
USA320Pilot said:
USA320Pilot responds: You're right. Sometime I just get a little tired of the naysayers.
As do I. But, you can't really expect UA employees to just sit back while you tell them their company is not emerging, is liquidating, is being bought, etc., especially when US is in no better financial condition. Speculation is fine -- god knows we all do it -- but the same speculation over and over gets tiresome, so people have to respond eventually. 🙂

I hope both companies survive -- I enjoy flying both -- and deepen their partnership. As a frequent business traveler, I've found much value in the relationship and hope it only continues to improve.

Just my two cents ...
USA320Pilot said:

You're wrong.

That's it? That's the extent of your "debate"? You won't provide even a glimmer of how or why I'm "wrong"? Wow, that's certainly a powerful argument in your favor (note the dripping sarcasm)!

USA320Pilot said:
Furthermore, I'm tired of debating the issues with the United employees.
BTW, smart guy, how many times do I have to tell you that I don't work for United, US Airways or any other airline?

USA320Pilot said:
The issue is that United cannot emerge from bankruptcy until some big issues are fixed or termianted, thus the company cannot obtain the loan guarantee.
But that's not what you said (and don't blame me if you can't type what you mean)! Your precise quote was that if "Untied [sic] can prove it can emerge from bankruptcy, do not be surprised if RSA provides United Airlines with an equity investment in exchange for control of the company." While I agree with you that United still has some problems to fix, United management has repeatedly (and publicly) said it is confident that it can do so without an equity investor, and I'll take their word for it over yours. So again, very simply, if United can emerge from bankruptcy, it won't need RSA.

USA320Pilot said:
Can it be done? Yes, but it appears it's going to take more cost cuts, more employee concessions, and an equity investor.
The first two items may (or may not) be necessary, but regarding an equity investor, that's simply your opinion, nothing more.

USA320Pilot said:
I'm not trying to be argumentative, but the information I have posted is the latest news on the pending business partner consolidation. Could it change, sure, but that's the plan.
And how would you know this? Is it from the same "secret sources" of yours that told you United would not meet its DIP requirements in the fall of 2003? IMHO, your "sources" are feeding you misinformation -- otherwise, you would have already had an unpleasant meeting with folks from the SEC's Enforcement Division regarding the dissemination of insider information from a public company. If this hasn't happened (and I'm assuming it hasn't, unless you indicate otherwise), then the only other logical explanation is that you are just being used. Sad but true.
USA320Pilot said:
For example, the sale of PSA, the Allegheny/Piedmont consolidation, RJ orders shifted to affiliate carriers, yesterday’s grievance settlement between ALPA and the company on RJ issues, the ALPA MEC's charging order for the Negotiating Committee to enter into scope clause modifications regarding RJs, and the eventual sale of the "wholly owned" divisions that would then eliminate the UAL AFA scope clause problem if the companies merge.
At the expense of any junior mailine employee and every wholly owned employee.

Transparent goals, I'd say.
USA320Pilot said:

EyeInTheSky said: "Any nimrod can sign up for Google Aviation News and get emails about stories regarding US Airways or the airline of their choice."

USA320Pilot asks: Over one week before the news appears on Google Aviation News? Enough said. By the way, who predicted the recent IAM A320 outsourcing news before the courts ruling was announced?


USA320Pilot, whatever floats your boat. I just can't for the life of me understand this UAL merger addiction. You say don't shoot the messenger, true, but If I spent as much time on this board as you my old lady would shoot me. USA320Pilot its one thing to post a 'message' it's a totally different animal to throw in your biased point-of-view into it. Don't go telling people what to give up, it's really pompous. I am just calling it like I see it. Let's face it, you have an agenda to keep your job and your lifestyle whatever that is. Personally, those of us in the real world have to look in the mirror every day and like what we see. We aren't talking extreme makeover here we're talking about having a life. There's a point when a person has had enough. I think a lot of people feel like I do that they are ready for this US Airways drama factory to end or shut down. Whatever happens, I'd like to look in the mirror employed or unemployed and know I gave it my best, but I didn't sell out my dignity just to stay employed. THAT my friends is a choice.
USA320Pilot said:

USFlyer said: "Perhaps we should try to stop shooting the readers, too."

USA320Pilot responds: You're right. Sometime I just get a little tired of the naysayers.


USA320Pilot then take a break and spend some time with the family. My god, this board isn't that important. For your sanity (and for the rest of us) I think it's time that you chilled out a bit.

Written With Respect,
A fellow crewmember
EyeInTheSky said:
USA320Pilot said:

USFlyer said: "Perhaps we should try to stop shooting the readers, too."

USA320Pilot responds: You're right. Sometime I just get a little tired of the naysayers.


USA320Pilot then take a break and spend some time with the family. My god, this board isn't that important. For your sanity (and for the rest of us) I think it's time that you chilled out a bit.

Written With Respect,
A fellow crewmember
A320 great post keep them coming! You would think no one is entitled to an opinion on here. !!!! I agree 125% with your take on a combo between the 2 airlines and rsa being at the core!
Just for the record I am not, nor have I ever been an employee of United Airlines. I am self-employed.

Additionally, the intent is not to "shoot the messenger". It would be a pleasure to read, at some point in the near future, that USA320 does not personalize everything. Contributors to this and other forums may disagree or challenge statements and/or opinions, that is the nature of an active message board. Having an opposing viewpoint is not indicative of anyone having a personal vendetta against anyone else. Requesting information to substantiate a claim does not make an inquisitor a naysayer.

Once again, good luck to all those that have a connection with or fondness for US Airways. Extended Good Health and a Speedy Recovery to USA320's ailing child.

Excellent posting!!! I agree that while UAL has some problems to solve. (Which they are doing. ) That in the event of an equity investor being needed RSA would not be the preferred lender of choice. IMO, the banks would most likely offer up a majority if not all of the money in exchange for higher rates.

RSA and U will have very little impact on the BK emergence of UAL. While I do not wish to see UAL's business partner and possible surviving entity of the inevitiable ITCH ,or was it a SCRATCH? suffer, the future of U lies directly with the employees, union leadership and management teams. UAL and its employees are mere specatators in this.

Also, there might be a IAD announcement concerning TED in the next few days. The VP of TED will be at IAD tommorow for a town hall meeting and if I find out any intel I will let it flow. My guess is that TED will be used to serve some of the ACA routes and the remaining CRJ service will be provided by TSA/ARW/SKYW at IAD. Also, there are reports that ACA may provide J41's for the UAX operation at a negotiated rate that is commiserate with the other UAX carriers and voila the IAD problem that a pompous USA capt likes to reference will be solved.

With deepest and warmest respectful regards,
An employee of the "shocking" U business partner airline, UAL.
Why do you guys insist on personally insulting USA320Pilot? I can understand disagrement, but why don't you stick to facts? I don't recall seeing any statement, adjective, or message that was a personal insult to any of you. You guys need to take a long look in the mirror, or else take 10 seconds before posting. If a person were judged at the end of his life only by postings here, USA320Pilot come out far ahead of the most of the rest of you.
Heinrich said:
Why do you guys insist on personally insulting USA320Pilot? I can understand disagrement, but why don't you stick to facts? I don't recall seeing any statement, adjective, or message that was a personal insult to any of you. You guys need to take a long look in the mirror, or else take 10 seconds before posting. If a person were judged at the end of his life only by postings here, USA320Pilot come out far ahead of the most of the rest of you.
Maybe at a nazi youth rally he would come out ahead of the rest of us. Sticking to the facts, there will be no usair united merger. Because one airline is in bankruptcy and the other airline is close to going out of business. There's a fact for you. People would need to be smoking ganja for this merger to even come to life.

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