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Your poll question is of the "have you stopped beating your wife" variety.
Take the political rant somewhere else
Take the political rant somewhere else
Your poll question is of the "have you stopped beating your wife" variety.
Take the political rant somewhere else
My fellow co-workers , it is with the greatest displeasure that I must inform you that our companies management has lost it’s
The letter goes on to name the CEO’s who have signed off on this letter , Doug Parker is among them ..
To those of you not familiar with the political situation in the state , we are battling illegal immigration with everything we’ve got .. Hundreds of thousands of people are flooding in each and every year taking jobs , committing crimes , over burdening our schools , jails and putting strains on our health care system so severe that many of our border hospitals have simply gone out of business …
Our state is doing everything it possibly can in the face of complete and utter federal inaction … is it unfortunate that my state representatives have had to take matters into their own hands and passed some of the most stringent anti illegal immigration laws in the country ? It sure is ,… but the reality is that no one else is doing ANYTHING … meanwhile millions of Americans are unemployed while millions of undocumented workers continue to pull down paychecks …. to illustrate my point I want all of you to read this article about illegal immigrants caught at several local pei way restaurants ..
Your poll question is of the "have you stopped beating your wife" variety.
Take the political rant somewhere else
I first take issue with the subject of this post. It suggests to me that maybe you didn't read the entirety of the letter, in which is included:Replying to US Airways has chosen to stand against the American people ….
Oh heavens! If only they knew freedom! A veritable horde of Mexicans streaming across the border in waves!To those of you not familiar with the political situation in the state , we are battling illegal immigration with everything we’ve got .. Hundreds of thousands of people are flooding in each and every year taking jobs , committing crimes , over burdening our schools , jails and putting strains on our health care system so severe that many of our border hospitals have simply gone out of business …
Our state is doing everything it possibly can in the face of complete and utter federal inaction … is it unfortunate that my state representatives have had to take matters into their own hands and passed some of the most stringent anti illegal immigration laws in the country ? It sure is ,… but the reality is that no one else is doing ANYTHING … meanwhile millions of Americans are unemployed while millions of undocumented workers continue to pull down paychecks …. to illustrate my point I want all of you to read this article about illegal immigrants caught at several local pei way restaurants ..
Hot dog! Is that why the stock market was up today? These 120 jobs will make great 2nd and 3rd jobs for the single moms out there and the former professionals that are $100,000 underwater in their styrofoam and chicken-wire tract homes. It brings a patriotic tear to my eye...After the raids , over 120 jobs were freed for AMERICAN citizens to support themselves ….
I think Mr Parker that you do not understand what it’s like to live in a world where not everyone makes a million dollars a year and their children don’t have to even CONSIDER working at a restaurant or fast food location .. I bet your not even aware that teenage unemployment is at it’s highest levels since record keeping began …
I am an AMERICAN CITIZEN , and I will do whatever it takes to ensure that OUR PEOPLE can find employment in AMERICA , AMERICAN’S come first ….
While our company requires stringent background checks due to our Federal nature ( FAA etc ) many of the other companies on that list do not … I wonder how many of them are employing illegal immigrants at this very moment ..
There WILL be more boycotts Mr Parker , the entrenched interests in the opposition are not just going to leave our country because we have asked nicely …. They will scream racism , they will scream injustice , they will demand boycotts , they will do whatever it takes in order to continue to hold down jobs that belong to Americans , and consume resources that could be better spent taking care of citizens ..
You are of course the leader of this company , at the end of the day YOU get to make the calls on which direction we go in … but even though I am one person , I am one person among many and I will not forsake my country in it’s hour of need …
People like this argument because it seems clear cut at a glance and requires a minimum expenditure in brain power.First of all, what part of I L L E G A L doesn't everyone get? That means if you are an illegal alien you don't belong here, period. If you want to come to the US do it legally.
Most illegals do pay taxes of one form or another. If they've ever shopped at a convenience store or Home Depot they've paid sales tax. Those who, as freedom puts it "pull down paychecks" are paying income tax and therefore state income tax as well as FICA, etc. What's more, a good number of them don't file returns to get refunds because they're afraid to do so, which means that some have paid even more than their share. Why do you think the IRS doesn't check returns against citizenship data? How do I know this? I worked for a stint at a place that had more than 100 of them on the payroll.I have no objection to immigration as long as it is done legally- after all, MOST of us would not be here today without some form of legal immigration. That said, however, we have to stop people who have no business being here in the first place from tricking the system and getting benefits without paying their share.
Oh it's you again.While I can understand the plight of those who wish to come here , we can’t simply throw open our borders and invite the over one billion people who live in poverty into our country .. We have our own culture and citizens to nurture and protect , that’s why this fight over illegal immigration is only going to get worse as times grow harder ( bad economy as you point out )…
Deal with it how? Cutting off education and basic health care to people that are nonetheless participating in the economy? Do you think after what they've gone through to get here and the ties and family they have here they're just going to up and leave because you won't let them go to school or into a hospital? You can make life for them as miserable as possible but so long as it's marginally better than Mexico you shouldn't expect them to go anywhere. It's not like they're unwelcome guests that are going to take the hint and politely take leave.I once had a good long talk with the former state treasure of Arizona Dean Martin , he explained to me that with certainty the biggest cost overrun in the state was due to illegal immigrants accessing our health services ..In 2010 the governor of my state actually had to stop adding people to AHCCCS ( state program to help lower income Americans with medical bills ) because we just don’t have the money …
We have a problem , we have to deal with it , the longer we wait the more Americans end up hurt .
Hey , don't blame me .... i'm not the one who chose to inject our company's name in the illegal immgration issue .... talk to doug parker ... If he's going to use our company to push his poltiical or economic views , well then as a worker i've got a right to share mine and push back ..
NO you take your sorry arsed apologies elsewhere!
For YEARS we've been listening to the head drunk of US Airways pontificate. Time to let his words speak for themselves. Why should I interrupt?
His credibility with me is zero and with comments like this it degrades to less than zero. He (Parker) is devoid of morals, values, ethics and his comments prove it. No need for me to interrupt.
The usual blather from you. Don't have an argument, so you call him a drunk.
Do you know what the AZ bills were in the House and Senate? Ones that would deny US citizenship to anyone born in AZ from foreign parents. That is a state law attempting to change the Constitution. Its a silly waste of time that is not even enforceable. And, it got voted down.
Actual intelligent debate about immigration is needed, not a bunch of bumper sticker statements based on emotion.
But, you just wanted to vent at Parker...you don't like Parker, then don't freaking fly US, its a sick obsession with you, and it got old several years and a few name changes ago. waaaaaah!
Hark, read ye my omnibus reply, or skip it. I don't care, I'm not doing this for the critics.
I first take issue with the subject of this post. It suggests to me that maybe you didn't read the entirety of the letter, in which is included:
Let us be clear: our dissension with legislative action on the state level does not translate to our being pro-illegal immigration. To the contrary, we believe Congress must address border security, identity theft, sound and implementable employment verification systems and policies and the creation of a meaningful guest worker program. Therefore, we urge the Legislature to redirect its energy by joining us in pressing the federal government for meaningful immigration reform. Together, we can get results.
As such, simply because these several CEO and business representatives don't agree with the roughshod, amateurish, wasteful way that the Arizona Senate is pursuing the issue doesn't mean they're derp derp pro-illegals as much as you'd like to make them out to be.
Oh heavens! If only they knew freedom! A veritable horde of Mexicans streaming across the border in waves!
People seem to forget that we're talking about a social group that's inhabited and has meandered around this part of the country even before there was a United States. When there were fields to be picked, they came and went, ebb and flow, and when Arizona's decades-long construction boom lit up in the 1950's the developing class and construction people were delighted at the availability of cheap labor, and so long as business was booming, no one really cared all that much that so many of these people didn't have papers. People complain because illegals keep wages down (although I think Wal-Mart's got them beat in that respect), but they also kept the cost of living down as well...
Come 2008 and the housing bubble bursts, and it burst here in AZ pretty hard. Suddenly state revenues went down. Profits went down. Construction ground to a halt. The jobs dried up, and then disappeared. Scapegoats were needed, and distractions! And suddenly, those who'd for generations picked our food, built our skyscrapers, poured our concrete and put down our freeways and highways with the strength of their backs and sweat of their brow were invaders. Criminals! ILLEGALS!
For so long we couldn't live without them, and now, suddenly, we can't afford to have them around, and by God, patriotic Americans are doing something about it!
Flagrant hyperbole, though entertaining, is terribly misleading. For shame. Complete and utter Federal inaction? There's no Border Patrol? No Customs? No DEA? The FBI's not doing anything around the border? Obama didn't deploy National Guard troops while they were hiring and training more BP agents? No bilateral cooperation with Mexican authorities? No recently disclosed drone flights over Mexican territory tracking the cartels? The Federal government is spending $0 on the border every year eh?
The problem most people have with Arizona's SB1070 and its subsequent legislation along the same line is on Constitutional grounds. Specifically, the 1st, 4th, and 14th Amendments (heard of them?) as well as the Supremacy Clause. The one thing that's frightened me more than anything about all this immigration stuff is how many people (most, if the polls are to be believed) would gladly weaken their own rights and civil liberties if it meant taking those rights and liberties away entirely from others. The most common psychological error people make when considering political and social issues is in assuming that those issues for which they think about the most or feel the most passionately are necessarily the most pressing, vital, and vastly important issues of the day. Can you really say that you consider illegal immigration, which Arizona has lived well enough with for the duration of its life (and has even been declining somewhat), is such a massively deadly problem that you're willing to have to prove your citizenship every time you do business with a state or every time a cop asks you? What do you say comrade?
What happens when the politicians and media serve up the next social/poltical crisis (terrorists/Muslims/homegrown radicals), what will you then sacrifice to solve it?
Hot dog! Is that why the stock market was up today? These 120 jobs will make great 2nd and 3rd jobs for the single moms out there and the former professionals that are $100,000 underwater in their styrofoam and chicken-wire tract homes. It brings a patriotic tear to my eye...
First off, Parker didn't draft this letter, he just put his name to it. You might want to read it again though I understand with the patriotic flute and marching drum music that's probably blaring in your head it may be difficult to concentrate.
Do you know who's probably complaining least about teenage employment being so low? Teenagers. You think most of these kids want to dig ditches eight hours a day when it's 115 degrees outside? How many teenagers do you know that have years if not decades of construction and farm experience? Do you think that this the PS3 generation is so thoroughly bummed at not having the esteemed position of cleaning up the champagne vomitus from around the commode in the Ladies room at the Black Angus?
Protip: Most Americans don't want the jobs illegals are doing, that's partially why there was a demand for illegal labor in the first place.
Dear readers, friends, the above snippet is a perfect example demonstrating why so many today are absolutely in love with Taking a Stand Against Illegal Immigration. It's empowering. Choosing a side and solidifying firm convictions, and convincing oneself, that yes, in these times of tumult and economic uncertainty, we have seen the enemy, and he used to make our burritos! People love to take sides and fight valiantly for that side they know to be Good and Right: the side they happen to be on(*cough* pilot's thread *cough*). It's a logical and predictable cathartic displacement and venting of frustration that must be necessarily aimed at another group for the sole purpose of making one feel better about his own convictions and place in the world. And one blows a perceived threat out of proportion in proportion to the amount of psychological comfort he needs to derive from addressing it.
Next caller.
People like this argument because it seems clear cut at a glance and requires a minimum expenditure in brain power.
Maybe it's not what these people don't understand but what they do understand. If very suddenly the 11-13 million illegal immigrants in the country disappeared, what do you think the economics effects would be? Yes, they are here I L L E G A L L Y but they also spend a lot of money on consumer goods and service as well. States love to talk about how much it costs them to educate, medicate, and incarcerate illegal immigrants, $2.2 billion in Arizona alone, and yet, they say nothing about what State revenues are from illegals, granted this because that can't be easily ascertained. People want the illegals to disappear; so be it, just be careful what you wish for.
Most illegals do pay taxes of one form or another. If they've ever shopped at a convenience store or Home Depot they've paid sales tax. Those who, as freedom puts it "pull down paychecks" are paying income tax and therefore state income tax as well as FICA, etc. What's more, a good number of them don't file returns to get refunds because they're afraid to do so, which means that some have paid even more than their share. Why do you think the IRS doesn't check returns against citizenship data? How do I know this? I worked for a stint at a place that had more than 100 of them on the payroll.
And how exactly do we "stop" them, especially the fact that many have and do risk death to get here, and can we really say the complete foolproof method of doing so including physical barricades, enforcement and equipment is going to cost less than simply including them in our society?
Next caller.
Oh it's you again.
Straw man argument. None save for a few nuts on fringe are advocating 100% open and unpatrolled borders. Most reasonable people see the need for border security. As you pointed out earlier, the larger problem is Federal inaction, not to say the President hasn't attempted to push the issue, but Congress seems to have more pressing concerns at the moment. Until that time the several states can pass unconstitutional laws until they're blue in the face but until there's comprehensive national immigration reform they're just spinning their wheels, wasting their time, and making life more difficult for all their residents.
And you're right, we're Americans gosh-dangit, we shouldn't have to be constantly reminded of the vagaries of the third world. Although, I do have to say, I find it funny when people in the richest, most obese and over-entertained country in the history of the world complain about people coming in trying to get a piece of the pie.
Deal with it how? Cutting off education and basic health care to people that are nonetheless participating in the economy? Do you think after what they've gone through to get here and the ties and family they have here they're just going to up and leave because you won't let them go to school or into a hospital? You can make life for them as miserable as possible but so long as it's marginally better than Mexico you shouldn't expect them to go anywhere. It's not like they're unwelcome guests that are going to take the hint and politely take leave.
What do you think is going to happen when you have a few hundred thousand people who are afraid of the police, are afraid to go to hospitals, are denied even basic education, are allowed no opportunities, i.e. no future? Especially with the booming drug trade (a whole other can of worms) and a state filled with firearms? Instead of wasting time on multiple versions of crappy state legislation we should be pressuring Congress to finally take up immigration reform. We should make it so that all residents feel that they can trust the police in working with them (thus making neighborhoods safer and isolating the cartels). We're sending our soldiers and marines half way around the world to get blown up trying to secure freedom and rights and democracy for people that don't even really want it and yet we're unwilling to give those blessings of freedom and education which are already rare in this world to the people washing the dishes at the Pei Wei down the street? How about giving them a buy-in to our society so they feel they have a reason to work with it and protect it.
In conclusion, I support Mr. Parker's endorsement of said letter.
Edit: Don't forget to check the red minus "dislike" button over here --->
Hark, read ye my omnibus reply, or skip it. I don't care, I'm not doing this for the critics.
I first take issue with the subject of this post. It suggests to me that maybe you didn't read the entirety of the letter, in which is included:
In conclusion, I support Mr. Parker's endorsement of said letter.
Edit: Don't forget to check the red minus "dislike" button over here --->
Great post, Chock!
And there is this...
Citizenship? When did I say anything about citizenship?And in the end it is null because they have no rights to be here in the first place as they are illegal! Sneaking across the border and setting up a family/work does not entitle you to citizenship no matter how long you have been here! Its rewarding illegal behavior.
Skilled people from Europe and the South of Asia on the list to enter the U.S...so they can pick tomatoes?There are 100's of thousands of legitimate people from all over the world that are on the waiting list with skills to contribute and become citizens legally. Its unfair to them and is a mockery to the system.
The federal system has failed arizona. The whole thing is a pawn as the democrats want to give these illegals amnesty to have more votes to help sway the power. Its all corrupt.