exagony seems to be lumpy all airline employees together and that''s just WRONG!!!!! When I got furloughed in Jan of 02, I went out and worked night frieght for Home Depot + delivered pizza for dominoes....I had a two year old son with my wife pregnant with our second...I was working 80 hours a week and two jobs just to make ends meet....And guess what, both of those jobs, had us "lazy furloughed airline employees" working there....Times are bad, for everyone I agree, but I think airline employees have been hit a little harder then most...and depending on where you live is what kind of JOBS are avail....I live in a thriving city with many jobs, but I had to BEG for a job at Home Depot and Dominoes because many employers are skeptical about hiring airline employees....especially right after 9/11......it''s hard for an employer to justify training someone who may leave down that road....And I understand that fully, because as soon as a found a flying job that paid better than the regionals, i jumped at it.......Exagony....think before you speak!!!! There are many of us furloughed employees working our butt''s off, paying tax dollars, that would gladdly give anything we can to our fellow furloughees!!!!!! Good luck to All!!!