TDR1502C said:Maybe RSA planned all along to thin the herd and bet on the other horses in the race. How many analysts have said there were too many airlines chasing too few customers? Some stock dopes had to have heard that and taken it to heart.
Cold, but possible.
Oh please. Dr. Bronner may be an egomaniac, and he might even be crazy, but he is NOT stupid. No airline is a sure bet these days--not even Southwest. US Airways, UAL, Delta, and ATA might be less attractive than others, but none of the airlines is exactly what you would call a hot property on the stock markets.
If you look at the financial history of the airlines over the past 25 years (since deregulation), it seems to me that running/owning an airline is in the same class of investment as owning a pro football team. You do it for the ego strokes, not for the profits to be made.