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US Airways Gets Lender, Bronner comments on UAL, & United Wins Pay Cuts

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Chip were you in the room?[BR][BR]Several Mechanic and Related AGCs were in PIT last Tuesday to discuss two articles in our new agreement. The company also showed them the powerpoint presentation, at NO time were concessions discussed or any talk of future negotiations on the subject of concessions addressed to the IAM. [BR][BR]Today on our Grievance Committee Chairman and AGC conference call the question was asked Did they company asked us for further concessions, our Lead AGC The company has not asked us about more concessions. [BR][BR]Chip I do not know how to explain it any further to you, that no negotiations on more concessions were brought up to the IAM Mechanic and Related Membership.
Yes I believe them becuase one of the people who was at the meeting is a good friend of mine and our union would inform us as they are required to by law if the company was asking to negotiate further concessions. They want the RJ relief from the pilots on the 70 seaters and their pension.
[P]I would hope it doesn't involve selling any of the Crown Jewels.[BR][BR]One needs to look no further than Pan Am and TWA for the end result when a company sells the most lucrative assets for a quick cash infusion that ultimately seals the coffin of the seller.[BR][BR][BR][BR][/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]
Mr. Boland, the former chairman of the US Airways Shuttle and a longtime executive with Citigroup, advised America West in its successful loan guarantee bid last summer. Mr. Boland noted that even with provisional approval from the air transportation board, US Airways still had to resort to Chapter 11 bankruptcy. He was skeptical of United's plan, outlined on Sunday, that calls for the airline to return to an operating profit in 2004 and to begin repaying the loan guarantees, if granted, in 2005.

It sounds like they're putting a plan together that's saying everything is going to be good in two years, Mr. Boland said. What happens if everything isn't good in two years, and everything comes home to roost, and they'll be in the soup again? They haven't fixed anything, they've just deferred the problem.

I am sure this is no conflict of interest to have an ex U employee commenting about the viability of UAL's business plan. As to his everything is going to be good in two years... Isn't that what a business plan is. Somebodys' best guess as to what the future will hold. Where was the business plan that predicted the current market? If they could not accurately predict this, then who is to say that UAL is wrong in saying our market will be better in two years with the changes that are taking place. Some former U employee? Give me a break, if this guy was any good he would running an airline as opposed to shooting his mouth off without any true idea as to what is going on at UAL. The press release on Sunday was just that, a press release. The real numbers are to come with the finalization of the pay cuts and revenue gains from the changes that are taking place.
boof says;
Today on our Grievance Committee Chairman and AGC conference call the question was asked Did they company asked us for further concessions, our Lead AGC The company has not asked us about more concessions.
End boof.

And you believed them?
Those at the top and at the comm. desk always seem to be the last to know.
Chip stated above:
The company's survival is at stake and management intends to take every action required to return the company to profitability.

---I ask then when is management going to cut some fat 'it' has in maintenance. By carrying so many supervisors and managers it is not being very prudent. Also giving the non-union folks their two holidays back was in bad taste. Are we not all in this together or is this place going to continue only on 'union' workers backs? I don't see the company getting anymore from the mechanics. Although I know of no one that trusts the company or the union anymore. Everyone is tired of this funeral that never ends.---
Ok Chip, The big RUMOR Fed-Ex and UPS is going to buy Usair. The new name will be FED-UP AIRWAYS !!!! WOLF WILL BE THE NEW CEO.
A320 Driver:

I could not have said it better myself. I don't have another YES vote in me either. On my pay scale I took a $600.00 per month cut. A car payment for gosh sakes. I have re-budgeted myself and it was a sacrifice. It was a sacrifice that I made for USAirways to survive but, enough is enough. If the new team can't make it work, it was not meant to be. They REFUSE to think outside the box and that's what they get the big bucks for. I can't keep throwing my hard earned money into a black hole. Unless management starts thinking in new and inventive ways...no amount of money from labor will help.
One of the things that I pray for is that people with power at USAir will get good sense, and that people with good sense will get power.........and that the rest of us will be blessed with the patience and the strength to survive the incompetence in the meantime!
On 11/19/2002 2:43:07 PM LDKIAM wrote:

Yes I believe them becuase one of the people who was at the meeting is a good friend of mine and our union would inform us as they are required to by law if the company was asking to negotiate further concessions. They want the RJ relief from the pilots on the 70 seaters and their pension.
Now run back and tell that agc you spoke his mind, whats next?
I agree with A320Driver and A330flyboy, I don't have a Yes Vote left in me either.

This company has not done one earthly thing to change it's broken and maligned mold. Suggestions that could be saving Millions now..have not even seen the light of day...and it's the continued mantra of Labor having to make all the sacrifices yet again.

I have sacrificed all I'm going too. Salary Concessions is one thing...but being bumped to PIT for a job that I niether applied for..or have a grasp of at present, is another. Then consider that myself and 3 other souls are being replaced in CLT by people that have no clue about our jobs...just senority!! Hows that for Productivity Enhancement? This place has a date with the Rocks on the Shore. So until some real thinking takes place around here?......Count me as a Vocal and Stedfast Hell NO!!!!!

FYI..Further Concessions will only Lower your entitlements from State Un-Employment. Without some real thinking? This is your future...So measure your awnsers to things carefully!!
I don't have another YES vote left in me Chip. I thought we could make it...honest. But now, I just don't think so. We have an entire industry focused on the destruction of our incredible shrinking company. We have no assets and very little capital in an indusrty that goes through cash like I go through chips and dip. We are running out of options and I firmly believe throwing more pay and benefits at the problem won't fix it. Out of the box thinking seems beyond the grasp of every management team thats run us since U bought PI. Our only hope is that one morning very soon, this management wakes to the realization that the employees have an idea on how to stop the money hemmorage. I've heard many good ideas on this board from some bright and intellegent people...but somebody who can make a decision has got to listen. Time is running out and another paycut won't fix this.

Just my opinion

A320 Driver
Never ever forget, RJ relief on the 70 seaters is not just relief from the pilots...it is contracting out mainline jobs, thus, it is relief from every employee group. What do I care? Eject, eject, eject!
If the pending transaction is a merger,then those who
are furloughed or about to be furloughed can kiss the
airline business goodbye.Just look to St. Louis,MO and
you will know what your fate will be.Every major is
cutting and all of their people will come back before
U's victims...
I agree - I can't give anymore. I feel as if someone I dearly loved is dying and there is not a blessed thing I can do to stop it. It's slow and painful. There are many nights I come home and cry. My friends are leaving or have already left, people I have worked with for years. I'm just waiting my turn. I just wish they would get it over with so my family and I can adjust and move on & out of the airline business. It's all I know, but you can teach an old dog new tricks!

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