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Us Airways Expected To Up Ante On (labor) Cuts


May 18, 2003
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Airline expected to up ante on cuts

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As bankrupt air carrier US Airways filed last night for temporary relief from its labor contracts, union officials expressed concern that permanent cuts sought by the airline will be higher than the $800 million requested pre-bankruptcy.

"Whoever thinks the numbers are going to go down probably needs to go for a drug test," said dispatcher Don Wright, the only labor leader to lock in new contract changes before the company approached a bankruptcy judge last night about a temporary 23 percent pay cut and a host of other contract changes. "It is not going to happen. That is just not how bankruptcy works."

Post-bankruptcy, the total savings needed by the airline are now "closer" to $2 billion, said union official Chris Fox, who learned of the increase in a Thursday meeting with Lakefield and other senior executives. "As time goes on, it goes up," said Fox, president of Communications Workers of America Local 13302, which represents gate workers and reservation agents.

USA320Pilot comments: This action was predicted by ALPA's advisors and ignored by the ALPA RC4 and the other labor leaders. Every union's labor leaders, except for the Dispatcher's, have badly hurt the rank-and-file and if you're upset at the new $2.0 billion labor cost cut target then call and complain to your union's leaders. They are the one's who ignored the advice of the advisor's.


My union has done what I personally wanted. They have refused to talk. I've done enough. If they need to, shut the doors. I'll draw unemployement for as long as the law allows, then look for another job. I WILL SURVIVE. I am prepared. It is just a question of "Do they do it now or later?" Years ago, a professor made this statement..."To fail to plan, is to plan to fail." We still have no plan except to take from the employees. I've had enough.
That’s sort of silly really. What you’re saying is that if the company handed you a loaded gun and told you to play Russian roulette that you wouldn't hesitate.

I can place no blame on any pilot that was smart enough to say no to layoffs out of order, or to 100 seat RJ's. On the contrary I'm proud off these brave pilots who have the gumption to stand up to those creeps. They take on the fight for all of us.

Quite simply the company has not bargained in good faith or honestly. If they did we would not be here.

Put the blame where it belongs on the heads of the miss guided goons who profess to run this joint

We've been burned again.
Price for a barrel of Oil just hit record highs. :huh:

Time is running out for all of us, while so many want to throw a "pity-party" on here and feel sorry for themselves. 🙄
if you want another portion of an article that is related, go to edited and scroll down. it is titled something in the neighborhood of unions fight back because mgmt has not said they are giving anything. you may find it interesting. i have no idea how to bring it up here to this website. i'm not surprised that usa320pilot forgot to mention that when he wrote his story at the top of this page