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Us Airways Debt To Be Rated Junk Soon?

4merresrat said:
To be honest, I don't understand all the ramificiations, and what the big wigs do. I feel they have their conscience to live with, and I suppose they are under some kid of watchful eye of the gov't whatever, that if they engage in illegal activity, they will be found out. But, I do understand that CEOs and the like always get those golden parachutes, that is par for the course. I have said in my post, I do believe we have been poorly managed, but I believe that is just one part of the equation, I believe unions have had a part of it too. Call me naive if you like.
In that whole paragragh you never once answered winglets question. :down:
to much time to quit said:
In that whole paragragh you never once answered winglets question. :down:
Ah, but I think I did. He asked what I thought and my answer was these people have to live with their own conscience. If you want me to spell it out. I said I thought management was poor and they were obviously part of the problem. Also, just because upper management does unethical things doesn't mean we can all rob and pillage. Is that clear enough for you?
4merresrat said:
Ah, but I think I did. He asked what I thought and my answer was these people have to live with their own conscience. If you want me to spell it out. I said I thought management was poor and they were obviously part of the problem. Also, just because upper management does unethical things doesn't mean we can all rob and pillage. Is that clear enough for you?
The question asked: 4merresrat, how do you feel about 1 employee taking a cool 7.5 million (that they'll admit to . . who knows how much more) for 18 months of doing NOTHING.

How do you feel, not what you thought. So I believe you stand corrected.Their conscience should have no relevance of how you feel or thought or whatever. Either way its a waste of both our time debating this one, To nice outside.
This is the MOST idiotic thread I've read on this forum EVER! UAIR has been rated as "junk" almost since the day they emerged from chapter 11, and, to my knowledge, ALL of the major carriers except JBLU and SWA are as well. The topic starter has absolutely NO CLUE about what he posted, and therefore this entire thread is ASSANINE!
to much time to quit said:
The question asked: 4merresrat, how do you feel about 1 employee taking a cool 7.5 million (that they'll admit to . . who knows how much more) for 18 months of doing NOTHING.

How do you feel, not what you thought. So I believe you stand corrected.Their conscience should have no relevance of how you feel or thought or whatever. Either way its a waste of both our time debating this one, To nice outside.
To Much Time To Quit-I belive you mean TOO much time to quit, but anyhow, YOU are the one who seemed to want to debate the topic-no one else,so if it is so nce outside what are you doing spliting hairs? I am sorry if you can't read between the lines and understand answers that are not spelled out for you, so since it seems to be bothering you so much, I will spell it out for you. . . Let me get this straight, you want me to tell you "how I feel" instead of what I think. How I feel about an employee taking a cool 7.5 million for 18 months of doing nothing? Well, even in his posts he points out this is his opinion. He states that whether "they will admit to this". So , how do I "feel?" If someone takes 7.5 million that doesn't belong to him then if is a crime, and that should be handled legally. However, it does not give free reign to emloyees such as yourelf to abuse the system. Is that clear enough for you To(Too) Much Time To Quit??????? 😛h34r:
Buried in all this were some questions....

GECAS & the (I believe) national bank of Brazil are financing the RJ's. Somewhere I have seen some general info on the split between them (how many each are financing), but don't remember the details now. At least the first 4 or so of the E-170's ended up being on lease from GECAS - that was in GE's 1st quarter report. Maybe someone can explain the in's and out's of going from "financing airplanes" to "leasing airplanes", because I sure can't.

In our 1st quarter report, there was a short discussion of the GECAS financing - basically it sounded like the financing had financial performance criteria just like the ATSB loan. Details weren't given as to what the criteria are.

Also in the 1st quarter report (ours) was a discussion of the deal with the credit card processor - apparently there is a requirement that we have to deposit more "up front" cash with them if our liquidity drops below a certain level.

Jim, I posted this in another thread, as of three days ago this is what I got about MDA from the FAA.

According to the FAA database:

801MA, 802MD, 803MD, 804MD, 807MD, 808MD, 811MD, 812MD, 814MD
were owned by US, then sold to Wells Fargo and leased.
US paid for the planes then did a sale/lease buy back, where is the money?

805MD, 806MD, 809MD, 810MD, 815MD are showing owned by US Airways.
Thanks, 700. I hadn't gotten down to that thread yet (4 days away results in a lot of reading to catch up on)

oldiebutgoody said:
This is the MOST idiotic thread I've read on this forum EVER! UAIR has been rated as "junk" almost since the day they emerged from chapter 11, and, to my knowledge, ALL of the major carriers except JBLU and SWA are as well. The topic starter has absolutely NO CLUE about what he posted, and therefore this entire thread is ASSANINE!
Oldie, don't hold back. . . tell us what you really think! Come on, I've see many idiotic topics on this board, that is saying a lot, that this is THE most idiotic ever!
oldiebutgoody said:
This is the MOST idiotic thread I've read on this forum EVER! UAIR has been rated as "junk" almost since the day they emerged from chapter 11, and, to my knowledge, ALL of the major carriers except JBLU and SWA are as well. The topic starter has absolutely NO CLUE about what he posted, and therefore this entire thread is ASSANINE!
Thanks oldie. Finally, after 2 days, someone finally gets my post...the second one in the thread. Best to you. Greeter.
4merresrat said:
Oldie, don't hold back. . . tell us what you really think! Come on, I've see many idiotic topics on this board, that is saying a lot, that this is THE most idiotic ever!
Maybe what I said was a bit strong, but I get really peeved seeing folks trying to justify their positions that employees should just give everything back to management, especially the folks that use nonsense to make them. You're right, there have been a lot of pretty stupid threads, but this one has NO BASIS at all.
If the National Bank of Brazil is financing the Ejets, that figures. They are know for making poor loans. I believe the U.S. had to bail out Brazil or forgive debt in the last decade or so. I found it curious that someone would loan UAIR money, but it all is coming together now. I suppose GECAS fronted the money for UAIR to buy the Ejets at introductory terms, and then they "flipped" them and bought them back...not too much risk for GECAS, and the Banco de Brasil is doing business as usual, assuming bad risks.
GECAS did not buy them back, Wells Fargo bought them.

Go check the FAA database if you dont believe me.
4merresrat said:
However, it does not give free reign to emloyees such as yourelf to abuse the system.
Another message board psychic, just what we needed. :down: I'll express my true feelings toward your type in a nice pm one day. :shock:
to much time to quit said:
. . . I'll express my true feelings toward your type in a nice pm one day. :shock:
Ok, well what exactly is "my type". Oh, I know, not "pro union, pro entitlement etc etc. Rest assured your not so subtle threat did not go unnoticed, and has been reported. As Oldie said -the person who innitiated this post does not know what he is talking about!

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