"Standard & Poor's rates US Airways' $5.8 billion debt at CCC+ and negative, meaning that it is just above junk status -- and could be downgraded."
I dont understand how some of the people who post here write such things like, gee, management is hiding profits from the market and employees so the unions will agree to give backs etc...
There is nothing to hide people.. this company is on the friggen ropes. If US Air debt gets dropped one more level, it becomes junk, wallstreet lingo for WORTHLESS!!
The only thing I have to say is that if you are somehow living under the false pretense that everything is just rosey, and that all the losses US Air is posting is just a white wash to get unions to fork over more cash, you are sadly mistaken.
The only silver lining I see is that, Im sure this old boat could be kept afloat for another year or two if you guys give mgmt what they want. Enough time to get some new skills and find a new job. Also, Bronner and Lakefield wont be walking away with your pension funds.. Not this time.