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Terrible Airline, Bad Customer Relations

OH legacy, you are right. I should just bow down to you, because you are always right. And you are the so popular here, how can I compete. I try to give the westies out here a little clout once and awhile because the East doensn't always have the right story. Plus I enjoy posting, so go get your trophy, I am not about to try and even be offended! 🙄
you are right, wct, the easties "doensn't" always have it right. hence this abortion of a merger with DoUgIe.
ps-i could care less about my popularity, or lack thereof, on these boards. reality is rarely popular. by the way, did you notice that the galley humor thread has over 50,000 views?
now, go insult some more frequent flyers, ace...
you are right, wct, the easties "doensn't" always have it right. hence this abortion of a merger with DoUgIe.
ps-i could care less about my popularity, or lack thereof, on these boards. reality is rarely popular. by the way, did you notice that the galley humor thread has over 50,000 views?
now, go insult some more frequent flyers, ace...
Funny. I am glad you are proud of your 50,000 views. I wonder how many of those post's attack America West and "us" westies, eh??? So I guess it is okay to insult us too?! :shock:
I try to give the westies out here a little clout once and awhile because the East doensn't always have the right story.

Hmmm, that is a tough one when:

1. The East STILL doesn't have glassware

2. Better amenities are promised and nothing is delivered

3. A frequent flier program that will take the best of both East and West is promised and they instead combine the worst part of each program

4. Fake US1's are rewarded more than loyal real US1's

5. The West doesn't realize that the money making part of the airline is not 70 degrees in January and we must wear winter coats that we prefer to hang in a closet rather than ball up in a bin

6. Dirty planes are commonplace

7. Broken IFE and computer paper movie screens are deemed acceptable

8. the reporting problems to the DOT and Attorney General is the only way to get a response out of Tempe

9. the new US is the leader in late planes and lost bags

10. mock turtlenecks and sweatsuits are deemed the solution to improve employee morale

11. when the company exploits the heritage of its employees yet uses flight numbers that were previously retired due to lost lives on the East

12. Tempe's corporate communications cannot issue a press release without spelling or grammar errors

13. less than half-a$$ed is the way things are done now

14. the jetstream is blamed for poor performance

15. the cost of being cheap is seen everytime you purchase a US ticket

16. employees just shrug their shoulders and say, at least i have a job

17. customers complain and the response is, can't you appreciate that you got there safely?

18. anything the airline says is spin when you carefully dissect what they are saying

19. your CEO looks like a fool threatening to pull China service because he can't get his way

20. your company cannot deliver a reliable consistent product, but continues to say, be patient, it will get better

21. a reservations system is selected because it worked for a small regional carrier who flew to Mexico and Canada
Funny. I am glad you are proud of your 50,000 views. I wonder how many of those post's attack America West and "us" westies, eh??? So I guess it is okay to insult us too?! :shock:
"too", as in addition to? or, 'to', as in for? i am confused? i know, you are, too...
i waste no breath or keystrokes bashing DoUgIe loving westies. never have, never will!! never!! at least i am transparent and consistent!!
incidentally, i don't reflect those 50k plus views on myself; rather, those views are fueled by the abject disgrace that your regional-minded management team has inflicted on usair.
also, to make a noun plural, you do not, i repeat, do not need to invoke the possesive.
silly westie, aqua green and orange tricks are for kids :blink:
"too", as in addition to? or, 'to', as in for? i am confused? i know, you are, too...
i waste no breath or keystrokes bashing DoUgIe loving westies. never have, never will!! never!! at least i am transparent and consistent!!
incidentally, i don't reflect those 50k plus views on myself; rather, those views are fueled by the abject disgrace that your regional-minded management team has inflicted on usair.
also, to make a noun plural, you do not, i repeat, do not need to invoke the possesive.
silly westie, aqua green and orange tricks are for kids :blink:
Thanks for the lecture professor. Oops did I spell that wrong to? or should of it been too? Geez I can't get anything right?! :lol:
Hmmm, that is a tough one when:

1. The East STILL doesn't have glassware

2. Better amenities are promised and nothing is delivered

3. A frequent flier program that will take the best of both East and West is promised and they instead combine the worst part of each program

4. Fake US1's are rewarded more than loyal real US1's

5. The West doesn't realize that the money making part of the airline is not 70 degrees in January and we must wear winter coats that we prefer to hang in a closet rather than ball up in a bin

6. Dirty planes are commonplace

7. Broken IFE and computer paper movie screens are deemed acceptable

8. the reporting problems to the DOT and Attorney General is the only way to get a response out of Tempe

9. the new US is the leader in late planes and lost bags

10. mock turtlenecks and sweatsuits are deemed the solution to improve employee morale

11. when the company exploits the heritage of its employees yet uses flight numbers that were previously retired due to lost lives on the East

12. Tempe's corporate communications cannot issue a press release without spelling or grammar errors

13. less than half-a$$ed is the way things are done now

14. the jetstream is blamed for poor performance

15. the cost of being cheap is seen everytime you purchase a US ticket

16. employees just shrug their shoulders and say, at least i have a job

17. customers complain and the response is, can't you appreciate that you got there safely?

18. anything the airline says is spin when you carefully dissect what they are saying

19. your CEO looks like a fool threatening to pull China service because he can't get his way

20. your company cannot deliver a reliable consistent product, but continues to say, be patient, it will get better

21. a reservations system is selected because it worked for a small regional carrier who flew to Mexico and Canada
Maybe you should apply for Sherry's job? With the list you just posted, I am sure you would be perfect for the job. 😀
Yesterday I flew Alaska Airlines, and my checked bag did not come out on the baggage claim. It arrived on the next flight 30 minutes later. No big deal; it's happened to me before, I get my bag and move on with life.

Yet, the people at the baggage service office gave me a form where I could choose between 1,000 AS miles or $25 off my next ticket, without me even asking! I was very impressed.

I guess my point here is that an airline giving someone a discount on a future flight for something "bad" that's fairly common and certainly not a big deal isn't necessarily a bad thing.

However, if a passenger gets a $100 voucher for a three hour delay (one of those fairly common things that isn't a big deal) and still isn't satisfied, it's either the airline or the passenger who has a more serious problem. In this case, I bet it's both. US manages to piss people off enough already, from check-in to arrival, and when the plane is three hours late, nothing is going to make people consider US for future travel. At the same time, the passenger started off implying that his daughter was stuck overnight when she was not.

OK, back to East vs West... 🙄
Pax air rage. Though I am sure there is such a thing a crew rage too! :lol:
Oh yeah, well he’s spending some time in the cornfield right now.

<SNIP> Yet, the people at the baggage service office gave me a form where I could choose between 1,000 AS miles or $25 off my next ticket, without me even asking! I was very impressed.
Every now and then AS gets tossed up as a possible acquisition. If that ever happens, don’t worry, Tempe will put a stop to that right away.
Hmmm, that is a tough one when:

12. Tempe's corporate communications cannot issue a press release without spelling or grammar errors

Amen. I gave up keeping track of all of the errors when I ran out of fingers for counting 'em. Under Chiames, that sort of sloppy work would not have been tolerated for a second. It's disgraceful.

I hope the folks in West maintenance do a better job of double-checking their work before dispatching an airplane.
Amen. I gave up keeping track of all of the errors when I ran out of fingers for counting 'em. Under Chiames, that sort of sloppy work would not have been tolerated for a second. It's disgraceful.

I hope the folks in West maintenance do a better job of double-checking their work before dispatching an airplane.

And don't forget about the ad in US Airways magazine in which US proudly proclaimed "X flights/day to (whatever the Caribbean destination was)." I don't EVER recall seeing a typo in Attaché, much less one that blatant!
And don't forget about the ad in US Airways magazine in which US proudly proclaimed "X flights/day to (whatever the Caribbean destination was)." I don't EVER recall seeing a typo in Attaché, much less one that blatant!

That's rich. What a bunch of boobs.