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US Airways Customer's Opinions and Comments

So now the old US Airways is starting to look pretty damn good. 😀 I knew this would happen.

19 years of how horrible a company we were and now starts the "at least at ----". I could had seen this coming a mile away.
I think this my have been directed at my post.

My comment was an attempt at humor. I had a very rocky relationship with management for the past two or three years but in the end it sank to point where a senior member of management literally sent me an enema kit. I guess he grew tired of my biting comments.

While there are things about the new management team that concern me, they have to be smarter and have better business accumen than the old team. I wish them well.

I hope this clears my meaning up.
PM me the details and maybe I will show, I met her one time during a break in the final offer meeting at Chilis in CCY.
Castelveter was hired by the Air Transport Association as their VP-Communications. He is a very talented person with a vast knowledge of the aviation community.
Castelveter was hired by the Air Transport Association as their VP-Communications. He is a very talented person with a vast knowledge of the aviation community.
And he is also a BIG STORY teller like was proven on here so many times. Another golden dough boy bought and paid for by corporate America
So let me get this straight. You are all willing to write off the merger because a handful of people on an internet chat board are upset because their ox has gotten around to being gored. I understand that loyal FF's are important because, among other reasons, it should be cheaper to keep a good customer than to find a new one. However, if the cost of the perks narrow the gap to the point that it is no longer cheaper, then those perks need to be re-evaluated. Now unreturned calls and e-mails are indefensible, but if someone is willing to hold a grudge over not getting some re-heated meal on their flight to the point that they'll sit waiting for a connection in ORD rather than take a non-stop, then I think they need to join the rest of the airline world in adjusting their expectations.

LCC is not just a re-painted old U. It's an airline that is set out to provide decent value to the customer. "Carrier of Choice"?, We'll let the customers decide. The triage that U is undergoing may be messy and it may seem like it's taking forever, but it is vital for the airline's survival. It took far more than 6 months and 2Bil to get U in the mess it was, so I say take LCC for what it is and base your support (or lack of) on what's going on today, both good and bad, and let the nostalgia rest.

As for multiple DOT reports, that seems like a counterproductive way to get the company's attention. If that leads to reduced bookings and resultant belt-tightening just to survive, do you think the money that goes into sweetening FF programs will be there, or will it be spent giving away $39 seats just to regain lost ground? The people running this airline have not forgotten who has the most influence. Yet everyone from management to shareholders to labor and customer representitives want to believe that they are that person and spend way too much time and effort trying to prove it to themselves. Open dialog with reaonable expectations goes alot farther than shaming the airline with the DOT.
However, if the cost of the perks narrow the gap to the point that it is no longer cheaper, then those perks need to be re-evaluated.

Too bad you don't understand what changes they have made and how many of the changes do not cost the company a dime. Lots of people like you have no understanding of the DM program, or the changes, yet you'll be the first to say that costs have to be cut while not knowing about which you speak.

I'm glad you seem to know what the new U is because Tempe doesn't. They still charge high fares. They still pretend to offer a FC product that is the same price but not in the same league as AA and UA. They offer a Biz Class product overseas that costs the same, but is terrible compared to LH and BA and UA. Maybe you should give them a call because they don't know how to define US and it seems you do.

And while US is hoping that it's biz customers will adjust their expectations, which by the way most loyal US VFF have basic expectations, UA and AA will be stealing away your best customers.
I love the analogy in comparing the "merger" to two drunks holding each other UP....just curious though, does EITHER of the drunks GET LUCKY (I want to see who gets down with that HO at the Sea Shell Lounge in Moon Toonship) Please advise! :lol:
I love the analogy in comparing the "merger" to two drunks holding each other UP....just curious though, does EITHER of the drunks GET LUCKY (I want to see who gets down with that HO at the Sea Shell Lounge in Moon Toonship) Please advise! :lol:

I'm glad you seem to know what the new U is because Tempe doesn't. They still charge high fares. They still pretend to offer a FC product that is the same price but not in the same league as AA and UA.
You have admitted that you don't purchase a full-fare first class ticket. If first is merely an award for FF's who purchase Y fares, where is the revenue coming from to pay for lavish service? Midwest Airlines has struggled to provide excellent amenities, but it has done so at a loss for many years.

If First Class is worth keeping ( a big IF, I might add) then it must be there for more than FF rewards. The margins in the airline business are too thin. If UA and AA are filling their first class cabins with full-fare FC, then there are fewer available seats for FF upgrades. Good for them, but I really doubt that is the case.

An argument could be made that a more generous mileage accrual and redemption would be cheaper and more cost effective than providing a FC service( A la JetBlue and WN). US has chosen to keep FC, and for many long-haul and Eurpean/Hawaii runs this makes sense if folks are willing to pay for FC.

My Grandmother used to say, "You can't sell apples out of an empty wagon" which is to say you need to provide what you promise. But by the same token, you should wisely choose what it is you offer. There is a market for just about everything. It may be that US is shopping for a better price on loyalty.

Again, just one fat guy's opinion.
I just left. Complaining to the new management golden boys does no good. Sick in a way, but I miss Baldanza at least he realized the mistake of screwing over the frequent flier and backed away. I might fly a few $98 trips to FL but that's it. UA can have all of my full fare transatlantic travel. CP for four years, so long folks!
I just left. Complaining to the new management golden boys does no good. Sick in a way, but I miss Baldanza at least he realized the mistake of screwing over the frequent flier and backed away. I might fly a few $98 trips to FL but that's it. UA can have all of my full fare transatlantic travel. CP for four years, so long folks!
Revolutions, Im sorry you left and am even sorrier as an employee, I was unable to help. Even though I care, I have no authority to answer your emails or take your fon call. I do understand. You want to be heard and and have someone at least reply in some way. I have heard you and as an employee let me apologize for letting you down. We will miss your business but hope you continue to have safe trvls on the new airline of your choice. Regards.
Truely amazing what happens when those three little initials get mentioned. Funny I used to have an "Aunt Dot" but she didn't have this kinda pull 😀

Maybe it's because she spelled it Dot instead of DOT!
I find it amusing that someone like youself, who normally has such a strong libertarian, let-the-market-work-it-out approach to life and business, advocates running to the government about waiting to long on hold over a customer service issue with a private company.

And then you turn around and complain that you shouldn't have to pay taxes and the government is a useless waste ...


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