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US Airways Customer's Opinions and Comments

You know, when you finally talk to someone in Tempe, they will tell you straight up that people are complaining. This is not a surprise. When you tell them no one is responding they say they don't understand it. When you ask them why we should continue to fly US, there is complete silence.

When Customer Relations cannot give you a good reason to continue flying US, other than: Hopefully they will change the policy, I would be foolish to continue to send my business to the airline.

US1's have been "warning" them for months now about their displeasure and they have done nothing. Some of us, have switched to other carriers and it will be very, very hard to convince us to come back. Everytime I step on a transcon flight on UA, the price to come back to US is higher and higher and higher. What am I saying, everytime I step onto a flight of more than 2 hours and get a full meal, the price to come back to US is higher.
Truely amazing what happens when those three little initials get mentioned. Funny I used to have an "Aunt Dot" but she didn't have this kinda pull 😀

Maybe it's because she spelled it Dot instead of DOT!

Ha Ha. Bob, you know as well as I do that the Department of
Truckstops won't do much more than report complaint results, unless they have legal grounds to trump up charges and fine a carrier. Their authority to initiate legal proceedings and fine airlines does not really apply to customer service/response issues, it only applies to regulations and laws that are currently in effect. They can make a lot of noise, but they don't have the teeth to do much unless a carrier violates a regulated part of their dream world. I'll give them credit for being major pains in the ### to most carriers over the past 5 years, but Norm Strickland is a politician, and he is charged with upholding legal precedent, while at the same time pandering to other politicians who protect their hometown airlines, and as in everything that is government regulated, politics will trump everything else.
Whomever is responsible for the discontent of our Freq Travellers needs to WAKE UP and address their concerns and deal with them IMMEDIATELY! As an employee of this airline I am running low on patience (and to those of you who say "CHILL"....I say "BITE")....this management needs to STEP UP to the plate and treat our Valued (Repeat) Customers with the courtesy they deserve, making phone calls and answering emails when it matters NOT after they leave the airline and start flying on ANOTHER carrier. This is a basic courtesy. :down:
Whomever is responsible for the discontent of our Freq Travellers needs to WAKE UP and address their concerns and deal with them IMMEDIATELY! As an employee of this airline I am running low on patience (and to those of you who say "CHILL"....I say "BITE")....this management needs to STEP UP to the plate and treat our Valued (Repeat) Customers with the courtesy they deserve, making phone calls and answering emails when it matters NOT after they leave the airline and start flying on ANOTHER carrier. This is a basic courtesy. :down:

Astro: You think the response from Customer Relations is poor now, just wait until the East C/R office closes their doors on April 28. HP Customer Relations is ill prepared to handle their own West customers, let alone all of the repeat whiners that currently contact US East Customer Relations. My advice is to lower your expectations, because HP Customer Relations does things differently, and they operate on their own schedule for responding to customers.

Their philosophy is totally different than US East, and most of the "over the top" customer retention programs that US East has used will be gone after April 28. Get used to a slower response time, less personalized attention to your complaint, and standardized compensation based on how much you paid for your ticket, regardless of what the issue is.

Things are a changing, and many of the old ways of the Wolf and Gangwal will not be carried forward. Just remember, the merger was designed to provide growth for HP in the East and Transatlantic, and the old US Airways and their constant pandering to the VFF's will be a thing of the past.
Their philosophy is totally different than US East, and most of the "over the top" customer retention programs that US East has used will be gone after April 28.

and the old US Airways and their constant pandering to the VFF's will be a thing of the past.

What the heck are you talking about? OVER THE TOP? Constant pandering?

Please give us some examples of this?
What the heck are you talking about? OVER THE TOP? Constant pandering?

Please give us some examples of this?

What I mean is that US East Customer Relations has been focused on providing a higher level of service to VFF's than to the Mom and Pop family vacation folks who travel once per year.

After April 28, everyone will be handled the same, regardless of their status or amount of business they generate. And, the compensation levels will be based solely on what a person paid for their ticket. Overall, compensation will be lower than what US East is currently authorized to provide.

Hey, I don't like it anymore than you do, but it is the reality of the airline industry right now. If you choose to travel on a low cost carrier, be prepared to adjust your expectations and receive the commensurate level of service.
So now the old US Airways is starting to look pretty damn good. 😀 I knew this would happen.

19 years of how horrible a company we were and now starts the "at least at ----". I could had seen this coming a mile away.
So now the old US Airways is starting to look pretty damn good. 😀 I knew this would happen.

19 years of how horrible a company we were and now starts the "at least at ----". I could had seen this coming a mile away.

I never beefed about the old U. I thought that it was just fine.
So now the old US Airways is starting to look pretty damn good. 😀 I knew this would happen.

19 years of how horrible a company we were and now starts the "at least at ----". I could had seen this coming a mile away.
😉 😉 😉 Boy ain't that the truth! KindA knew this would happen when they let the Beverly
Hillbillies in Tempe run things. AW operation has always been amateurish, to say the least, they need some direction in customer service and CLASS!!!
The management in Tempe should be happy people are complaining and wanting better and trying to stay with the airline. Afterall they could just be like we are here in Texas, we dont complain about bad service, we just dont come back. If the FF of US start doing that, your company is surely done! Take to heart the complaints and concerns, and do things to keep your customers happy. BTW the FF are the money you should bank on, they are the bread and butter on a wide profit and continuous basis, and dont you ever forget it!
ain't that the truth! KindA knew this would happen when they let the Beverly
Hillbillies in Tempe run things. AW operation has always been amateurish, to say the least, they need some direction in customer service and CLASS!!!
and if the Eastie losers don't realize they have been running a POS for years and are not as "Major" as they think we might all together have a chance!

In the end if this doesn't work it will not be because of the lack of experience from the West but the arrogance and incompetence and just bad attitude of the East!
ain't that the truth! KindA knew this would happen when they let the Beverly
Hillbillies in Tempe run things. AW operation has always been amateurish, to say the least, they need some direction in customer service and CLASS!!!

and if the Eastie losers don't realize they have been running a POS for years and are not as "Major" as they think we might all together have a chance!

In the end if this doesn't work it will not be because of the lack of experience from the West but the arrogance and incompetence and just bad attitude of the East!

I don't know, your attitude ain't exactly peachy. :blink:
I don't know, your attitude ain't exactly peachy. :blink:

It was a whole lot better but after 6 months of this "we are better, bigger and smarter" crap which I think is kinda sad given the realities of the situation is starting to wear thin on me!
It was a whole lot better but after 6 months of this "we are better, bigger and smarter" crap which I think is kinda sad given the realities of the situation is starting to wear thin on me!

The reality is that its a bit like two drunks holding each other up at a bar. Neither airline is anything to write home about, and they dont seem to have any aspirations towards improving or having a defined brand. They are embarrassing next to the majors for sure, and even most of the LCCS.
I don't happen to think you're right based on some stuff I've heard but NO ONE could be that stupid, could they? Oh wait this is the airline business we're talking about. 😀

If they have big plans for the VFF after April 28th, they should be letting us know now that sweet changes are going to be made. By the time April 28th rolls around, they will have lost a lot of good customers.

They have now lost $7000 in revenue from me--why would they play a game of wait and see?

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