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US Airways CEO hints more airline consolidation may be ahead

Backbone...I call it stupidity to support people who are leaders in charge who provide union employees pay and benefit cuts more than management's "ask".
Gee like you supporting the GAG/MEC in giving up your pension in bankrupcty #1 after two rounds of concessions.

Seems to me that was giving more then the ask.

How did you like the GAG not even letting you vote on giving your pension?

Shall I go back and post how hateful you were to US and Siegel?

Simple Math shows YOUR GAG/MEC and you gave more then the ask in the first bankruptcy, no other union did that, now did they?

You make this way too easy!
Backbone...I call it stupidity to support people who are leaders in charge who provide union employees pay and benefit cuts more than management's "ask".

Separately, while think about a Northwest US Airways combination, some Northwest's assets that would fit nicely with US Airways are:

- Airbus CFM aircraft
- B-757 RR aircraft
- A-330's
- Elimination of the DC-10s and DC-9s
- Authorization to fly EMB-190s on the mainline
- Pacific Rim operations
- Minimum route overlap
- Midwest hub operations @ MSP, DTW, & MEM

It should be interesting watching this unfold...



One small correction- NWA B-757 are Pratts...
Backbone...I call it stupidity to support people who are leaders in charge who provide union employees pay and benefit cuts more than management's "ask".
Pot, meet the kettle.....

As for ALPA being able to stop any of this, the only way is to capitulate and give the company far in excess of $295 million a year as stipulated in the latest company "proposal". USA320Pilot in late August, 2004
I find it interesting the emotion that can be created with the malcontents who cannot get over the fact that the ALPA RC4 were in control of the union who negotiated the TA's. It seems like every thread comes back to that, which is pitiful.

I believe purposeful misrepresentation and trying to "shoot the messenger" are attribute's of those who have no other defense when their desired leader's miserably fail.

In a way is truly sad...then again...

When would now be a good time to move on?

Best regards,


Quote of the Thread

"It is not the level of prosperity that makes for happiness but the kinship of heart to heart and the way we look at the world. Both attitudes are within our power, so that a man is happy so long as he chooses to be happy, and no one can stop him." -- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

700UW said: "Yes the article is about Parker and US, yet the only line he chooses to post is about UAL. Guess you newbies from HP don't know his M.O. all he tried to do is flamebait the UAL Posters."

USA320Pilot comments: With all due respect I disagree. The purpose of my comment regarding United is that Mike Boyd echoed my comments that United management has been trying to sell the company for some time.

Trouble is up to now there are no takers, which is understandable since the Chicago-based airline has market rates for employees and still lost over $300 million in Q1. That's not trying to create an argument, it's just a fact.

For review the Post-Gazette wrote "United, Mr. Boyd said, is the only carrier actively looking for a partner, now that it is out of bankruptcy. Senior management 'is trying to shop the company,'"

Bruce Lakefield looked at M&A activity for US Airways' bankruptcy exit strategy with a carrier with a strong west coast presence to merge with, just like Stephen Wolf and Dave Siegel did. In the end Lakefield selected America West because he believed the corporate combination would create the strongest possible airline and it appears his choice of America West over United was dead-on accurate.

700UW, why do you believe Boyd said, (United) senior management "is trying to shop the company"?

Best regards,

Backbone...I call it stupidity to support people who are leaders in charge who provide union employees pay and benefit cuts more than management's "ask".

Separately, while think about a Northwest US Airways combination, some Northwest's assets that would fit nicely with US Airways are:

- Airbus CFM aircraft
- B-757 RR aircraft
- A-330's
- Elimination of the DC-10s and DC-9s
- Authorization to fly EMB-190s on the mainline
- Pacific Rim operations
- Minimum route overlap
- Midwest hub operations @ MSP, DTW, & MEM

It should be interesting watching this unfold...



NW would make some sense, but I don't think AA would let NW get away.

Maybe it would be a combined buy-out, AA taking the Asian routes (which is all they want) with US taking on the domestic/European portion of NW. A330s, plus plenty of planes to replace NW's DC 9s. PIT would be downsized even more. US would get some hubs more conducive to east-west connecting traffic.

I still maintain any US/NW combination will be sans the Pacific operations of NW, or at the valuable parts of NW's Pacific ops. AA will outbid US. Like I said before, US has to figure out what they want to be. Full on global carrier does not equal LCC.

In the end Lakefield selected America West because he believed the corporate combination would create the strongest possible airline and it appears his choice of America West over United was dead-on accurate.


Lakefield chose America West because there were no other bidders for the whole company.
Mergers. I laugh aloud. MUWAHAHAHAHA!

It's really pointless. "Let's merge with so-and-so and create the greatest airline the world has ever seen. Blah, blah, blah..."

Stop playing nice already. I say we merge with them while they are weak and then destroy them utterly and take all of their stuff. Hypnotize their employees to conform to our outlandish treatment and demoralizing pay (or is that the other way around......hmm, gotta think about that one) and increase the power of US Airways to the point where we flying to every airport worth flying to and the competition flees before us, shrieking hysterically and fearful from Doug's Orbital Mind-Control Lasers.

I think it's a great business model.

:blink: :blink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :blink: laughed so hard reading your post that my stool slid from under me and my wine fell all over the GD floor...

That was so great!!!! 😛 I thank you...do it again...
I would like to see an existing airline split between some of the current airlines. I think that is where you get the "stuff" you need without the "other stuff". Of course that is usually the result of a Chapter 7 and the airline is liquidated... but if say US and another airline both decided to merge with 1/2 of another airline,etc.. would be interesting.

No idea where this came from... but I can't see US and NW being a good total match...
Seeing as the good Captain left out this part of the Boyd quote, I'll add it to the discussion...

United, Mr. Boyd said, is the only carrier actively looking for a partner, now that it is out of bankruptcy. Senior management "is trying to shop the company," he said. But "that doesn't mean we need consolidation and it doesn't mean it will work."

Nor would a merger of Delta and US Airways make sense, he said, calling it a "major mess" bringing together fleet types and unions that are too different. "It looks good on paper, but in reality it doesn't work," he said.

:blink: :blink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :blink: laughed so hard reading your post that my stool slid from under me and my wine fell all over the GD floor...

That was so great!!!! 😛 I thank you...do it again...

Oh, my! I'm so sorry, m'dear! I didn't mean for that to happen! Spilling wine...I'm really sorry about that.

Listen, I will make it up to you. Do you like Merlot? I have a very good one chilling right now in the fridge......wait a minute......AWWW $#%&@*! Well, I HAD one. Where the heck did it go?

And the state store is closed. Someone is gonna get it when they get home!

In the meantime, I will formulate an idea for a new US thread concerning Conan the Barbarian and what would happen if he was the CEO. If no one beats me to it, I'll start posting tonight. 😛
What I find interesting is that people who support the ALPA PIT & PHL Reps. (who have a history of using the "roll call" vote to give an airline the first concession greater than the "ask") misrepresent infomration too.

For example, when a post is made on another messsge board that is sarcastic RC4 supporters take a sarcastic quote and then post it out of context t otry and discredit the sender.

Instead of debating the issue(s) they resort to misrepresentation, which clearly shows their integrity or should I say lack thereof.

Oh well...only 4.5 months to go...

Best regards,

Keep avoiding the truth.

During the first bankruptcy, after two rounds of concessions, your GAG/MEC gave US Airways your pension without a membership vote, the only union in the first chapter 11 case to GIVE MORE THEN THE ASK!

When will you admit this?

Oh you can't cause the GAG/MEC won't let you in their club anymore.

Like I said you make this way too easy.
Since you constantly insist that others answer your questions or face your ridicule for not answering, turnabout should be fair play. So a couple of simple questions.....

1 - Did you write these words:

"As for ALPA being able to stop any of this, the only way is to
capitulate and give the company far in excess of $295 million a year
as stipulated in the latest company "proposal"."

2 - If you did (as we both know to be true), do I have your permission to post the entire text of the message that included those words - including "signature". Then everyone can decide whether those words were "sarcastic" or not.

I'm going to work early, so I'll eagerly await your reply when I return.


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