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Us Airways Ceo

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PineyBob said:
I'm not interrested in whether you loathe me or not.
Trust me Bob, loathe is a gentle term. Case in point: Recently upon learning I was cavalier on here a fellow co-worker who also posts here says to me: who is the Piney.. “fill in the blankâ€￾ character anyway, who does he think he is! ? HIS WORDS and NOT mine. I am sure he is one of many.

Redone, cool it dude, chill, take a drink and give your dog a hug. I never said EVERYONE thinks this way or that, you need to learn to relax and stop kicking you dog around.
PineyBob said:
Even though I disagree with him I am really starting to like US_Aorways_Vote_no,
See Bobby, this is where we fundamentally differ. I am not here to make friends or influence people. I don't care what people think of me, couldn't give two whits. I know my self worth and don't feel compelled to earn it here.

If one doesn’t like my postings, I don't care and if they do, then we are all like minds; nothing more or less. I don't consider this forum a social gathering, there are millions of other places on the web if one chooses such a venue.

Funny your analogy on the way you gage people. Preachers who hear people swearing at them know they hit home because deep in the recipients heart they know hell is one heart beat away. Your posts don't scare or anger me in the least, the only emotion that surfaces is empathy for a lost soul trying to find his being on this forum.
PineyBob said:
The only problem that I see with your point is that the "Rats" never go down with the ship.

Wolf, Gangwal, Siegel, Cohen all are doing nicely. Not to mention the others. What was the severence package for the guy at AA? Goodwin at UA?

When Bethlehem Steel collapsed all those executive houses up on Saucon Valley road were still lived in with no for sale signs. No BK auctions for them.

You say "shut her down" and the Bronners & lakefields go on their merry way none the worse for wear while many of your "Union Brothers" never find a job at even 75% of what they made prior.

As I see it that is the flaw with "full pay to the last day" concept. I have to admit from an emotional point of view it sounds really good, but for me when I think about it and apply it to my work life it doesn't add up.

I do however totally understand your anger and frustration. Anyone who has every worked a crap job does, you don't have to be a union member or work in aviation for that feeling.
Maybe the ceo's are not the only rats on the ship.

Maybe the rats going down is only a byproduct of not wanting to give anymore to a dieing airline that doesn't want to fix the real problems.

You seem to want to make the "rats going down" and "misery at home and work" the primary reasons of the " full pay to the last day" and "shut her down" mantras. You aren't in anyones shoes so why do you make those assumptions?
PineyBob said:
I happen to think the folks at the top have a prettty good grasp of what needs to happen. I don't think the message gets down to wherever it is that you work.

Maybe the rats going down is only a byproduct of not wanting to give anymore to a dieing airline that doesn't want to fix the real problems.

Doesn't want to or can't because of the above?

You seem to want to make the "rats going down" and "misery at home and work" the primary reasons of the " full pay to the last day" and "shut her down" mantras. You aren't in anyones shoes so why do you make those assumptions?

You're right it's a bias based on living near Bethlehem when the Steel went into a nose dive along with Mack Trucks. I saw the same mentality cause a great many people to lose everything and it colored my view on work life! Apparently forever. I also when faced with a crisis tend to remove all emotion. That's why my 2 divorces cost me a total of $1,250 in legal fees, no alimony either time, more than 50% of the assets. I tend to be more proactive than most in time of potential crisis or crisis. If I worked at US, I would have had my resume on the street on 9/12. That was the day the industry changed forever. You could see it coming. I would have at minimum "tested the water" and saw what was available so I could make a business decision instead of an emotional one. This kind of thing is deeply personal and one has to do what's right for them.
What is it that needs to happen and why isn't the message getting down to rank and file?

I do not want to here that employee wages and benefits are the problem because that is just not so. I would like to say the airline is not using the resources they already have, moving to slow, shrinking the airline, crushing the employees morale

I would say the company doesn't know how to fix problems (unless there is some hidden agenda to what they are doing) rather then they don't want or can't fix them
But the point of that sentence anyway was the "rats going down" MAY just happen to be a byproduct if the comapny fails but it is not the primary reason employees putting foot down to more concessions. In other words that phrase may just be used out of frustration.

Regarding Bethlehem there may have been that mentality but still that mentality may have been a byproduct of the downturn in steel industry as a whole and still even without that mentality the company may have been doomed to failure.

I would hope if you had kids you provided for them after the divorces and if your ex's wern't working you provided to get them back onto their feet.

You or I do not know what the employees that have posted on here have done as far as "testing the waters" so we do not really know if this is more a business, emotional, or take a stand decision or none of the above.
PineyBob said:
The only problem that I see with your point is that the "Rats" never go down with the ship.

Wolf, Gangwal, Siegel, Cohen all are doing nicely. Not to mention the others. What was the severence package for the guy at AA? Goodwin at UA?

When Bethlehem Steel collapsed all those executive houses up on Saucon Valley road were still lived in with no for sale signs. No BK auctions for them.

You say "shut her down" and the Bronners & lakefields go on their merry way none the worse for wear while many of your "Union Brothers" never find a job at even 75% of what they made prior.

As I see it that is the flaw with "full pay to the last day" concept. I have to admit from an emotional point of view it sounds really good, but for me when I think about it and apply it to my work life it doesn't add up.

I do however totally understand your anger and frustration. Anyone who has every worked a crap job does, you don't have to be a union member or work in aviation for that feeling.
First off before I blast you I appreciate your patronage towards Usairways, without the paying passengers it really wouldn't matter. I can assure you that the mainteance employees #1 goal is yours and others safety.It's not just the higher ups in the RAT category. Its all the people who feel that life is over after Usairways. They will cave in to the company and accept anything because their afraid of change. They have such low self worth and self esteem that they feel they'll never find another job or their not smart enough to return to school. I personally don't give a rats ass where wolf, gangwal and any of the others are. I'm not saying shut it down, I'm saying I'm not willing to give anymore. And if this causes a shut down I can live with that. Who are you to assume for sale signs or BK for me. Wrong again. I believe the union brothers your're referring to about the 75% income reduction is the pilots. Well they aint my brothers, real brothers don't cross picket lines. I never said my job was a crap job, its the atmosphere the company has created for the past 12 years or so thats crap/ :angry: And lastly you don't understand any usairways employees anger or frustration because you are an outsider.
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