- Oct 23, 2006
- 48
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It's pretty bad to think that this is the best they could come up with at a time when US and WN are the most profitable airlines. This will just allow the execs to keep filling their pockets at our expense for about 10 more years before we can settle another contract. It's pretty bad when a new contract from this company at this time would be at or near the bottom of the majors for Fleet Service. Even the bigs that just exited bankruptcy did better than this. The fact that they've kept the West employees earning such dismal wages for so long shows what they think of us. They only hope that they've kept them down for so long that all they'll look at is getting a richly deserved raise. Believe me when they see what they pay for our terrible insurance that raise won't be close to enough. All I ask is for everyone to look at all the things you'll be giving up or paying extra for and weigh it against what you'll gain. Nothing in this will convince me not to take my chance in the Change in Control hearing. The company does not want that day to come and a NO vote may quickly produce another T/A before that date as it's probably already on Doug's Desk. HANG STRONG AND INFORMED.