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US Airways And IAM Reach Tentative Agreement For 7,700 Fleet Service Employees

As a Class II America West Station with 5 years...making $10.53. Going up to $14.23...Hmmm...let me see...vote yes and give my family more income or side with the no's in PHL or CLT...boy, talking about being torn!!!
You think $10.53/hr is bad, vote yes on this and watch how fast they outsource your city and you'll be wishing you made that. You have a 50/50 chance in arbitration to get that back and more. Don't sell your soul to this selfish union.
I can tell you of only 10 people in PIT who will be voting yes...and those are the poor souls that came back to this company with around 20 years seniority at the starting wage....

The rest of PIT will be a resounding NO :down:

For those out west who think they are screwing the east by voting yes.....do yourself a favor and think very hard before casting that vote in favor of the company and union....

A majority no vote will send a clear message to this union and company that we have had enough of the crap from both of them and we are ready to stand together as one and fight.......

If any of you think that ANY of the AGC's or ANY of the negotiating committee members (unless they are being promised positions in the $100,000 club) that worked on the ramp, at one time or another, would vote for this slap in the face, especially the ones that worked, or are still working in Philly, you are sadly mistaken. If those guys were told to eat this crap sandwich they would surely vote no. If it's not good enough for them, than it's not good enough for me. Just remember, this company will probably make near $1 billion this year, and if you sign this, we won't even reap what little profit sharing we would have gotten. Have respect for you and your families and vote no. We can make them do better if we ACT as a union for once instead of just referring to ourselves as such. :down:
VOTE NO. What does this company take all of us for, MORONS? Use your heads, take the risk. It is the only dignity you have left. Show solidarity and VOTE NO.
VOTE NO. What does this company take all of us for, MORONS? Use your heads, take the risk. It is the only dignity you have left. Show solidarity and VOTE NO.
Try convincing the class 2's, and all those you PHL guys sold out on the streets? Do you really think they trust PHL enough to send this thing back? See who's crying solidarity now.

So this is it??? No Profit Sharing.......What a joke!!!! I kept hearing wait until you see the whole thing and it'll change your mind. I was looking for the big surprise and it's not there. The only surprise is that the IAM would advise us to take this piece of junk. For once people vote NO and make them show us a little respect. We take every contract they send out and they know it. The mechanics who've had balls to vote no have always come around to better things. They won't get a contract that looks anything like this as the company knows it won't pass. Once again the company wants you to look at pay and nothing else. For the West the pay will be ate up in losses. They don't even want to pay us for the profit sharing we've made them so far this year. Losing the profit sharing is HUGE. Send it back and lets go to arbitration. Like I've said before if the IAM takes the injunction the company filed before the last hearing and shows it to the arbitrator we could all watch the company lawyers squirm. They stated in that injunction that if Judge Stephens does not remove the clause it will cost them $625 million over the term of the contract to pay what they know they owe the mechanics and fleet service. That was their words. It shows they know the clause has merit. They even took a stab in the dark saying that it should be removed because the IAM didn't tell them about it being in the contract. B***S**T. Why would they have to tell them what's in a contract that they handed to the judge themselves????? They wrote that piece of crap. Now is the time to stand together. I know it's hard for the West to pass up this raise and wait any longer for something they should have had long ago but believe me what you're losing will eat up most of the raise you're getting. And as for those who say the West won't get a raise from the arbitration and the company won't pay it anyway but just hold it up in litigation I say that if we win the case you will be right for a very short time. The company will negotiate with us like never before as they do not want to pay those wages. So we give a bit of the pay back for another weeks vacation, Full pay for sick time. the double time we used to have and not just second day off, and on and on. And the West would be in on it when we merge contracts which will come. So please think it out and let's get something that we deserve from a company making money like crazy. Just think how much the company would be making if it was managed properly. Enough from me. Vote NO!!!
Employees currently on involuntary furlough for 60 days or more shall forfeit all pay date
seniority except that an employee who is recalled to the station from which he was
furloughed will be placed in the pay scale consistent with their pay date seniority at date of
furlough. In addition, if an employee’s furlough station remains closed and the Employee is
recalled to their selected recall station, such Employee will be placed on the pay scale
consistent with their pay date seniority at date of furlough.

In regards to the posts about the 2005 furloughee's being excluded from the the 60 day rule. The above seems to state that if you choose a recall city and are called back you retain your pay seniority. Your thoughts on this...JR
So this is it??? No Profit Sharing.......What a joke!!!! I kept hearing wait until you see the whole thing and it'll change your mind. I was looking for the big surprise and it's not there. The only surprise is that the IAM would advise us to take this piece of junk. For once people vote NO and make them show us a little respect. We take every contract they send out and they know it. The mechanics who've had balls to vote no have always come around to better things. They won't get a contract that looks anything like this as the company knows it won't pass. Once again the company wants you to look at pay and nothing else. For the West the pay will be ate up in losses. They don't even want to pay us for the profit sharing we've made them so far this year. Losing the profit sharing is HUGE. Send it back and lets go to arbitration. Like I've said before if the IAM takes the injunction the company filed before the last hearing and shows it to the arbitrator we could all watch the company lawyers squirm. They stated in that injunction that if Judge Stephens does not remove the clause it will cost them $625 million over the term of the contract to pay what they know they owe the mechanics and fleet service. That was their words. It shows they know the clause has merit. They even took a stab in the dark saying that it should be removed because the IAM didn't tell them about it being in the contract. B***S**T. Why would they have to tell them what's in a contract that they handed to the judge themselves????? They wrote that piece of crap. Now is the time to stand together. I know it's hard for the West to pass up this raise and wait any longer for something they should have had long ago but believe me what you're losing will eat up most of the raise you're getting. And as for those who say the West won't get a raise from the arbitration and the company won't pay it anyway but just hold it up in litigation I say that if we win the case you will be right for a very short time. The company will negotiate with us like never before as they do not want to pay those wages. So we give a bit of the pay back for another weeks vacation, Full pay for sick time. the double time we used to have and not just second day off, and on and on. And the West would be in on it when we merge contracts which will come. So please think it out and let's get something that we deserve from a company making money like crazy. Just think how much the company would be making if it was managed properly. Enough from me. Vote NO!!!
First off, let us not forget that the IAM is pushing this because they finally got what they been fighting for....enhanced positive space travel. If you folks want to get a No vote then you better start pointing out the 'gains' the IAM and company got for themselves. Who do you think is paying for the additional positive space travel for the union bosses? You are and the cost is through the roof, probably cost you folks additional holidays or holiday pay that could have been substituted for this company cost. But no, the IAM gets this benefit.

The IAM traded the profit sharing to "front load' the pay to $19. Based on current projections, profit sharing checks could be worth between $2,000-$3,000 paycheck. During negotiations, the IAM appears to have boosted the pay from previously talked about levels of $17.85 to $19.00 by cashing in the profit sharing from the hard work of its very own members. It's a trick that most likely will pay off. Nonetheless, I agree, dropping the profit sharing bomb was HUGE, especially in the context of its worth in a thriving company. There is no question that your company was encouraged by the IAM's willingness to 'agree' to wipe out all future profit sharing. What's really humorous is that the IAM AGREED to 'WIPE OUT ALL PRORATED PROFIT SHARING 'RETROACTIVELY' THAT WERE ALREADY EARNED WITH THE HARD SWEAT OF ITS OWN MEMBERS, BUT OTOH, THE CLASS 2 AND WESTIES CAN'T GET THE COMPLETE PAY GAINS UNTIL NEXT SPRING.

I can’t believe this TA! It is a bunch of crap. As a HP employee, I have been lurking this board for a while and never joined because I have never been as mad as I am today!

How dare the union even agree with the company to take our profit sharing, and then insult us by taking our sick pay! The union and all of us need to get some balls and make our demands! I cannot believe that the union would even go for this.

That is our profit sharing money, we made the company successful, and we need to the get the money. That is millions of extra dollars that is ours that will be in the company's hands if this piece of junk TA is passed.

One big NO!
I can’t believe this TA! It is a bunch of crap. As a HP employee, I have been lurking this board for a while and never joined because I have never been as mad as I am today!

How dare the union even agree with the company to take our profit sharing, and then insult us by taking our sick pay! The union and all of us need to get some balls and make our demands! I cannot believe that the union would even go for this.

That is our profit sharing money, we made the company successful, and we need to the get the money. That is millions of extra dollars that is ours that will be in the company's hands if this piece of junk TA is passed.

One big NO!
Just think about it-----a raise for your profit sharing----the profit sharing would end up being more in most cases----if we vote this thing in we are true IDIOTS and deserve everything we get

Ladies and Gentlemen...Simply put if this agreement is passed we lose.We've been giving the oppurtunity to get back some of what was given,and taken, through the CIC meeting on Sep.13th
and 14th. We hold the upper hand as I see it and yet were sitting her letting the company throw
crumbs at us. We lose Profit Sharing..We lose Part Time / Full Time Ratio...We lose Probationary
Employee time in (west). Also the language is sneaky in that it suggests we get 50% pay for 1st-
2nd and 3rd days out sick...We already get 50% for 2nd and 3rd day out so why put it in there,this
in itself may lead some to think they got something for all 3 days...Part timers or junior workers may
look at the pay raise but remember the part time ratio is gone...You may never see Full Time and the
money you think will be there , will be there hourly but what differencre will that make if your hours
are cut. 6 hour shifts could easily become 4...no payroll increase. Also why put all the language about
2011 in there about the OT System..its' deceiving. Wait for the CIC or accept a transition agreement.
I choose the CIC. Again simply put the raise is less then that we would receive in profit sharing in some
cases..They cancel out...Please Vote No...and Think..thier coming to us after we chase them all summer.
They hid in courts..Now they want to make a deal...IAM=dues..Company=profits...CIC is neutral

Thanks 😉
I don't work on the ramp but that is where I started with HP back in 1990...$6.73 per hour, so $19 sounds like a gold mine. Losing your profit sharing would be a big blow, but wouldn't the pension counteract that?
Re: Fleet Service Tent. Agreement
« Reply #23 on: Today at 08:07:31 PM »

Well Im sure that I wont convince anyone here to vote yes but just remember when its voted down we will all loose. Those who think loosing the profit shareing is such a bad think just add up the numbers the average raise per year will be a between 4 to 6000 dollars per year . We might get 2500 to 3000 in a profit sharing check.
As far as the sick time most other airlines already have that in there contracts.
As stated before and if you read what the IAM has said there will be no other offer.
I for one dont care to wait 2 more years maybe longer to get back a part of what I have lost. Vacations and more holidays dont pay my bills.
So if this is voted down and the IAM says thats it company refuses to come back to the table I hope to see all of you giving a big yippy that we showed the IAM.
Now we can #### and moan for another 2 years why we wait for them to come back again.
This company has no obligation to do anything.
So just keep dreaming that dream that we will get a better deal.
Yea and I believe in Sant Clause too