I fully realize that this T/A is not the greatest, but for someone who has been out of work for a while, it isn't all that bad. Until you take a look around and see what it is like on the outside with other employers as well as their benefits, you can't really understand where I am coming from. Most places start you off with 1 week of vacation, and it takes 5 years to get another. Also there are very few places that permit Shift trades, which is a priceless benefit in itself. My current employer gives you 5 sick days a year, and you do get paid for what you don't use at the end of the year. The bad side of this is no carry-over at all. So, If you get sick and you are out for more that 5 days, you get Zippo for a paycheck. They also don't have any shift differential, and swapping a shift, is non-existant. Think of what it would be like with NO Swaps when you don't have enough time to bid a summer vacation....A week in March, isn't all that great is it?? The old saying of "The Grass is always greener", doesn't hold true if you are really on the other side, and believe me, I speak from exprerience. I spent more than enough time in the industry to know how many hours you actually work during an 8 hour shift compared to other jobs. A few places that I have worked in the past couple of years have you on the move every last minute of your day....Sometimes to the point where getting to make a quick "Pit-stop" makes you feel like you are getting away with something. I also hope that the IAM can squeeze a few more things out of the company before this T/A is finalized, and we will all have to wait and see what can be done.