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US Airways And IAM Reach Tentative Agreement For 7,700 Fleet Service Employees

Tell me why you went from maybe to a solid yes.....speak and I will LISTEN!

I'm really not at liberty to say what i've heard , but i TRUST the source , and i like what my source said ...Granted it's not SPECTULAR , but it's good enough for me to be happy , the real reason i'm not going to tell you anything is truth be told we don't need anymore rumors running around on this board , it's depressing people ... I'm very certain that what i've heard is close to what we will hear on the 14th so just be patient for two more days , and then we will see where this conversation ends up going...
I love the mentality on this board you screwed me so I am going to screw myself to screw you back. Real smart@! This group is the lowest paid in the industry and voting yes guarantees you will be the lowest paid for years to come. Southwest makes over $4000 a month and even JetBlue makes more than we do.
You just can't see the whole picture. Your dues will go up guaranteed because you show the union that you will bow to anything. Your insurance will go up guaranteed. So what do you gain in the longrun? All your increases will be eaten up. You want to be treated with respect grow some balls and send them an overwhelming NO!!!! You want to be treated like dirt vote yes and crawl into your corner with your blanky and binky. I don't mean to insult anyone but this pisses me off that we have this leverage of the arbitration on change of control and you want to throw it out the window. This workgroup keeps getting weaker and weaker. Ya just don't get it. So sad..................So sad................. Good luck cause you are gonna need it. Can you say KY?

I could care less what anyone votes, I only know and care how I vote.
This contract is a disgrace , they can't even give us our shift differential and holiday pay back.If you vote for this you are screwing yourself till 2012.
Just got a call from a friend of mine who is working & he just said CLT is a SOLID no. He says its written all over the tugs & breakrooms.
Well that settles it then, if it's written on tugs it means the majority vote no....LOL
What makes most of the people on this board think that the change of control grievance is the "gold ticket" or "lottery ticket?" I am a westie and I have read that provision in the IAM contract and it speaks nothing about a merger. And as far as I know AWA didn't purchase the US Air stock or any assets, which would constitute a change of control. Can someone explain to me why the east thinks the change of control is a easy win grievance?
Looks like it will be a NO vote in vegas.
Reasons🙁1) having to pay for short-term disability will cost you roughly $1.15 per hour worked, based on an average 174 hours worked per month at $200 per month. (2) If i were to only recive %50 of my sick time using 1 sick day a month I would be giving up .45 cents perhour based on 174 hours per month. (3) now comes long term disability costs .96 cents per hour based on 174 hours per month at a monthly cost of $180. (4) losing 4 paid holidays a year costs .30 cents per hour worked based on 2080 hours. (5) Not to mention my insurance premiums for health care coverage will DOUBLE at a cost of .50 per hour based on 174 hrs per month. (this will vary depending on single/married/children. I am single.)

So before reading anything else I as a west employee will lose $3.36 per hour. I hope my pay raise where I fall on the scale better have a raise of atleast $5.00 per hour.
Looks like it will be a NO vote in vegas.
Reasons🙁1) having to pay for short-term disability will cost you roughly $1.15 per hour worked, based on an average 174 hours worked per month at $200 per month. (2) If i were to only recive %50 of my sick time using 1 sick day a month I would be giving up .45 cents perhour based on 174 hours per month. (3) now comes long term disability costs .96 cents per hour based on 174 hours per month at a monthly cost of $180. (4) losing 4 paid holidays a year costs .30 cents per hour worked based on 2080 hours. (5) Not to mention my insurance premiums for health care coverage will DOUBLE at a cost of .50 per hour based on 174 hrs per month. (this will vary depending on single/married/children. I am single.)

So before reading anything else I as a west employee will lose $3.36 per hour. I hope my pay raise where I fall on the scale better have a raise of atleast $5.00 per hour.

Oh my God you do get it! I hope you have alot of influence on your fellow workers. That is the most intelligent post I have seen on this subject. Dude you should get involved in the union. We need intelligence like yours running the show. Please spread the word. Good luck to all of you out West. Vote NO!
I can tell you of only 10 people in PIT who will be voting yes...and those are the poor souls that came back to this company with around 20 years seniority at the starting wage....

The rest of PIT will be a resounding NO :down:

For those out west who think they are screwing the east by voting yes.....do yourself a favor and think very hard before casting that vote in favor of the company and union....

A majority no vote will send a clear message to this union and company that we have had enough of the crap from both of them and we are ready to stand together as one and fight.......

Generally, I think the membership tends to vote on proposals on both the "package" and "principle". Without the wage rates, the package worth is undeterminable. Unfortunately, I tend to think that Tim Nelson's top rate figure is probably closer to correct than a higher number. For me at least, that would mean an unsatisfactory package.

As far as principle, does it bother anyone here that our union cannot defend one of the basic advances that labor achieved in the last century, sick leave?

I don't live hand to mouth, but many do, and the continuity of income that sick leave provides is not exactly an extravagance in my book. I'm not coming in with a chest cold in January to save myself 50 bucks a day, but others will, and that just guarantees more colds and sickness and time loss for me. If the company position is that a 100% leave policy is costly and easily abused, the union needs to counter with something other than a proposal (the 150 day bank) that means 30 years of leave accumulation before you go 100%.
I fully realize that this T/A is not the greatest, but for someone who has been out of work for a while, it isn't all that bad. Until you take a look around and see what it is like on the outside with other employers as well as their benefits, you can't really understand where I am coming from. Most places start you off with 1 week of vacation, and it takes 5 years to get another. Also there are very few places that permit Shift trades, which is a priceless benefit in itself. My current employer gives you 5 sick days a year, and you do get paid for what you don't use at the end of the year. The bad side of this is no carry-over at all. So, If you get sick and you are out for more that 5 days, you get Zippo for a paycheck. They also don't have any shift differential, and swapping a shift, is non-existant. Think of what it would be like with NO Swaps when you don't have enough time to bid a summer vacation....A week in March, isn't all that great is it?? The old saying of "The Grass is always greener", doesn't hold true if you are really on the other side, and believe me, I speak from exprerience. I spent more than enough time in the industry to know how many hours you actually work during an 8 hour shift compared to other jobs. A few places that I have worked in the past couple of years have you on the move every last minute of your day....Sometimes to the point where getting to make a quick "Pit-stop" makes you feel like you are getting away with something. I also hope that the IAM can squeeze a few more things out of the company before this T/A is finalized, and we will all have to wait and see what can be done.
Carry over is a great benefit. I got $7000 worth of benefit out of it last year, but I accrued it over 20 years. The problem as I see it is if they can't regain a basic "union right" given away in a bankruptcy concession, paid sick leave, why would they continue to strongly defend carry over banks, or even long term accrual at all? You can see down the slippery slope by looking at the current West plan.

I know it can be tough in the non-CBA world, I've worked there too (and I'm looking again). But I pay for the CBA just as surely as I would have to set money aside for unforeseen events in a non-CBA career. I want to make sure the CBA is worth what I'm paying for it, and that includes not only dues but the lost opportunity costs I pay by accepting a "collective" agreement rather than individual negotiation with an employer. If you remove or reduce all the "collective" benefits of the last century (sick leave, holiday pay, vacation, premium pay, medical insurance, etc.) what's the point of the CBA?
i talked to a union chariman about those of us in the outsourced cities unfotunately we are not covered in it despite our years of paying the union dues what a shame and a friend of mine in clt saids that no one there likes the proposal wonder how the vote wil turn out
i talked to a union chariman about those of us in the outsourced cities unfotunately we are not covered in it despite our years of paying the union dues what a shame and a friend of mine in clt saids that no one there likes the proposal wonder how the vote wil turn out

I can guarantee you CLT is a BIG NO.
i talked to a union chariman about those of us in the outsourced cities unfotunately we are not covered in it despite our years of paying the union dues what a shame and a friend of mine in clt saids that no one there likes the proposal wonder how the vote wil turn out
When you say that none of us are covered, what exactly do you mean? I realize that the T/A states that no previously outsourced stations will be insourced. As far as the 60 day rule, that should apply to that retain recall rights should they decide to transfer to another city. If the 60 day clause is removed from the CBA, the new T/A would be in effect for all, not just a few. If you have recall time left, and you choose to return to work, you would have to be coverd under the same CBA as everyone else. Let's face it, how many people are we talking about here....a few hundered...Maybe.

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