Upcoming Sequester

Furlough notices went out to FAA employees today. Multiply this by many towers across the country:

"The effects of automatic budget cuts hit more than 220 Federal Aviation Administration employees in the Las Vegas Valley on Tuesday. They are among 47,000 nationwide who have 15 days to respond to furlough notices and tell their supervisors which days they will take unpaid leave from April through September.

Managers were informed Monday that furlough notices would be sent to the FAA workforce via email or certified mail beginning Tuesday, triggering a 15-day clock to respond and let supervisors know the 11 days - one per pay period - they will take off without pay beginning April 7 through the Sept. 30 end of the fiscal year."

Furloughs include 100% of operations employees. Nobody is exempt."


Just taking a guess and using this website of Federal Employee salaries, that's about what, a 4.5% to 5% pay cut for you? Doesn't seem to be that much of a sacrifice. I think you'll be just fine.
50 mill for new TSA uniforms, billions dumped into experimental green energy, billions given to unfriendly foreign powers, but "we have to take that 2% straight out of the workforce!" B.S.!!

Obama is using the sequester to put a gun to the american peoples head, it is political posturing and complete crap. He is a first rate con man that will turn right around and screw everybody that is supporting him.
What was his flying bill for Airforce one last year? How much did each of those golf games cost the taxpayer in travel and security? You won't see King Obama taking any cuts but he is real quick to screw Joe American when he thinks it will suit his agenda.

What you are seeing now is just the beginning of what we can expect for the rest of his term.
Furlough notices went out to FAA employees today. Multiply this by many towers across the country:

"The effects of automatic budget cuts hit more than 220 Federal Aviation Administration employees in the Las Vegas Valley on Tuesday. They are among 47,000 nationwide who have 15 days to respond to furlough notices and tell their supervisors which days they will take unpaid leave from April through September.

Managers were informed Monday that furlough notices would be sent to the FAA workforce via email or certified mail beginning Tuesday, triggering a 15-day clock to respond and let supervisors know the 11 days - one per pay period - they will take off without pay beginning April 7 through the Sept. 30 end of the fiscal year."

Furloughs include 100% of operations employees. Nobody is exempt."


Still buying the BS from the Great Pretender I see.

Consider that we are still spending MORE than last year post sequester
Consider that the debt continues to rise
Now they want to raise the minimum wage after they have stolen trillion from the working class and you're still buying their bankster Bullshite.

In 1964 the minimum wage was $1.25 per hour. The "Melt" amount of 5 silver quarters was also $1.25. If we take that same amount of silver and tie it to the currency the US Minimum wage would be $26.21 per hour.

BY the way in case you were wondering that wealth was stolen from us by The Federal Reserve Bank and the Federal Government
50 mill for new TSA uniforms, billions dumped into experimental green energy, billions given to unfriendly foreign powers, but "we have to take that 2% straight out of the workforce!" B.S.!!

Obama is using the sequester to put a gun to the american peoples head, it is political posturing and complete crap. He is a first rate con man that will turn right around and screw everybody that is supporting him.
What was his flying bill for Airforce one last year? How much did each of those golf games cost the taxpayer in travel and security? You won't see King Obama taking any cuts but he is real quick to screw Joe American when he thinks it will suit his agenda.

What you are seeing now is just the beginning of what we can expect for the rest of his term.
Today, King Obama ordered the cancellation of all White House tours starting March 9th, as a consequence of the sequester.

In an amendment to a GOP stopgap budget bill headed to the floor later this week, Rep. Louis Gohmert, R-Texas, suggested that no funds from the bill be used "to transport the President to or from a golf course until public tours of the White House resume."
Today, King Obama ordered the cancellation of all White House tours starting March 9th, as a consequence of the sequester.

In an amendment to a GOP stopgap budget bill headed to the floor later this week, Rep. Louis Gohmert, R-Texas, suggested that no funds from the bill be used "to transport the President to or from a golf course until public tours of the White House resume."

Sounds good to me, however we all know that rules don't apply to a King. He is probably setting up tee times as we speak.
Furlough notices went out to FAA employees today. Multiply this by many towers across the country:

"The effects of automatic budget cuts hit more than 220 Federal Aviation Administration employees in the Las Vegas Valley on Tuesday. They are among 47,000 nationwide who have 15 days to respond to furlough notices and tell their supervisors which days they will take unpaid leave from April through September.

Managers were informed Monday that furlough notices would be sent to the FAA workforce via email or certified mail beginning Tuesday, triggering a 15-day clock to respond and let supervisors know the 11 days - one per pay period - they will take off without pay beginning April 7 through the Sept. 30 end of the fiscal year."

Furloughs include 100% of operations employees. Nobody is exempt."


Did you get the email on how to make this as painful as possible for the American public?

It will be interesting to see what the undocumented democrats, recently released from jail, do with their new found freedom to commit murder and rape .....Might be Obama's Willie Horton moment.

Obama is going to fail here.
Still buying the BS from the Great Pretender I see.

Consider that we are still spending MORE than last year post sequester
Consider that the debt continues to rise
Now they want to raise the minimum wage after they have stolen trillion from the working class and you're still buying their bankster Bullshite.

In 1964 the minimum wage was $1.25 per hour. The "Melt" amount of 5 silver quarters was also $1.25. If we take that same amount of silver and tie it to the currency the US Minimum wage would be $26.21 per hour.

BY the way in case you were wondering that wealth was stolen from us by The Federal Reserve Bank and the Federal Government

That's the same band of merry pranksters who have most of America fooled into thinking we are having the greatest stock market ever by monetizing the debt.
That's the same band of merry pranksters who have most of America fooled into thinking we are having the greatest stock market ever by monetizing the debt.

BINGO!! Hold your cards we have a winner!

Now Dell for the bonus round can you tell the folks at home just exactly who Benefits?
Has it occurred just how big of a Jackass this POTUS really is?

Shutting down White House tours because of the sequester I'd expect from an eight year old.

If he isn't trying to steal your Liberty via NDAA or confiscating your wages then he's busy crying like a spoiled brat because he's being taken to task for his governance.
Has it occurred just how big of a Jackass this POTUS really is?

Shutting down White House tours because of the sequester I'd expect from an eight year old.

If he isn't trying to steal your Liberty via NDAA or confiscating your wages then he's busy crying like a spoiled brat because he's being taken to task for his governance.

Denying all average citizens the chance to tour what's supposed to be "their" House in DC's tantamount to just announcing that the sorry, petty little creature's not a President, but indeed a "monarch". Anyone who could even endure watching him speak without feeling nauseated, just from trying to count even half of all the arrogant smirks, has either my admiration for an amazingly strong stomach, or my sympathy for having no semblance of a brain whatsoever.

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