Upcoming Sequester

You do know who controls the purse strings. It is not Obama. Aid to Egypt is appropriated by congress, just like all other spending.

Cutting aid to other countries is a great populist/nationalist idea.

Eliminating foreign aid would bring on a huge host of other issues that I will not delve into in this sequestration thread. Let me say that you should check your Republican credentials at the door before you enter the "eliminate foreign aid" room.
Obama doesn't control anything, he's just the President.
Eliminating foreign aid would bring on a huge host of other issues that I will not delve into in this sequestration thread. Let me say that you should check your Republican credentials at the door before you enter the "eliminate foreign aid" room.

Soon the day will come when retreating from many places all over the world will be a necessity.
With all this paper money that has flooded the global market over the last few years......what is going to happen when interest rates go up?

Bernanke can not keep them down forever.

Lets cash those T bills in now......
Says 'No Affiliation' on my card, Pal.

Means I can go either way....its all up to the candidate....LOL

JESUS dell,
You "Go Either Way" ?????????/
Holy SH!T, I never figured you for 'batting from both sides of the plate' !!

I mean, it makes no difference to me, honestly,if your a (political) SWITCH HITTER,....I mean your my good 'Bud' forever...... : )
Back to budget cuts to control towers, working short handed etc,......wait till towers like NYC,PHL,DCA, ORD, LAX start getting significant SICK OUTS, and traffic starts crawling to a standstill, we'll see who blinks first,.......BO or 'BONER !
Back to budget cuts to control towers, working short handed etc,......wait till towers like NYC,PHL,DCA, ORD, LAX start getting significant SICK OUTS, and traffic starts crawling to a standstill, we'll see who blinks first,.......BO or 'BONER !

Whew! "we'll see who blinks first" is unquestionably the finest and most logical basis for making any budget that I've yet heard. ;)
JESUS dell,
You "Go Either Way" ?????????/
Holy SH!T, I never figured you for 'batting from both sides of the plate' !!

I mean, it makes no difference to me, honestly,if your a (political) SWITCH HITTER,....I mean your my good 'Bud' forever...... : )

Bear, I want you to have this......little momento.......From GW

Back to budget cuts to control towers, working short handed etc,......wait till towers like NYC,PHL,DCA, ORD, LAX start getting significant SICK OUTS, and traffic starts crawling to a standstill, we'll see who blinks first,.......BO or 'BONER !

BaRack got what he wanted, higher taxes on the Evil rich, now it's time to cut the budget, which he said he would cut in half, in his 1st term........brahahaw. Wanna b!tch about something Barry-O, ask Barack why he's giving all that money to Egypt, while allowing these cuts to take place or is it ok when he's POTUS ?
The sequester hasn't prevented the TSA from sealing a 50 million dollar deal to buy new uniforms for their agents. The uniforms will be partly manufactured in Mexico. The lines at TSA check points may be getting longer but at least you can admire the details of the new uniforms during your wait.
Furlough notices went out to FAA employees today. Multiply this by many towers across the country:

"The effects of automatic budget cuts hit more than 220 Federal Aviation Administration employees in the Las Vegas Valley on Tuesday. They are among 47,000 nationwide who have 15 days to respond to furlough notices and tell their supervisors which days they will take unpaid leave from April through September.

Managers were informed Monday that furlough notices would be sent to the FAA workforce via email or certified mail beginning Tuesday, triggering a 15-day clock to respond and let supervisors know the 11 days - one per pay period - they will take off without pay beginning April 7 through the Sept. 30 end of the fiscal year."

Furloughs include 100% of operations employees. Nobody is exempt."


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