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The Governor was Kathleen Blanco, the Mayor of New Orleans was Ray Nagin. Mary Landrieu was, and is, a US Senator. Bush was holding back because he was on vacation. Brown was a partisan appointed idiot.

Louisiana originally based its legal system on French civil, not common, law. Both are part of the Lousiana legal system. Neither had to do with the Army Corps of Engineers inadequate design and construction of the levees, the cause of all but one of fifty-some failures and overtopping of the protective system. The one due to maintenance, the overtopping of a levee on the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet, MRGO, This failure was due to inadequate dredging of MRGO by, damn, the Army Corps of Engineers

Suffice to say your understanding of Katrina and its aftermath is as astute as your grasp of the facts involved.

Sorry for a Sparrowhawk length post.

My bad on the Landreau/Blanco mix up. I did find an interesting timeline of events. Not seeing anything regarding poorly designed levees as yet. Not that I'm done looking. Civil law derives itself from Common Law. So that hair was nicely split.

Katrina Timeline

This from http://www.hurricanekatrinarelief.com

Why did the levees break in New Orleans?
On the contrary of what you might have heard, the levees did not break in New Orleans. The levees were actually able to withstand the storm surge of Hurricane Katrina. What happened was that the levees were replaced in some areas of the city with a wall approximately 2 feet thick that fell during there hurricane. These walls were built in order to widen the canal, but they could not withstand Katrina’s storm surge. Therefore, it was the replacement walls that broke, NOT the levees.

More from the website
Landreau and Nagel?

The US government, Army Corps of Engineers, was a primary cause of the damage caused by Katrina. Michael Brown was in charge of the US Government, FEMA, emergency effort and couldn't even dress himself.

Is that the US Government you are talking about?

Funny, I thought Gov Blanco refused GW's offer of declaring a disaster area 3 days ahead of time so assets could be in place when it hit?

And Ray Nagin didn't give a mandatory evac notice until some 30 hours after landfall.
Lot of bad information on Katrina.

See Sparrowhawk stumbling through names, civil law and levee districts to absolve the federal government.

A very specific request for asssitance before the storm hit.

Lot of bad information on Katrina.

See Sparrowhawk stumbling through names, civil law and levee districts to absolve the federal government.

A very specific request for asssitance before the storm hit.


Saturday, August 27



GOV. BLANCO ASKS BUSH TO DECLARE FEDERAL STATE OF EMERGENCY IN LOUISIANA: “I have determined that this incident is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the State and affected local governments, and that supplementary Federal assistance is necessary to save lives, protect property, public health, and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a disaster.” [Office of the Governor]

FEDERAL EMERGENCY DECLARED, DHS AND FEMA GIVEN FULL AUTHORITY TO RESPOND TO KATRINA: “Specifically, FEMA is authorized to identify, mobilize, and provide at its discretion, equipment and resources necessary to alleviate the impacts of the emergency.” [White House]

According to the timeline I posted the above occurred a day earlier than the letter entered into evidence. NOTE: The timeline I picked to publish is from a very left leaning publication. So one would assume it would paint Bush in the least favorable light. Also each entry into the timeline is cited and time released.
Lot of bad information on Katrina.

See Sparrowhawk stumbling through names, civil law and levee districts to absolve the federal government.

A very specific request for asssitance before the storm hit.


Whats this got to do with Ron Paul?
I guess it proves the federal government should keep its nose out of everything.

Well they should stay within the confines of their role as defined by the COTUS. There is always disagreement as to what that role is. What is clear is that we've gone to far in one direction.
Or, maybe we should be very careful letting Libertarians choose what government does.

Everybody has a little Libertarian inside.....

You know why the Hawk keeps interjecting RON PAUL into so many threads?

There's a subliminal message in the words.......
One of the things I don't tow the Libertarian line is in case of Natural Disasters. Most Libertarians don't think FEMA is an appropriate role for the Federal Government. My feeling is the role of the Federal Government is to protect our citizens. To me, this would include not only foreign invasion but to our response in times of natural disaster.

That put you at odds with Ron Paul.
That put you at odds with Ron Paul.

Oh Yes! I think he's dead wrong on that specific issue.

I think Dr Paul is likely right using the narrowest view of Constitutional authority. I take a slightly wider view. If we limit the role of the Federal Government to the original intent of the Founders I think a case could be made that under the Federal requirement of "Provide for the Common Defense" that there is room for a FEMA type organization. It's role and rules of engagement would have to be similar to the military regarding the when, where & how the Feds come to the rescue.

We should be so lucky for this to one day be the single biggest issue before the nation.

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