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United States economy doomed …

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I'm still confused by your posts. In some of your posts you say the US economy is doomed. Then you turn around and say things like....

this country isn't just about YOU , it's about every american that you see walking the streets along with you , and our goal must be to ensure that our fellow americans are fed and shealtered ... we must ensure that people have the ablity to be able to GET a job ...

the economic situation is sprialing out of control , drastic measures may have to be taken to ensure our way of life ..

By definition doomed means that there is no hope. So why even bother trying to take any measures if the economy is doomed? Seems like a contradiction.

Here's another contradcition on your part. You said tell me , what's the more pragmatic thing to do , place blame , or try and fix the problem ....

However in another post you also said in one weeks time i will go on a rampage through the internet spreading my message of that which you call doom and gloom , as i pillage from website to website my message will be the same , MAX OUT YOUR CREDIT CARDS NOW ...

Is saying you are going on a rampage on the internet and telling people to max out their credit cards going to fix the problem?

P.S. How's that internet rampage going?

what i'm saying , and this is alot to swallow , is that we as a nation are going to have to switch to a new econmy , a CENTERALISED economy where the goverment controls the inputs and the out puts , wage and price controls .. we are going to have to take this action to PRESERVE our people .... the very notion of money is going to change , going to go away ... if you have 100K when we switch to the new system , you will have zero ..... we're going to start from day one ...

in the meantime , i figure people might as well get what they want , might as well max out those cards ... this also serves another purpose ... it tips the economy closer to being doomed ... once people understand , once they realise this , they will be more willing to let go of our old econmic system .
The only answer to our economic woes is to enact " The Fair Tax "....................NOW !


Read the book and educate yourself on what IS really the problem with our economy !

Wealth envy and re-distribution is not the answer ! :shock:
what i'm saying , and this is alot to swallow , is that we as a nation are going to have to switch to a new econmy , a CENTERALISED economy where the goverment controls the inputs and the out puts , wage and price controls .. we are going to have to take this action to PRESERVE our people .... the very notion of money is going to change , going to go away ... if you have 100K when we switch to the new system , you will have zero ..... we're going to start from day one ...

in the meantime , i figure people might as well get what they want , might as well max out those cards ... this also serves another purpose ... it tips the economy closer to being doomed ... once people understand , once they realise this , they will be more willing to let go of our old econmic system .

In case you did not know this the government cannot even run itself efficently. What on gods green earth makes you think they could run the worlds largest economy? The Russians tried it and it blew up in their face.

If you are so certain that people maxing out their credit cards will help change things why don't you do it? While your at it why don't you stop paying your mortgage and car payments.
The only answer to our economic woes is to enact " The Fair Tax "....................NOW !


Read the book and educate yourself on what IS really the problem with our economy !

Wealth envy and re-distribution is not the answer ! :shock:

i'm not going to waste my time reading that garbage that they feed you ...

wealth isn't going to go away , in the future it will be based on what benfit you provide society . if your a doctor your going to live in a nice house and drive a fancy car. i want to immitate the system we have today , but there won't be any carry over to the new system , so if you were say an athlet with millions of dollars , under the new system you'll have zip along with everyone else , and you'll start getting paid based on what you provide society ... athlets don't fix things , they don't heal people etc , so they will get very little ..

southwind , we can't tax our way out of this ... our debt is too great ,it's almost IMPOSSIBLE .... and you should know this , look at state goverments ... as more people lose their jobs the tax burden will increase on the few who still have jobs ... it's another snowball , rolling down hill that's going to take out more people on it's way down .
In case you did not know this the government cannot even run itself efficently. What on gods green earth makes you think they could run the worlds largest economy? The Russians tried it and it blew up in their face.

If you are so certain that people maxing out their credit cards will help change things why don't you do it? While your at it why don't you stop paying your mortgage and car payments.

well , first of all , we won't have much of a choice except to try and do what the russians did ... luckly for us however , we have these new devices called "computers" that will give us a great advantage in manging productivity .

as for your second point , i've already stopped paying off my credit cards after making sure to max them out . what is the credit card company going to do to me now ? ding my credit score :lol: AH HAHAHAHAHA credit scores will soon be even MORE worthless than they already are . you might as well max out that free money before they shut off your line , or have you been living under a rock and don't know what's going on . educate yourself .

as for the mortage , someday , maybe soon we won't have to pay those either ... for the short term i plan to call my car company and ask them if i can reduce my monthly payment because i'm struggling , you should do the same , who knows , they might budge ...i don't care if they made my car loan a ten year term ... as long as you have money in your pocket NOW , that's all that matters .
this thread should be renamed "Diary of a Madman"

every time I have thought I read the dumbest thing I have ever seen posted,he manages to top it
this thread should be renamed "Diary of a Madman"

every time I have thought I read the dumbest thing I have ever seen posted,he manages to top it

it "SEEMS" mad because , right now you have a job and the economy is still working , but when

1. you lose your job

2 hyper inflation kicks in

3 crime and civil disorder explode because of 1 and 2

what i'm saying won't seem so mad anymore .
First off i have never called for the downfall of our goverment ... i have called for the disolution of our ECONMIC system to be replaced with something new . Don't confuse econmic systems with goverment ... i am also aware that in the near term future it might be necessary to abridge civil rights for AWHILE to mantain order (for a limited amount of time due to the emergency , marital law etc ).

had enough , i just don't thnk you can see the complex picture that i see ... if the dollar devalues and the market crashes unemployment will rise and rise and rise , home mortages won't get paid , banks will go bankrupt etc ... with our goverment being broke , the FDIC is nothing but a myth ... it's like santa clause ...

If the very econmic fabric of our society breaks down you won't have the ablity to feed your family unless you live on a farm had enough ... think , if money becomes near worhtless why will the farmer grow the food , why will the truck driver transport it ,and why will the people in the supermarket bother to put forth the effort to sell it . do you remember the pictures from the great depression of dairy farmers dumping their milk out onto the ground because it wasn''t worth the effort to produce ?

i aim to keep society functioning if a worst case econmic scenaior should occur .

the glass is half full .

On the contrary oh great misguided one. You are calling for the downfall of our goverment by promoting socialism or communism. In order to implement either one of those economic failures our goverment must fail. Redistribution of wealth will never work. It failed in the USSR, Germany and everywhere else it was tried.

Those civil rights you are so quick to dismiss were won by the sacrifices of many Americans and should not be taken for granted. The end doesn't justify the means.

I see the complexity of the situtation with a lot more clarity than your young and arrogant mind ever will. The dollar has no value. It is a piece of paper and only has value because we say it has a value. We assign it a value and willingly accept it in trade for goods and services but in reality its value is nothing more than an illusion.

I will tell you something I learned from my Grandmother a few years ago. I once ask her what it was like living through the Great Depression. Her response suprised me. She said "We were so poor at the time we didn't even realize there was a depression. We had our family and the Lord and with those two on our side we can get through anything." My Grandmother was a wise woman and knew what was important in life.

Again I will give you some advice. Get help and soon. If you don't get professional help look to family and friends for support.

I'm a realist, the glass is too big.
On the contrary oh great misguided one. You are calling for the downfall of our goverment by promoting socialism or communism. In order to implement either one of those economic failures our goverment must fail. Redistribution of wealth will never work. It failed in the USSR, Germany and everywhere else it was tried.

Those civil rights you are so quick to dismiss were won by the sacrifices of many Americans and should not be taken for granted. The end doesn't justify the means.

I see the complexity of the situtation with a lot more clarity than your young and arrogant mind ever will. The dollar has no value. It is a piece of paper and only has value because we say it has a value. We assign it a value and willingly accept it in trade for goods and services but in reality its value is nothing more than an illusion.

I will tell you something I learned from my Grandmother a few years ago. I once ask her what it was like living through the Great Depression. Her response suprised me. She said "We were so poor at the time we didn't even realize there was a depression. We had our family and the Lord and with those two on our side we can get through anything." My Grandmother was a wise woman and knew what was important in life.

Again I will give you some advice. Get help and soon. If you don't get professional help look to family and friends for support.

I'm a realist, the glass is too big.

well , like it or NOT , because it's most likely to happen , wealth is going to be redistubted/destoryed ... by redistubtion , i mean people will stop paying their mortages and cars , and will say " i live in this house ,so now it's MINE ... this is the car i've driven for the last two years , so that now makes it MINE" and this will happen on a grand scale ,and there will be nothing you can do to stop or change this .

As for the ends not justifying the means ... supressing civil rights if it allow us to maintain order is a fair trade off for a short amount of time , and if it came down to a vote , most people would agree .

As to your grandmothers story , alot has changed since that time , we are no longer that society ...people enmass are not going to just say "ok , i'm poor now , come reposses everything i have " back then our country really WAS poor , but we are now the most wealthy nation in the world ... people are not just going to "accept or not notice this "

i don't need help , i know what's coming , YOU on the other hand do NOT know what's coming , and therfore i'm trying to help YOU .
Unlike you I could accept your help if it was genuinely offered. I am not arrogant and do not profess to be able to see the future but unlike you I am able to learn from the past. My Grandmother taught me whats important in life and it sure isn't material things. You seem to have an entitlement complex. You feel you are owed something by society. Well I have some bad news for you. You are entitled to nothing you have not earned. You appear to live beyond your means and that too is a character flaw of your youth. Seek help now before you mentally and financially implode.
First off i have never called for the downfall of our goverment ... i have called for the disolution of our ECONMIC system to be replaced with something new . Don't confuse econmic systems with goverment ... i am also aware that in the near term future it might be necessary to abridge civil rights for AWHILE to mantain order (for a limited amount of time due to the emergency , marital law etc ).

had enough , i just don't thnk you can see the complex picture that i see ... if the dollar devalues and the market crashes unemployment will rise and rise and rise , home mortages won't get paid , banks will go bankrupt etc ... with our goverment being broke , the FDIC is nothing but a myth ... it's like santa clause ...

If the very econmic fabric of our society breaks down you won't have the ablity to feed your family unless you live on a farm had enough ... think , if money becomes near worhtless why will the farmer grow the food , why will the truck driver transport it ,and why will the people in the supermarket bother to put forth the effort to sell it . do you remember the pictures from the great depression of dairy farmers dumping their milk out onto the ground because it wasn''t worth the effort to produce ?
i aim to keep society functioning if a worst case econmic scenaior should occur .

the glass is half full .

There's nothing wrong with our economic system that, getting governments'(plural)hands out of won't fix. You can't depend on the government to regulate social justice,economic equality, or moral standards, because we have something called politicians. Do you really want liars and cheats in charge? Our system of elections and politics has been subverted by a handful of "free market elitists". Fascism/communism are names for systems used to keep a state of steady debate going while the one true United States Constitution is being undermined.
Have you noticed that there's been no concrete moves toward energy independence? For good reason. The powers that be have no intention of giving up their strangle hold they have on our economic system. The founders invisioned this. They tried to assure that we'd never again fall under the centralized economics of European control. The death spiral started with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This gave a controlling hand to foreign bankers. The founders of the U.S. had even tried to assure that there'd never be banks in our country,because it leads to economic centralization. Or in other words"control by the few".
Have you noticed that Ron Paul advocated for doing away with the federal Reserve? Americans should have more of a presence of mind. We should be seeking answers as to why. We should'nt be talking about how our country is doomed, or how the answer is "free market economics". Do you really want something that in other countries has lead to strangling poverty. Why are people more willing to throw away our country than they are to weeding out the bad element that's hurting it, and getting it back on track?
We don't need to throw out the baby with the bath water. Just the dirty bath water
let's play a game , let's call it MATH ....

lets take PHX as an example ... the city budget is 270 million dollars short .... now the city collects that money from sales taxes ... the money is used to pay for police ,fire , sewers ETC ..

if the citizens are tapped out aka so indebt they live paycheck to paycheck and their already having a hard time making it ... how do you propose we solve this budget problem ? shall we talk about it saying "FDIC go away " or do we just cut services so badly that when you call 911 you have a one hour wait time to talk to an operator and then another hour wait for what's left of the police force to show up ? Or shall we go the other route and raise the money we need by raising taxes ? therby pushing down more and more struggling people until they give out because they can no longer make it ?

Both options are equally bad , therefore we need a new acceptable soultion .

you talk about the baby and the bath water , friend the baby is long dead in that bath and the water is polluted ....our nation has taken debt right up to the very cliff and then proudly stepped over the cliff .... most americans live paycheck to paycheck . our national debt is around 10 trillion dollars with obligations and all totalling close to 56 trillion dollars ....

At this moment , right now our nation is broke as well as most of the states , unless we can raise the stimus money we need , then we are FUBAR ... and if there's no stimuls package then there's no more money to prop up the banks .. go to bloomberg.com and read about how the banks are going to need more goverment funding because their continuing to take more losses .

i'm not running my mouth or making up these facts ... these facts are open to anyone who want's to bother to get off their asses and read about them .... we are BROKE ....

if you think hadenough that i feel entitiled , then tell me , when you call 911 , do expect someone to answer ? when you flush the toilet , do you expect the waste to go somewhere ? what i talk about is called society FUCTIONING .. right now i'm watching the new york state of the union on cnn.com , the word "depression " has already been mentioned numerous times .... althou the mayor is carefull to say we are NOT in a depression ... did you know new york has raised the property tax by 7.5 percent to handle their 4 billion dollar short fall .
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