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United States economy doomed …

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i like how they play it up about how great the techniques are and that if you want to survive you need to watch the video , but at the end of the talk up , they bring out the price ...

i'll starve to death before i pay for someone to tell me to stock up on canned foods!

Hey Freedom,

Keep your sense of Humor.
If you need canned food, I'll sell you some... 😛

B) xUT
More Lessons From the Crisis
[sub]by Ben Stein[/sub]

Or should be known as:

Why a comedian should not be a financial adviser... 😛

The Plan Going Forward

But, although I will keep money in stocks, I will keep more than I did in insured cash and Treasuries. I will follow the advice of author and speaker Raymond J. Lucia, a dear friend and authority on financial planning, to keep many years worth of spending needs in cash or near cash. I will, in a word, hedge myself more in US government bonds and cash than I previously did.

I shake when I think of this because I feel sure inflation will eventually come back in a big way. But I am hedged on that -- I hope -- by my real estate, which I did not -- cannot -- sell.


In my remaining years as an investor, I will just do the best I can -- and then go eat sushi. I recommend that you do the same.

B) xUT
Hey Freedom,

Keep your sense of Humor.
If you need canned food, I'll sell you some... 😛

B) xUT

HA , i bet their expired aren't they ! <_< lol

Dear doom journal ....

auto report for December came out , worst numbers since 1992 ... yada yada yada , etc etc ....

i grow worried about those who don't have a job .. our poor , our sick ... i can only help that their situation isn't completely desperate and that their is some iota of help for these people ... charities are taking hits ... 😱
Why Worry?

Al Franken is a Senator, Panetta is CIA Head. NoBama will create 3 Million Jobs and cut taxes. View attachment 8136

Man, it can only go up from here! 😛

B) xUT
Dear doom journal ...

jobs report for december came out today .... more than half a million jobs were lost ...

i've begun to take baby steps to fight this problem ... that was my news years resolution , simply to fight ... i don't know if i will succeed , but i will try ... gotta at least try ....
Dear doom journal ...

jobs report for december came out today .... more than half a million jobs were lost ...

i've begun to take baby steps to fight this problem ... that was my news years resolution , simply to fight ... i don't know if i will succeed , but i will try ... gotta at least try ....

how's maxing out the credit cards going?

enjoy the twenty years to pay them off when things turn ariund (which they will)
how's maxing out the credit cards going?

enjoy the twenty years to pay them off when things turn ariund (which they will)

we will see about that kitty cat .... i think i've figured out what the end game for the us will be ...

As you know , our federal and state goverments are BROKE ... that's what defecit spending means ... and as you know everytime we talk about a stimlus , that money comes from other nations , and we raise it by selling T notes ....

Real soon when we go to sell 1 trillion dollars worth of T notes the world is going to balk and say no ... once that happens our T notes will plummet , our dollar will devalue ... at that point everyone here in the US will get scared and rush the banks .. most likely the banks will limit withdrawls ... as for the FDIC .... with every bank in the nation being rushed , and the federal goverment out of money , the FDIC will be nothing more than a fond memory .....

we will see about that kitty cat .... i think i've figured out what the end game for the us will be ...

As you know , our federal and state goverments are BROKE ... that's what defecit spending means ... and as you know everytime we talk about a stimlus , that money comes from other nations , and we raise it by selling T notes ....

China's going to go back to gold.
Dear doom journal

My newest project isn't going as well as i had hoped ... it takes alot out of me trying to spread the word ... i keep hoping against hope that the goverment has a plan B for the economy ... but it proably doesn't ....

i continue to watch the world around me crumble ... at this point i think i would take very little satisfaction out of being proven right when so many once said i was wrong .... :unsure:
You really need some help.


I actually feel sorry for you.
You really need some help.

View attachment 8153

I actually feel sorry for you.

i feel more sorry for you had enough .... i don't think you understand just how fast the unemployment rate is rising ... before they were saying it might hit 8 or 9% for 09 back in 2008 ... now after the retail numbers have come in their talking 12% .... i'm thinking 15%

you just don't have a freaking clue ... all the people being thrown out of their homes , getting their cars repoed , losing their jobs etc ... and your just sitting their thinking it's all going to rebound ... you don't even understand that our goverment is out of money and we have to BORROW money just to pay our bills ... that's what deficit spending means , borrowing money ....

i work in PHX had enough ,our city is short 270 million dollars for the fisical year ... their talking about 22% cuts in every department , that includes fire and police .
Know that there's a big difference between our economy going bankrupt for legitimate reasons and being bankrupted by those that have an axe to grind against the U.S.and having the resources to undermine us from within.

The true labor unionists know who the fight is with. It's getting the membership behind them to want to take action that's the hard part. People have got to care about the country.
i feel more sorry for you had enough .... i don't think you understand just how fast the unemployment rate is rising ... before they were saying it might hit 8 or 9% for 09 back in 2008 ... now after the retail numbers have come in their talking 12% .... i'm thinking 15%

you just don't have a freaking clue ... all the people being thrown out of their homes , getting their cars repoed , losing their jobs etc ... and your just sitting their thinking it's all going to rebound ... you don't even understand that our goverment is out of money and we have to BORROW money just to pay our bills ... that's what deficit spending means , borrowing money ....

i work in PHX had enough ,our city is short 270 million dollars for the fisical year ... their talking about 22% cuts in every department , that includes fire and police .

My advice to you is seek professional help.

No need for your sorrow here because you see I am a survivor. When you have faced a true tragedy in life you learn a thing or two about yourself and life in general. All those things you mention may or may not be true but either way you will have no influence on the outcome. All your doom and gloom will have no effect on anything except your mental state. You will achieve nothing but your own downfall so please seek help. If you are a believer contact a clergy. Talk to your doctor or call EAP. The help is out there for you.
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