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Unions And Concessions

mweiss said:
I have a couple questions about that analysis.

1) What is defined as the "East Coast?" East of the Mississippi? States that touch the Atlantic?
2) US has 77% of what? Passengers? Revenue? RPMs? Passenger-Segments? Lost luggage? :lol:

(sorry, couldn't resist)
Easy answer.

77% of the East Coast supply of whining,
moaning employees who would rather
see their jobs go away completely than
to keep their job, health benefits, and
flying privileges.

Actually, US probably has 77% of the
ASM's in the major business centers
of BOS, PHL, DCA, and CLT. These
are important cities for banking and
financial institutions (Deleware is close
to PHL).
Prince of PAWOBs said:
. It's an insult to ask for more concessions from employees after they gave them once before and have seen no return on their disvestment.
Actually we gave twice. So far my return was some stock thats worth $5 bucks a share less than when issued. Shoulda dumped it like everyone else at $9. 🙁
mweiss said:
I have a couple questions about that analysis.

1) What is defined as the "East Coast?" East of the Mississippi? States that touch the Atlantic?
2) US has 77% of what? Passengers? Revenue? RPMs? Passenger-Segments? Lost luggage? :lol:

(sorry, couldn't resist)
East of the Mississppi.

And hey Spin,

We whinners are gunning for your job, too.
(Sorry couldn't resist!)

You say keep jobs, health benefits and flying priviledges????

Where have you been, U is "self insured". As an example, there will be many employees of MAA that won't be able to afford the medical at 30% contribution, pale, on their wage.

Same with mainline. Contributions are going up every year, to a point where many won't be able to afford it in the forwarding years, as our wages are going down.

As far as flying priviledges....if you ain't going to "timbucktoo", often times you can't get on!!!!!!

And as the airline continues to downsize and use the smaller jets, guess what, less capacity.

I suspect your in managment. Your above post is what we would expect. But, as the rank down sizes, I promise you, so will your jobs too. :up: Hopefully, there will be management openings for you at MAA making that "big buck" with MAA benefits.
Where are you coming from Pitbull?? Are you for MAA or not??? :up: Just wanted to know?? :huh:
Jim Jones once told his followers to drink the kool-aid. They did so without questioning him, because they felt he had thier best interest at heart.
USAirways has shown they can not be trusted, they continue to violate the contracts that they themselves negotiated.
People seem to forget, that when Siegal left the company, he exercised his contractual rights and took everything with him.
I want my contractual rights to be honored! I gave to help save the airline! I'm proud to say I work with the best professionals in the business, in every aspect of the airline from the pilot group on down. I am not afraid to find another job! I like my job, and I intend to fight to keep it! I will not lay down and let someone from the mangement group continue to blame their entire problems on labor costs. Because without the labor and love put forth by the employees, there is no airline!
When the day comes for me to tell my children why I am unemployed I will tell them the truth and together we will face the future and we will grow, because believe it or not, there is a life outside the airline business.
fatherof2 said:
Jim Jones once told his followers to drink the kool-aid. They did so without questioning him, because they felt he had thier best interest at heart.
USAirways has shown they can not be trusted, they continue to violate the contracts that they themselves negotiated.
People seem to forget, that when Siegal left the company, he exercised his contractual rights and took everything with him.
I want my contractual rights to be honored! I gave to help save the airline! I'm proud to say I work with the best professionals in the business, in every aspect of the airline from the pilot group on down. I am not afraid to find another job! I like my job, and I intend to fight to keep it! I will not lay down and let someone from the mangement group continue to blame their entire problems on labor costs. Because without the labor and love put forth by the employees, there is no airline!
When the day comes for me to tell my children why I am unemployed I will tell them the truth and together we will face the future and we will grow, because believe it or not, there is a life outside the airline business.
People seem to forget, that when Siegal left the company, he exercised his contractual rights and took everything with him.
I want my contractual rights to be honored! I gave to help save the airline!
all well and nice but you and i are on the wrong side of the fence for this to happen. 🙁
ktflyhome said:
Where are you coming from Pitbull?? Are you for MAA or not??? :up: Just wanted to know?? :huh:
AFA protects MAA f/as and their contract which is still being negotiated...and we endeavor to improve their work conditions and wages....that doesn't mean I want to work there!

And I won't ever end up there so they don't have to worry about my seniority.

Not interested.

After this job, I am OUT of the airline industry.

Next career....I'll just write about it. :up:
Easy answer.

77% of the East Coast supply of whining,
moaning employees who would rather
see their jobs go away completely than
to keep their job, health benefits, and
flying privileges.

Actually, US probably has 77% of the
ASM's in the major business centers
of BOS, PHL, DCA, and CLT. These
are important cities for banking and
financial institutions (Deleware is close
to PHL).

We interrupt this thread for a blinding flash of the obvious:

USAirways also has 100 percent of the most inept, semi-corrupt, thoughtless, me-first, absolutely-no-integrity, couldn't lead their way out of a paper bag managers just this side of ENRON.

Next time you're on a flight of mine....YOU ARE FIRST CLASS, FIRST ROW, CHAMPAGNE ON THE TABLE, PRONTO! :up: 😉
PineyBob said:
Spin Doc,

You're really beginning to irrigate me! You Pizz me off.

It is very clear that you have no concept of treating those who may not have risen to your station in life with dignity and respect. As a CP Customer I resent it, BIG TIME.
Yea, and take that...you &%$#@$# :angry: :angry:
I don't know Bob...it sure gets me through these days. 😀
Maybe he'll be one of the Roachfest attendees, then you can get an answer to some important questions instead of the hit and run attacks on labor without any real substance to back up anything that the "leaders" of the company are doing to improve the company NOW.

And as for the remark about the 77% whining, have you seen a US Update paper lately or listened to a US Daily or anything else put out by the company? I know we're in trouble, but if you dont want the troops complaining, then stop it already. Is there nothing positive going on that the COMPANY can promote? (Other than Go-Fares, which undoubtedly somewhere in the article usually states that with GoFares we're going to lose money unless (labor) costs come down, blah, blah, blah.) Every positive you guys put out seems to always have a big BUT attached to it. So much for good news. :shock: :down:

Bravo on your remarks. I have to agree with you completely.

The problem is that there is no one in management with the imagination or the confidence to try something different--to think outside the box. Instead they cut corners in ways most easy for themselves, and make labor the bad guy.

Management wants all minimum wage fresh and unexperienced employees and is trying to get the wonderful experienced folks to pack it in. What they don't realize is that this is a deadly mistake--you fine folks who have been out there for so many years are one of the main reasons I stay despite all that is happening. I wrote last week about an experience with "Captain" Ike on a flight from TPA--well US is full of dedicated and well experienced crew members like Captain Ike -- and they should be exalted and promoted-- both in advertising AND perhaps into management!! You folks are the best marketing tool this company has, but all they can think about is what they pay you....ahh to see the forest but for the trees.

That aside, they then move on us the customers--changing schedules to make connections impossible, removing amenities, lowering the service standard...

The sad fact is that we need to change, and FAST, or we are going to go away.

The current business situation cannot support the current financial cost structure. Instead of addressing issues they can control (operational, revenue management, etc.), the company continues to squeeze the employees (and to a lesser degree the customer). So there is a dilemma--we need the experienced people but can no longer afford to pay current wages.....so what do we do?

I don't have the true answers but I have not seen the kind of changes which should have come from above--where are the management givebacks and paycuts? Where are their ideas to reduce costs on the operations side?

I just took two back to back week long trips--one each on US and UA. I did a lot of thinking after observing the difference in service--more to come on that later.

Look you guys are truly the best this industry has to offer, and should be recognized as such. On the other hand things cannot remain status quo?

Come on CCY--think outside the box and take action....and NOT aimed at your best asset the employees.

My best to you all....truly and honestly......
I will start a new thread--but the bottom line is that US first class product is seriously inferior--not the PEOPLE but the PRODUCT.

I just got home and am waiting for the family--let me spend some time with them and I will post details later tonight.

My best to you all...

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