all i can say is don't be too suprised if they go back to court again....
when fighting an opponent for the first time,and you study his ways and come back ; if you are strong you defeat him at a later date....
Boy dude you send mix signals, but I have to agree with most of what you say.
The only precedent setting and binding actions that are written in stone are these facts: Corporate America can and does break contracts daily, they do it all the time.
Look at the PBGC making news recently for having a giant deficient because corporate America is breaking contract after contract and dumping the burden in the PBGC's lap. Those contracts were all signed and meant for hard workers retirement years.
Look at all the retired workers who lost or are losing their healthcare coverage that was in a contract they counted on. Now people way beyond retirement years are taking guard jobs and other little jobs to help pay for their prescriptions and healthcare insurance they lost.
All you need to do is look at all the contracts singed by corporate America and unions that were broken, which is precedent setting and binding in itself.
It has been made easy for corporate America to break contracts and anyone with half a brain realizes this fact. The second a company screams distress, the court system allows them to do whatever they wish in the name of the company’s survival. That entails CEO’s becoming filthy rich and unions members losing everything they worked years for, it is happening daily.
Caterpillar, where the IAM represented workers had a contract with the IAM. They basically did whatever they wanted in spite of the IAM. The fired lazy workers and kept the ones who really wanted to work, they changed contracts and pensions to whatever they felt suited the bottom line, that was precedent setting and binding. That is also, fact.
The working public see these facts and sees what union dues cost and then laughs or cries depending on what side of the fence they are on.
We live in an upside down world that needs drastic change to right itself, but the answer is not in the unions for the working class because they themselves are part of the problem and that is the only thing that is precedent setting and binding.
The IAM has a very sorry track record, that is a fact. Any union can accomplish what the IAM has accomplished. Since the bar is so low, why would anyone want to join a known losing union or pay a penny in dues.
Loyalty only goes so far, eating and supporting your family is the most powerful motivator known to man and why unions are fast become relics.
Ceo’s are becoming multimillionaires while the working class sinks to the very bottom of the pits needing every dime they can come across, so why would they throw a dime at union dues that didn’t stop them from looking at the high dirty walls surrounding them, why? Precedent setting and binding alright.