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Unions And Concessions

If I were an employee of USAirways, I would consider some concessions under certain circumstances. These circumstances include:

1. Taking a meat axe to bloated management that appears unable to lead. The company needs leaders. Creative people who will try something drastic to save the firm. It entails some risk but Hoss, this thing ain't gonna be saved without exposure to risk.

2. Moving the corporate offices out of Crystal City to someplace cheap...like an abandoned strip mall near Pittsburgh or a metal building adjacent to Charlotte Douglas Intl Airport.

3. Company officers (and all employees, actually) limited to flying NRSA in Y unless flying for official company business, in which case they can go NRMR - but still in Y. These clowns put their britches on one leg at a time...same as the folks whose labor has built the company. They need to understand - they are nothing special.

4. A radical restructuring of the entire fare system...company wide...every city, every flight, every market. Squeezing folks for their last nickel generates a whole lot more hostility and antipathy from the traveling public than it generates revenue. The management keeps throwing America West contracts at the employees. Okay fine. You want folks to work for HP wages, start charging people HP fares.

5. Build on the strengths, but be aggressive. Throwing some flights in and out of LGA and DCA is good, but doing it because you can extract enormous high fares from those markets is not the way to go about it. The fares need to come down. The resident WN-hater Art_at_ISP is fond of saying "it's the fares, stupid." he's exactly right.

Now, what sort of concessions, if I were at USAirways....would I be willing to give up? management is whining because everyone is too senior. Okay, adjust the seniority tables. Leave the contracts alone but reduce everyone's seniority by 50%. What that does...is provide the employees with the built in "snapback." if the company survives...even thrives....then they will accrue seniority again and be able to get back to where they were. I am no friend of organized labor, but come on.....the bosses here need to quit playing games. USAirways has a habit of getting managers that are difficult to trust.

I honestly don't know which way this thing is going to go. But I am convinced that this thing will not be fixed by attempting to manage one's way out of it with the same tired concessions/beat down labor/business as usual bandaids. The patient is expiring on the operating table. Do you sew them up and let them die in a year or two....or do you risk everything, throw caution to the wind, perform the radical surgery necessary for a permanent cure?

Right now the folks in charge are being conservative. That's not the answer.
1. Taking a meat axe to bloated management that appears unable to lead.
I'm sure there are a few here who would happily take that suggestion literally...

3. Company officers (and all employees, actually) limited to flying NRSA in Y unless flying for official company business, in which case they can go NRMR - but still in Y.

You want folks to work for HP wages, start charging people HP fares.
Can I hear an "AMEN" from the congregation!

Well put, as usual, ELP!

You kill me. 10am EST time or not at least you made me laugh. Isn't it beer thirty
EST. If so, have one on me.

Dave is that you? Dave? Dave? Come on, is that you playing another silly game with us you little varmint? We would know that silly little pesky vermin speech anywhere!!!!
Michael and ELP,

No need for me to add to this thread; y'all did just fine.

Thank you.
PITbull said:
Hey Mole,

Sure sound like USA320...is he your brother or something....?

First of all I don't believe you know who U competitors are..I'll enlighten you as did our AFA financial analyst:

10% is Delta
5% is American
5% is United
2% is SW
1% is America West


with the pace of and lack of total participation in negotiations,i'd expect gecas to be pulling the plug on finances sometime soon in september.then we will breach the atsb plan.
what happens then??
run on down to court again or bit by bit does it all start comming unglued?
colorado_cowboy said:
If a yes vote is cast the employees of U will take massive lay off's and pay cuts. If a no vote is cast the employees of U will take massive lay off's and pay cuts.
Except the fact that it’s over Mole.... now go back to your hole (Crystal City) where you belong.
colorado cowboy

You forgot to mention however that a yes will keep the majority employed. A no vote will put all into the unemployement line (except for upper management as exhibited by Dave Siegel's new job).
FM2436 said:
colorado cowboy

You forgot to mention however that a yes will keep the majority employed. A no vote will put all into the unemployement line (except for upper management as exhibited by Dave Siegel's new job).
i think its going to domino in before it gets to that point.
FM2436:You forgot to mention however that a yes will keep the majority employed

Majority of whom? The ones at the control of the "virtual" arline? Abstractions are always great for positive press and broad statements...coming down the ladder of abstraction is to be avoided by the purveyors of corporatespeak.

Rah Rah.
ELP_WN_Psgr said:
Leave the contracts alone but reduce everyone's seniority by 50%.
The problem with most of your proposals is that US is too weakened strategically and too small to be the force of change in an industry where six badly bruised gladiators are out to kill each other while still being able to walk away with all four limbs. Not only does US have to compete against some very aggressive LCCs but they are being shot at by 5 other “big boysâ€￾ that want a bigger piece of the key NE markets.

Moving headquarters from CCY will not cost money and distract a bunch of very distractable folks at the time when they most need to be aware of what is going on around them. Probably needs to happen but not now.

I know you’re being dead serious about the comment above but I had to laugh. This presupposes that employees will be able to work longer to make up for the lost seniority. Right now, everything US is doing to employees is shortening their life spans. Of course, maybe part of the strategy is simply to work the people until they drop dead on the job. However, momma and the kids are on their own for sure.

US employees,
Do you have a benefit where US will carry your bodies back to your final resting place for free? I believe some of the airlines used to provide that benefit to their employees.

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