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Good for you. Given enough you say. You have NO idea what enough is. But you are about to find out. Is your job enough? Because that is what you are giving with your no vote. Congratulations. Enough is enough. No way they will shut it down. Right? Bluffing. Right? Get on the phone and start hunting for that job. Because that is what you just gave up.

Taylor & Deltawatch:

Each union reached tentative agreements with the company because without further concessions the unions believe the airline will liquidate.

With a liquidation there will be immediate loss of pay, no back pay, no severance pay, no benefits, no medical insurance, no paybacks, a PBGC minimum retirement, loss of profit sharing and/or restricted stock, no J4J if desired, no recall if desired, and economic devastation for thousands of employees, their families, and the collateral business' at US' major hubs.

Can you tell me the benefit of your vote and why you believe your decision, which goes against your union recommendation, will help US, its employees, and those interested in the success of the company?

If the union leadership is right and the company does liquidate over failed TA's, what useful purpose will your vote have served?

Funny how Chip was bashing the Unions in the beginning now he wants to use them to get folks to vote yes....Chip....50 percent of the CWA leaders are saying vote NO.....the cover letter is a joke.
Last one out...turn off the lights....Hope I am wrong, but we will be out of business or working for 13.00 per hour by April.....Whoopie!!!!
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/3/2003 2:46:58 PM mrplanes wrote:
[P]Dawoo:[BR][BR]which should it be? 13 an hour or out of business? What's your preference? Tons of 13 an hour jobs out there with free flying thrown in just for incentive. I think WalMart offers that kind of deal.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]i guess that depends on your perspective...free flying[BR]i guess...if you a pilot you have the js ...but as aircraft keep getting parked and frequency is less,the joy of nonrev travel is a farce...ask some of the people who have been forced to move and are commuting...with the loss leader fares its better to just buy a ticket .....[BR][BR]as for 13.00 an hour vs walmart.....have you ever had 120 plus pax in your face because the 7p flt has cancelled which you had no control over but you have to deal with....it is a terrible situation no matter how much money you make, but 20.00 made it a little easier...13.00 might be stretching it...[BR]vacation would probably be the hardest to get used to....9.00 an hour with FULL PAID BENIFETS AND STOCK in a healthy company might take some getting used to but it is workable.[BR][BR]remember...not everyone has the same issues....[BR]if people say enough and vote "NO" it is their decision not yours...[BR]sit back , relax and enjoy the show[BR][BR][BR][BR][BR]

which should it be? 13 an hour or out of business? What's your preference? Tons of 13 an hour jobs out there with free flying thrown in just for incentive. I think WalMart offers that kind of deal.

which should it be? 13 an hour or out of business? What's your preference?

My decision.... I am NOT working and putting up with all the stress for $13.00 per hour. So Out of business is fine with me. Airline tickets are cheap, flying for free means nothing anymore. Still voting NO...CYA at Wallmart...or should I say...Welcome to Wallmart...LOL
BTW, I am sure this will pass, but for me Enough is Enough. That is why I get to voice my opinion and case one vote. We all work together, We all leave together.
On 1/2/2003 12:01:44 PM deltawatch wrote:

I have not run into one fellow CWA person that has voted Yes. All no's. And I have been asking everyone I run into how they voted.
I know plenty of CWA "yes" voters, myself included. Mostly the no voters are the ones talking about it, trying to rally support to shut the airline down. But I know plenty of agents who are voting yes, even the ones who know they are going to be eventually be furloughed. As far as I am concerned I haven't spent 17 years at this company to just throw away my job because I don't like all the changes. Life all about making choices and I choose to stay at this job and try to make the best of it. Otherwise I would quit and look for something else, and leave the job for someone who wants it. No one is forcing me to stay and work under these conditions. The no voters are so funny, talking about how the company is going to "force" people to work for 13 an hour blah blah blah. They obviously haven't read the want ads, put their resume on monster, or interviewed at any other companies. First if there is a company that will even hire you, you get your 13 an hour. Kiss your vacation goodbye, you are starting all over. And guess what, your medical probably won't be any better. It is going to be a nasty reality check for some people.
On 12/31/2002 3:43:36 PM insp89 wrote:

I will be voting "NO" in round 2....We gave away too much in round 1 !!!!! I have no problem with giving the company what they want concerning R&D,,, But I draw the line at ANOTHER paycut -5% WHEN,,,,not if- we get involved further with IRAQ..Also there is no need to hit us further in the health insurance area !!! The 2 DAVES are coming at us with all they got while we are in bankrupcy... THEY have enough from the mechanics ALREADY...They can revisit management if they want more $$$$. I understand upper management will STILL be receiving BONUSES three years from now while our concessions go on till 2008 !! I believe the THREAT of liquidation is just that... a THREAT..Management would simply be FOOLS to throw in the towel after all the concessions they ALREADY have..As for all the -DOOM & GLOOMERS-out there that believe the company needs more $$$ to make the ATSB happy,, DON'T BELIEVE THEM...Just remember,,Figures don't Lie,,,,,Only LIARS figure !!!
On 1/2/2003 11:10:25 AM drifterreno wrote:

I liked the size of his letters in his first post. Didn't have to put my reading glasses on to read it. [/blockquote]

I complained about the font size to admin but didn't get much of a response. Course, they change their format every 2mo so it's probably hard for them to keep up.
On 1/4/2003 12:41:07 AM insp89 wrote:

On 12/31/2002 3:43:36 PM insp89 wrote:

I will be voting "NO" in round 2....We gave away too much in round 1 !!!!! I have no problem with giving the company what they want concerning R&D,,, But I draw the line at ANOTHER paycut -5% WHEN,,,,not if- we get involved further with IRAQ..Also there is no need to hit us further in the health insurance area !!! The 2 DAVES are coming at us with all they got while we are in bankrupcy... THEY have enough from the mechanics ALREADY...They can revisit management if they want more $$$$. I understand upper management will STILL be receiving BONUSES three years from now while our concessions go on till 2008 !! I believe the THREAT of liquidation is just that... a THREAT..Management would simply be FOOLS to throw in the towel after all the concessions they ALREADY have..As for all the -DOOM & GLOOMERS-out there that believe the company needs more $$$ to make the ATSB happy,, DON'T BELIEVE THEM...Just remember,,Figures don't Lie,,,,,Only LIARS figure !!!

First of all I know of many more employees that are voting YES!!!! than No. It is funny to me that the NO voters always have the biggest mouths and typically the lowest IQ's.

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