Union Thugs disrupt school day

Ah, I see the pearl clutching is starting early this morning. Fun!

No there aren't. If you have specific examples of the physical safety of these children being threatened as a direct result of this action, then post it, and we can discuss it..
Three days later no examples. The drama has died down except in the imagination of Chicken Little.
Aren't you on record being a union goon?
No, am a highly trained trade unionist with some eight years as a skilled, successful steward who followed the CBA.

Union goons go off half cocked.


Union goons, most likely Federal Employees....


Skilled, highly trained trade unionists who abide by the CBA.
No, am a highly trained trade unionist with some eight years as a skilled, successful steward who followed the CBA.

Union goons go off half cocked.


This was a set up, and that the footage that went viral was heavily edited, but you already knew that...

The man was defending himself from a Fox News goon (Steven Crowder)... Imagine that!
This was a set up, and that the footage that went viral was heavily edited, but you already knew that...

The man was defending himself from a Fox News goon (Steven Crowder)... Imagine that!

Actually it has never been proven who pushed the union goon to the deck.

Actually I was going to use a picture of SEIU union goons but all the people they accosted were bleeding profusely and would upset some.
Personally, I'm more then a little uncomfortable calling every union member a "thug".

I'm pretty sure there is enough blame to go all the way around.

As long as there is no physical initiation of force there can be no thuggery. Nor should there be.