Union Thugs disrupt school day

I can't speak to that, I certainly wouldn't.

You already have.

There are many single family or dual working parent households, I'm sure many children are expecting to get themselves up and out of the house in the morning alone and wait for the bus.

Again: If they're old enough to be trusted to do that, then they're old enough to have a plan in place should the bus not come. Socioeconomic condtions don't apply to that.

Why would the parenting norms be different here than say suburban community in middle America?

Who said they were?
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Seriously Kev if you still don't see how this is a safety concern, you must be delusional and will never understand. So funny since labor activists and officials are often the first to throw around the safety card when it suits their agenda. So funny you are now going on about this after all the drama last summer about the bus monitor in NY (Rochester?) that got a windfall of financial support for a few harsh words by ill mannered students, and touted her role as a safety professional much like F/A unions do.

You don't see how this would be troubling especially for special needs children in wheelchairs, or with other disabilities that rely on the buses to get to school?

I did not say either way how parents send their children to school, you mid attributed your own quote back to me. Each parent is different, probably some stand out with their children while others are absentee parents altogether. I did not grow up taking school buses, I was either driven by my Mom or carpool and later walked then drove myself to school.

Can you point to me to where I "touted" the bus monitor?

Surely you're not misquoting me again, are you?

And, really: no one's "going on" about anything; I'm simply refuting your hysterical claims.

Again: Disruptive? You bet. Dangerous? Not so much. There is a distinct difference between the two. Your insistence on conflating the two doesn't change that.
Can you point to me to where I "touted" the bus monitor?

Surely you're not misquoting me again, are you?

And, really: no one's "going on" about anything; I'm simply refuting your hysterical claims.

Again: Disruptive? You bet. Dangerous? Not so much. There is a distinct difference between the two. Your insistence on conflating the two doesn't change that.

So where is your outrage that the DRIVERS broke the contract ?
Tell me what part of the "Signed" contract, Veolia broke, that caused these drivers to walk and I'll show you my outrage?
Tell me what part of the "Signed" contract, Veolia broke, that caused these drivers to walk and I'll show you my outrage?

GOP shut down the DOL and these clowns took that as a reason to wildcat.

I see big fine over the horizon......

You can't stick this on Veolia....no way.
I hear ya, but do we know how far along things were process-wise? I haven't seen it noted anywhere, so until we have a clearer picture, I'll let Josh & Southwind handle the jumping to conclusions...
A one day walkout

The end of the world as we know it!

Really, some of y'all need to get over somethin'
Hey, if all else fails,...they gave Veolia 'something to think about'.

(like, BEWARE. This is BOSTON,...Not Atlanta GEORGIA ) !!!!

And as an aside,
I THANK GOD, every payday when I look at the pay-stub and see the spot that says ...UNION DUES....X amt. of dollars !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOD BLESS Organized Labor !
Tell me what part of the "Signed" contract, Veolia broke, that caused these drivers to walk and I'll show you my outrage?

"According to the Globe, the union filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations board, highlighting that Veolia, the Illinois-based transportation vender that manages the school district's bus system, "had refused to bargain with the union, had unilaterally implemented changes to terms and conditions of their contract, had refused to recognize their union and its officers, and had refused to abide by the grievance and arbitration process."
It's called a wildcat and it isn't legal.

Probably won't matter, Obama owns DOL.

It's called a wildcat and it isn't legal.

Probably won't matter, Obama owns DOL.

I told ya' long time ago

When people can't get justice, they will take it

See, American Revolution, for example...

The revolution is coming

They start off slow, and, then....

Seriously, if... IF their claims are even a little true, that ain't legal either... So, confronted with ongoing illegal acts by the company, and no legal recourse... What then?

The one day wildcat got things off TDC. Risky, yeah, but when you get folks cornered, that what you get sometimes
