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Sonny Hall Retires

scorpion. go to the hall make a motion to have your name submited to the convention, let the members decide if you should be concidered and than submit the results to your convention delegates to have the delegates vote at the convention.

Term limits, we have them in Oklahoma, Your limits in the TWU is set by the elections at the conventions and constitution.
Actually I have more than a clue. As I, as evidence of your question, already am aware of the processes you questioned, thus making you the one clueless. I saw your question as an example of idiocracy, sorry for my previous answer. Do you park in handicapped?
Calvin said:
Actually I have more than a clue. As I, as evidence of your question, already am aware of the processes you questioned, thus making you the one clueless. I saw your question as an example of idiocracy, sorry for my previous answer. Do you park in handicapped?


Does a Diploma come with that?
I would like to extend my well wishes to Sonny Hall upon his retirement. Thank you for your dedicated service, and leadership for the TWU.

Good luck, and enjoy your retirement. :up:

Calvin said:
Actually I have more than a clue. As I, as evidence of your question, already am aware of the processes you questioned, thus making you the one clueless. I saw your question as an example of idiocracy, sorry for my previous answer. Do you park in handicapped?
Not sure who your addressing but if this info is in the twu constitution what page is it on. I asked nightwatch if he/she had a clue and you jumped in so I can assume your not sure who you are or maybe you just fu@#ed up and forgot what alias to use but in any case I stand by my comment that you or your split personality have no clue.
Calvin said:
I'm sorry, you never mentioned that only NW could respond.
You still didn't give an intelligent answer but your response is duly noted.
Checking it Out said:
The convention is next year, He is filling a vacancy and will run at that time! Don't forget we vote for convention delegates who will in turn vote for the officers of the International!

How do we fire Little? The flight attendants fired their representative to the company. The pilots fired their representative to the company. Did Hall sign in our contract "without further ratification" or did Little? So Hall the guy who appointed our representative to the company retired, of his own accord. Little remains in place. The members still have no control over who has control over their contract and there is no way for the members to change that within the TWU.

Don't forget we vote for convention delegates who will in turn vote for the officers of the International

And is that vote recorded? How can members find out how their representative voted?

Will the Convention be like the last one where the incumbants declared that there will be no campaining on the floor while handing out "donated" (by some friedly corporation no doubt) "Sonny" T-shirts?

Who is Mike O'Brien? What airline did he work for?

What they left out of the article is that while membership went up by 30% (however the reported number does not agree with the LM-2 which says the TWU has 110,000 members, not 130,000) that the average real wage of TWU members declined by 30%.
scorpion said:
So how does a member get his name on the ballot to run for one of these international positions?
i think mike j quill is a write in
Checking it Out said:
Have you noticed the 35 thousand increase in the last 10 years? That almost doubles Amfa's record in the same time frame!

No but I did notice that the LM-2 only says the TWU has 110,000 members. Thats a 25,000 member discrepancy!

Not only that but if you factor in that extra 25,000 members with the dues income it lowers the average TWU members wage to nearly minimum wage!

So does the TWU have 110,000 members or 135,000 members. Remember I will be forwarding this information to the DOL!
Bob Owens said:
No but I did notice that the LM-2 only says the TWU has 110,000 members. Thats a 25,000 member discrepancy!

Not only that but if you factor in that extra 25,000 members with the dues income it lowers the average TWU members wage to nearly minimum wage!

So does the TWU have 110,000 members or 135,000 members. Remember I will be forwarding this information to the DOL!

OOOHHH!!!! Idle threats. You are making me hot Bobby!!!!!!! Got anything else???

Has anyone noticed that the ones on this board who cry and whine the loudest have been jilted by the TWU. "Ousted-Dual-Unionism Bob" cries (and threatens) quite a bit and "Too bad Decision 2004 Didn't Go your Way Dave", well, noone seems to want him, he fills these boards with more BS then all of us put together!!! Just a couple of cry babies without a home!!!!! Boohoo!!! Since amfa seems to be going nowhere fast, we will take you back, no hard feelings boys!! NOT!!!!!!
O'Brien joined TWU Local 282 in 1972 as a school bus driver in Bristol Township, PA. He began representing fellow Local 282 members as a Shop Steward in 1975.

Local 282?

Apparently the Local is so small that they dont even file a LM-2! There is no information available and the local does not even have a website.

What can we gather from the fact that Sonny has chosen a school bus driver from the backwoods of PA to be the President of the TWU? Can we assume that we have a leader with a mandate who knows that he has strong membership suppport or even recognition? No, we can assume that Sonny has taken someone from a Local that is so small that the President was at most a part time job, in other words acting as President when he was not driving a school bus, unless of course Sonny arraged for the company or the International to pay him, probably making about $9/hr, brought him up, given him a six figure salary and placed a face that no body knows in his chair for all the photo ops etc. All he has to do is play the game as he is told, or, go back to PA and $9/hr driving kids around the neighborhood. Hmmm, what choice do you think he will make? What choice did he already made?

This is the version of TWU "Change". Change the face-nothing else.

As TWUer admits, those who try to change from within will be removed by the powers that be. Chuck and I were both elected by overwhelming majorities by our coworkers, the International removed us.

TWUer and others on the TWU take always say "participate", but when people participate and try to bring in change they are accused of being "AMFA supporters", "anti-union", "scabs" etc. So tell us TWUer what do you have against the members who simply want democracy and accountability? Do you fear exposure?
Bob Owens said:
O'Brien joined TWU Local 282 in 1972 as a school bus driver in Bristol Township, PA. He began representing fellow Local 282 members as a Shop Steward in 1975.

Local 282?

Apparently the Local is so small that they dont even file a LM-2! There is no information available and the local does not even have a website.

What can we gather from the fact that Sonny has chosen a school bus driver from the backwoods of PA to be the President of the TWU? Can we assume that we have a leader with a mandate who knows that he has strong membership suppport or even recognition? No, we can assume that Sonny has taken someone from a Local that is so small that the President was at most a part time job, in other words acting as President when he was not driving a school bus, unless of course Sonny arraged for the company or the International to pay him, probably making about $9/hr, brought him up, given him a six figure salary and placed a face that no body knows in his chair for all the photo ops etc. All he has to do is play the game as he is told, or, go back to PA and $9/hr driving kids around the neighborhood. Hmmm, what choice do you think he will make? What choice did he already made?

This is the version of TWU "Change". Change the face-nothing else.

As TWUer admits, those who try to change from within will be removed by the powers that be. Chuck and I were both elected by overwhelming majorities by our coworkers, the International removed us.

TWUer and others on the TWU take always say "participate", but when people participate and try to bring in change they are accused of being "AMFA supporters", "anti-union", "scabs" etc. So tell us TWUer what do you have against the members who simply want democracy and accountability? Do you fear exposure?

No need in beating a dead horse Bob. It is your type or "participation" that brings unions down. You cannot and choose not to explain why you DID NOT resign your PAID position with the TWU and then try to sell amfa.

And fear exposure???? Exposure to what??? You get on here and preach your "Owenisms" and "Bob's Opinions of the Day" and expect us all to fall at your feet and believe every word you say. You rant and rave with the best of 'em Bobby!! You are entitled to your opinions just as everyone else on here but you are the kind who don't want to hear anyone else's opinions. Heck, you even correct your own amfa brothers Bob. If it is not what Bob believes then it is crap! You get removed from a TWU position because you no longer support the TWU and all of a sudden it is "the TWU has no democracy, no accountability, they are all crooks..I'm telling the DOL!!!!!!! Like I said before Bob, boohoo!!! All you can claim as a positive for amfa is that it can remove Delle. Big friggin deal. Delle thinks BK is the better alternative and now thanks to Delle the whole damn industry will more than likely feel the effects, the dominoe effect if you will. I know you will try to pin that on the TWU but we along with the FA and pilots saved more the amfa could ever claim to.

The only thing I am exposing is how crappy amfa really is. Smoke and mirrors Bob. The proof is in the pudding Bob, they don't hold a candle Bob and what ever other little diddy you want to add Bob.

Just to remind us Bob, what has amfa done or what do they plan to do in the near future (they do have a plan don't they???????? :huh: ) to protect the profession? It's funny, I ask this question every once and a while but can never really get any straight answers........from anybody. It always turns into a TWU bashing answer. Wonder why that is Bob???
twuer said:
No need in beating a dead horse Bob. It is your type or "participation" that brings unions down. You cannot and choose not to explain why you DID NOT resign your PAID position with the TWU and then try to sell amfa.

Well I have covered it, but you simply choose to ignore it and just keep asking the same question over and over again.

And fear exposure???? Exposure to what???

Well then why do you hide behind an alias?

You get on here and preach your "Owenisms" and "Bob's Opinions of the Day" and expect us all to fall at your feet and believe every word you say.

I share an opinion, you are the one who avoids debate and tries to make me, instead of what I say, the issue.

You rant and rave with the best of 'em Bobby!! You are entitled to your opinions just as everyone else on here but you are the kind who don't want to hear anyone else's opinions.

Oh really? And what do you base that opinion on? What makes you think that I dont want to hear any other opinions? If that was the case instead of going after what was said I would go after who said it, like you do.

Heck, you even correct your own amfa brothers Bob.

So? Is there something wrong with that? I've been corrected also. Would you rather that we follow the TWU mantra of follow the boss, even when he is dead wrong? I guess you do if you want one of those International spots right?

If it is not what Bob believes then it is crap!

Thats your opinion.

You get removed from a TWU position because you no longer support the TWU and all of a sudden it is "the TWU has no democracy, no accountability, they are all crooks..I'm telling the DOL!!!!!!!

Not quite, as the Treasurer I often wrote and spoke about problems with the lack of Democracy within the TWU. I wrote to Sonny Hall on more than one occasion and to every TWU President that had E-mail available. However the International did not like the fact that I called for Little removal, thats why I was removed. You see according to your way of thinking one must support the International no matter how much they harm the labor movement, and thats simply just wrong.

Like I said before Bob, boohoo!!! All you can claim as a positive for amfa is that it can remove Delle. Big friggin deal. Delle thinks BK is the better alternative and now thanks to Delle the whole damn industry will more than likely feel the effects, the dominoe effect if you will. I know you will try to pin that on the TWU but we along with the FA and pilots saved more the amfa could ever claim to.

Democracy is only one of the benifits that AMFA offers. Another thing that AMFA offers is the possibility of uniting all the mechanics into one union, you know "solidarity, unity, strength in numbers and all those other slogans that you like to chant out, AMFA actually will seek to make those slogans a reality. The TWU would rather chase casino workers, security guards, government and utility workers instead of seeking to unify airline workers. Even the SEUI put out a paper criticizing such as structure as being inefficient and ineffective at representing any group of workers when they try to represent too many different types of workers. The only reason for a transportation union to go after non-transportation related workers is to diversify the membership and prevent the formation of internal resistance to corrupt leaders.

The only thing I am exposing is how crappy amfa really is. Smoke and mirrors Bob. The proof is in the pudding Bob, they don't hold a candle Bob and what ever other little diddy you want to add Bob.

Well have you? Where is the proof or the pudding? I have not seen it. Like I asked quite a while back; What is wrong with the idea of uniting all the mechanics in one union? That can be expanded to "What is wrong with the idea of uniting the entire industry into one union, like real industrial union? Do you deny that having us all split up between the TWU, IAM and IBT, none of which are "airline unions" is inferior in concept to having us all united in one union? Do you deny that as the TWUs presence grows in this industry wages and benifits decline? All we need to do is look at AA, Allied, Worldwide, Triangle and Swissport to find the lowest wages in the industry and all are represented by the TWU. Basically this structure leaves us with the worst of both worlds. We do not have true industrial unionism because each and every airport has several different unions representing the same type of workers and we do not have craft unionism because we are all lumped together along corporate lines.

Just to remind us Bob, what has amfa done or what do they plan to do in the near future (they do have a plan don't they???????? :huh: ) to protect the profession? It's funny, I ask this question every once and a while but can never really get any straight answers........from anybody. It always turns into a TWU bashing answer. Wonder why that is Bob???

I think that its self explanitory, if you had an ounce of unionism in you, you would understand the concept of getting everyone into one union, then work towards standardizing contracts, thus removing our wages as a factor of competition between carriers. Does that answer your question? Are you prepared to answer the same? What is the TWUs plan, either long or short term?After 50 years of collecting dues and over 20 years of concessions has the TWU even bothered to make a plan, or do they consider our present course, which according to CIO has pumped up membership by another 35000 the way to continue?
Just to add to Bob's comment of correcting others, he has corrected me on several occasions and I for one appreciate it.